Dear Florida

Dear Florida,

I think about you everyday.  And I think about writing to you everyday, but everyday goes by and I don’t get around to it.  Today, I am going to try and stay with this update.  The trouble is, I have settled into my new/old surroundings.  My family, my friends, my new home, my job are all so new and familiar and my routines of work and home and family and friends keeps me way busy and when I have time off I’m usually just comatose watching TV.  So I apologize for my lack of communication and how it must feel that I’ve abandoned you, without a thought to our time together.  I have not forgotten you.  As I said I think about you everyday.

Where to begin, I am much happier to be back than I thought I would ever be.  All of the elements of life that I was missing in Florida are here. I’m finally feeling settled.  Although I liked all of my residences during my time with you I never really felt settled.  NOW I feel settled. Although I don’t see myself living in this particular house more than a year I know that I am settled in this area and not going to make any knee jerk moves abandoning my family and friends again.  I mean that said, I am all for visiting you and staying for any amount of time but I will never move my permanent residence again. At least I don’t plan on it.  I know I felt a little like a failure when I made the decision to return here but Arthur had a good point.  I wanted to move to Florida for many years, feeling like I was missing something.  Ya know, it’s because I moved too soon back in 1980 when I moved back to Sewickley from Coconut Grove.  I wasn’t ready to move back then and ever since then I felt like there was unfinished business between me and Florida.  And I finally got to return.  Not to south Florida but Florida none the less.  And I had a good go of it. I was able to live in several different areas, meet lots of different people.  I became a writer, a Reiki hospice volunteer, a Gulf sea floater, I made a glass mirror with my glass artist friend, I babysat turtle nests, I helped Tim change his trach, I lived in the woods with my mom for 6 months (that’s another book/letter), put on 20 lbs and became a big beach walker.  I enjoyed the weather everyday, and became friends with little lizards.  I did it.  I lived in Florida, BUT now I’m back.  I got it out of my system and I no longer feel like I’m missing anything.  Although I was always happy with the weather and friends it never felt like home.

Now, I finally feel like I’m home.  I love my neighbors, I love my commute, I see the city everyday with a fresh view in the morning and several views throughout the day from the 60th floor.  Not everyone gets that experience.  It is really special and I am grateful everyday. I see my kids enough, get to help my son entertain his new puppy so he can get his chores done (just like a grandma), I am participating in life.  Lots of social events, dinner, plays, a magic show! A wedding and there is now some traveling in my future.  Nothing major, no European trips yet, but can they be far behind?

Miss Daisy

So how are you doing?  I’m reading some crazy “Florida Man” stuff all the time. Central Florida especially seems to have “too weird to be true” stories.  But other stories that are worrisome are more sharks, more brain eating ameba, and then the hurricane scares.  Of course the north has their share of snow storms which can be just as crippling as hurricanes in stopping business but they are no where near as destructive.  Speaking of snow storms, I’m still not prepared.  I ordered a pair of snow boots from Amazon but I had to return them. They weren’t perfect.  I need to get this taken care of before December.

I’ve been thinking about buying a Lake House.  You know as much as I can “buy” anything, but that’s what I’m dreaming about these days.  I know I could actually buy a Florida condo but I think a Lake/Country house is really what would make me happy. In particular these certain Lake Houses have beautiful sunsets – that is another thing I brought with me from Florida – my love of sunsets.  Soon I’ll be seeing stunning sunrises over the city on my way to work (with the time change) but it’s sunsets that are close to my heart. 

There’s some misnomers that people always think about when they think of Florida.  Bugs being of particular concern.  While it is true that Palmetto bugs can be very offputting (and large) I have more bugs here in my Pittsburgh home than I ever had in Florida.  I am inundated with fruit flies.  They are in every room of my house – not just the kitchen.  I’ve had centipedes, grass hoppers, crickets and today I saw a stink bug.  Centipedes are funny. I had one that was crossing the floor and when it saw me coming it froze, as if he thought if he stayed still I wouldn’t see him.  I had bees living in the wall and had to pay big bucks to have them removed.  I may have over reacted but I was afraid they would get inside the house.  They were yellow jackets, not honey bees, so I didn’t hurt the environment.  Then there are animals, possums, raccoons, deer (although I like them) all on my deck.  In Florida I only remember cats – and lots of them – in DeLand.  Of course I would never want to ever go in standing water because of alligators.  Ever.  I guess that’s why my interest in a Lake House might be surprising but Lakes in Pennsylvania do not have alligators.  At least not yet.  There were 3 alligators caught in Pittsburgh this summer.  That is very unsettling.

I like the cool weather a lot more than I used to.  I don’t think I was having hot flashes when I left Pittsburgh before so that might be helping me appreciate the cooler weather.  I still love the heat but I don’t dread the chill in the air like I might have once.  Actually I like the 50 degree mornings.  I just need to dress better for the afternoon chill.  I will figure this out. 

I have warm-up trips planned to get me through some of the cold months.  California next month and then Florida in January for a wedding. I’ll visit my Stetson friends at that time, if there are any friends left.

Next week I start hospice volunteering again.  They use Reiki volunteers here too so I am looking forward to incorporating that back into my life.

And that leaves writing.  Both Reiki and Writing are my two biggest takeaways from my time with you.  While I will be getting back to Reiki I have yet to find a way to continue writing.  But I will figure it out.  All of this takes time.

Oh and Arthur?  He said had I never gone back to Florida and had that experience I would never feel as settled being back as I do now.  All those years missing Florida, after 1980, and I can finally be happy.  So no failure there.  It is actually a huge win.  Isn’t that something?  Isn’t that Arthur something?

I still have trouble processing all the coming and goings and people that I meet and then leave.  And my love of some of my places where I lived.  The Winn-Dixie in Palm Harbor – I loved looking at the sunsets from the parking lot.  Isn’t that weird?  But a memory that has stuck with me.  A lot of Palm Harbor memories.  A lot of Treasure Island memories too.  DeLand I could take or leave (and leave I did).  I wish I was happier about leaving those Gulf side homes as well.  Well I have my yearly trip to Siesta Key still, I’ll just have to incorporate a ride up the coast every year for some Fireside Pizza.

But for now, I have to figure out what to wear tomorrow.  Today was 90 degrees and tomorrow is going to be 70.  I don’t know what to wear.  Is it long sleeve weather?  Today was so hot.  I did my “gardening” which consisted of dumping out my dead summer plants (in pots), replanting in the ground my summer plants that are still living and struggling to live, buying some mums, and anyway I was soaked through from sweat.  Soaked.through. Now tomorrow it’s long sleeves?  Do I put my summer clothes away?  Next week it might be back up into the 80’s.  I’m not gonna lie.  I still love the hot weather. I just need the closet space.

Don’t be mad that I haven’t written sooner. I’ve been getting settled.  It’s taking longer than I thought but it’s all been good.  Thank you again for all of your help these past years. I do think about you every day and I hope we can keep in touch.  I will always have a piece of you in my heart.



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On Golden Pond

If I had my lake house I would be heading up there after work today.  Fall is in the air which seems to make a lot of people around here happy and Fall just seems to be a time to be at a Lake House.  Not that I haven’t lived here all of my life, minus the last 5 years, so I’m used to weather here, but it seems to be an unusually short summer this year.  I remember still being cold in the first week of June just a mere 2 months ago.  JUNE. And it’s not even September yet.  I got through last winter having arrived January 25 knowing there were just a couple more months to go of the frigid stuff. Thinking I have about 10 months to go before I’m “hot” again is making me pretty anxious.  That’s not to say it won’t be miserably hot and humid next week ….I’m just saying…it’s a re-adjustment.  Being gone 5 years is not enough time to forget how much I hate being cold. I’m worried about my coping skills.

I really do want a Lake House.

One of my best memories before I moved to Florida was when I lived in the city and would go to the country on the weekends.  I LOVED that.  The hustle and bustle during the week was balanced by the clean air (near the nuclear power plant?) of the weekends.  I work with someone now who goes to her parents place every weekend at Conneaut Lake – a mere 1.5 hours from the big city.  EVERY weekend.  And has been doing that all her life.  Doesn’t that seem like a great idea?  A lake house for the kids to come to.  Maybe not every weekend – but a visit now and then.  Heck, it’s a struggle to get a visit from them when I’m 3 miles away so I’m dreaming (as usual). That said Jimmy has already offered to buy the boat.  LOL.  He also said I should get a house right on the lake, to which I responded that he would have to buy that as well.  There’s quite a bit of price difference between on the lake and one block back. 

I am not one to let my mind relax as I am already already on to my next “what should I do with myself” living-in-my-head self.  Larry pointed out that I just got settled and maybe I should “set” a bit. I am trying to take his advice into consideration, setting a bit, but it seems like when I decide to set, I get a pop-up notice that a new house has just gone on the market at Conneaut Lake. Or, like today, I’m wearing a summer sweater (a sign of Fall) and thinking this calls for a weekend in the country, except I don’t have a country home…at the moment.  It doesn’t help that I follow #farmhouseliving on Instagram and think about how I would remodel all of those lake houses that I lust after.  This dream of mine is almost as strong as that dream I had to move to Florida that grabbed hold of me in 2007 and never let go until I actually got there! (in 2014) – But that dream was so yesterday and now I’m onto the dream of Lake House living.  It took me 7 years to realize the Florida dream – I wonder how long this Lake House dream of mine will take to achieve OR if I lose interest in it next week.  Who knows, next week the dream could be living in Napa Valley. It’s hard to tell with me.

I love being back home and appreciate my 5-year hiatus for what it was.  A hiatus with a chance to make some new friends and warm up.  But now I am home with family and have a hard time believing I ever left them. It feels like I must have lost my mind there for those few years.  Those babies (my great nieces and nephews) are a source of constant joy.  Today is Mya’s SEVENTH birthday.  I can still pick her up (she’s so tiny) and she’s a cuddler, so even though 7 is like ancient she’s still a baby in my mind.  I can’t imagine moving away again, well at least not further than maybe a Lake House, although I’m okay with being a snow bird.  I’m happy to have the farmer’s market again although where I currently live there is nothing close.  Living in Sewickley you just walk there, every Saturday, and it’s a really good farmer’s market.  Living in Mt. Washington, well you have to drive somewhere, or buy it in the city and lug it home on the bus. Seriously, this is not a problem, I feel ridiculous even bringing it up.

I’ve gotten out of the habit of writing – as you can tell by these sporadic, almost non-existent blogs.  I haven’t found my writing spot at my new place.  I have many areas where I could set up.  I have my mom’s old secretary desk which could be a great place, but sitting there I face the wall.  I have the kitchen table which is comfortable but no window.  I have the couch which could work but none of them are the perfect place…yet.  You know, if I had a Lake House, I bet one of those rooms would work well for a writing studio.  The real reasons are I’m just too busy, I’m uninspired, and I’m not sure what I want to write about.  Have you noticed in life how there’s excuses for no matter what decision you make?  For instance, I could just simply tell myself “it’s not time” for writing again.  I could tell myself “everything happens for a reason” or “you’re effing lazy, get back to it” – I could tell myself “this is not your path anymore – go do Reiki – or make cookies” – I could tell myself “it’s like exercise, I just need to start again” – or I could tell myself “quit thinking about it and if you feel like writing, write, otherwise turn on Hulu”

I’m somewhere between all of them.

There are other things in my life that I have enjoyed and have not been able to maintain (in addition to my weight).  Horseback riding comes to mind.  Horseback riding was my #1 joy in life for many years.  But my riding friends are no longer riding, that I know of.  Aimee just moved to South Carolina. The horses are all dead that we rode.  And I’m not getting any younger, although, I have seen many riders well into their 70’s.  WELL into. The more I get away from it the more intimidating it becomes.  I was never real comfortable with the whole tacking up thing – but once on I was pretty fearless…pretty…my riding friends might disagree.  I would love to get back on.  I still have my helmet and chaps.

You know what really puts a damper on life? It’s the working full-time thing.  I mean, I don’t’ mind my job. Nothing personal against the job this time. It’s not like Stetson where I would cry and wonder WTF every day.  This time it’s a great gig.  I have my city view from the 60th floor. I have time to think about what I’m doing. I’m in the city which is not a bad place to work since I have a relatively short commute. Lately I’ve been remembering all the different places I’ve worked downtown for the past FORTY years. Literally a lifetime in and around downtown Pittsburgh. I have always thought I would have achieved my life’s career goal if I worked for the President of US Steel in the US Steel building.  Well, I work in the US Steel Building.  US Steel is on the 61st floor.  I’m on 60.  I mean close enough.  So one dream realized.  Moving to Florida for 5 years…realized.  Remember, well I remember, when I first had the move-to-Florida-itch saying I just needed 5 years to recoup after my stint as a single parent (it was emotionally exhausting for me)…I might have initially said 10 years…but 5 was good.  I actually think I said I needed 10 years before becoming a grandmother (and 5 years in Florida).  And you know what?  Those 10 years are up.  I think the way life works is you retire and being a grandmother kinda come at the same time…at least in my scripted life. I’m ready for both.

It’s hard to be the one still working when your friends are retiring (and becoming grandmas) – although as evidenced by my friends who are also grandmas, the working full-time gig might be easier.  Could be a case of “careful what you wish for”.  That said I am really looking forward to what comes next.  I feel like I felt when I graduated from high school, or got married, like on the precipice of something new – a new time – a new era.  I am really looking forward to this retirement thing and the next phase of my life. Social Security says I have 5 years and 8 months but the lottery is still a possibility.  Even without the lottery, as evidenced by my blogging, 5 years goes FAST.  It’s coming right up. I need to get that Lake House in order and start the remodel so I have somewhere to retire to.

One of the very best thing of keeping this blog is looking back over it and seeing where I was last year or 5 years ago.  Finally Florida is always fun, and heartbreaking, to re-read for me to see how that whole experience changed over a couple years. Thinking back to last year around this time Tim died (Stephanie’s husband), having just moved into my Daytona Beach apartment– jumped in the car and drove over to St. Pete to be with Stephanie for the weekend. I had put in for a FMLA leave at Stetson to help my mom move out of Virginia, having just listed her house for sale.  As Facebook reminded me today (last year) was the day I left Stetson to drive to Virginia for the 2-week pack up to help mom move.  I did not know it was the start of my end days at Stetson (still remembered with fraught) and the beginning of the end of Florida days. I did not see it coming at all.  This time last year I was still saying (over and over) “I can’t quit my job” and “I will NEVER move back to Pittsburgh.” Once I accepted my fate they turned out to be two of the best moves I’ve ever made. It will be something to look back at this time next year and see where I am.

I can look back over my life and see some of the “dreams” that have come true and those that I never saw coming.

But then again all my changes have been dreams come true…I just didn’t see “how” or “when” they would happen.

And isn’t THAT something to think about?


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Poor Diane

When I moved to Florida everything was brand new. I had a boyfriend, I had all these new kids to interact with, I had a new home, a new weather pattern, a pool, a beach! and because I’m a chatty thing – with this need to communicate – okay maybe it’s just a need to get things out of my head – well that’s when the blog started.  And it was fun because it was all so new.

But now?  It’s just seems like the same ole – same ole – (although really it’s all new again) but I find myself not thinking of anything that seems blog worthy.  I get up, go to work, go home, go to bed. But I still have this need to brain dump daily.  And who is the lucky recipient of these dumps?  Diane.  Poor Diane.  I’m pretty sure after 40 years she just skims them for catch words like “effer” or “bi*ch” or “WTF” – I’m mean she’s busy at her job and doesn’t really have time for my nonsense.  I pretty much have to accept that these dumps are one sided when I send them.  That said she always replies! And I swear she reads them!  Anyway, it’s like these blogs – they are one sided and I have to accept does anyone read them?  It doesn’t really matter, it’s all about the writing.

You might be asking yourself…if you ask yourself anything…what are you saying to Diane that you can’t say in a blog?  And well that answer would be “all kinds of things.” Mostly things you don’t talk about out loud – like how the new girl is not very nice (see I said it anyway) – honestly I’m sitting here knowing I sent a 2-pager email to her last night and at this very second I can’t remember one thing that was in there.

Oh wait, I know – the TV shows I’m watching and what I’ve had for dinner this week.  LOL.  See what I mean?  Poor Diane.

I had the TV on the other night when Love Island came on – I hate those kinds of shows (i.e. Big Brother) so was quickly going to change the channel, but then I thought let’s just wait a minute…and next thing you know I’m glued.  It’s terrible.  But last night I turned it off because after Kyra chose Cashell and broke up Cashell and Caro well it broke my heart and then, then…Cashell was happy that Kyra picked him. I hate him. Diane says I get too invested. She’s not wrong. You should have seen me when Ross cheated on Demelza on Poldark. I changed the channel and watched the last episode of Chernobyl.  This is why I don’t blog now.  Who cares what I’m watching?  Although that said there are many texts to Stephanie that start with “what are you watching now?” And it comes up in conversation a lot with my kids – “what are you guys watching?”

Of course weather is a hot topic here in the Steel Building, especially today. It is absolutely fascinating to see the weather from the 60th floor.  It does not escape me that I am very very fortunate to have this vantage point – especially since I have been known as the weather girl from way back.  In Florida I loved seeing the sky – the cloud formations, the sunsets – but this view from the 60th floor never ever disappoints.  Well, okay maybe there are too many gray days but you know what I mean – it’s really something.  God really came through for me and this return-to-the-north transition by giving me this daily weather gift. Here’s some pictures just from today…


It was a really rainy day. Like flooding everywhere rain. One of these days I am expecting when the fog lifts from up here on 60 there’s going to be a huge spaceship visible – like in the movie Independence Day.  This is how my mind works. It could happen.

Have I talked about my new place? I’ve posted pictures haven’t I?  I do love it. There’s just so much about it that’s working for me.  Like it’s a house –I don’t have neighbors above or below me – although you can really hear the neighbors on either side.  The other night I thought someone was banging at my door and it was the neighbor doing something inside their house.  That house is also a rental and the landlord is in there doing something major – apparently taking down a wall?  Anyway, I also love my couch, my other new furniture – my old furniture – my deck – my neighbors.  Well, the deck… I had this possum living under it – oh right I’ve already talked about this in my last blog.  So, the landlord had a pest control company come in – caught two things in 5 days but she said she can’t keep the cage up indefinitely because it cost $100 each time they catch something.  Oh well.  But I think they caught my possum. I’ll find out on Saturday when I’m sitting out there.  If not my neighbor, Rich, said he’ll set some traps and the city will come for free and get them.  Crazy city living.

Well this isn’t the first blog that I’ve written during the day, but they don’t get published because as soon as it’s out of my head I think “well that’s stupid” – but if I publish quickly, right after it’s written I don’t bother to think about how stupid it is.  And I just send it out into the ethers.  Just another writing assignment/practice completed.  If I don’t think about this one too much maybe I’ll actually hit send.

The real assignment, if I want to get the writing gene reactivated is to figure out how to make “get up – go to work – come home – go to bed” sound more exciting. Maybe I’ll write about my commute observations and questions. Like the P1 bus. It’s always at the bus stop and it’s always full and there’s always a line. I just don’t understand. Whereever it is going they should put the subway out there.

Riveting isn’t it?


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There’s something living under my deck.  It is unsettling.  You’d think I’d have given up that kind of thing when I left the woods of Virginia, but no they are all around me living in the city of Pittsburgh.  I have had a momma deer and a very baby fawn in my back yard (well back alley – someone else’s yard) and that fawn was so little it was drinking milk from it’s momma.  I mean it’s not every day you see something like that…in the city.   A week or so ago I was sitting on my deck, face in the sun, which doesn’t happen that often here, and well with eyes shut something jumped, slithered, left the deck.  I felt it.  But jumping up with glasses off and looking around I didn’t see it.  Today, another sunny beautiful beautiful day I thought I’d take my book out and read on my beautiful sunny deck.  But as it is, it is way too hot.  The sun beats down (I’m going to get that umbrella) so I just sat there soaking up some sun when a squirrel jumped onto the deck and I figured – ah ha!  That’s it…Little sucker…and he quickly jumped back off when I said “I see you!” and off he went.  So mystery of the creature solved, so I thought. And then when I went over to the right side to check on a flower pot I heard it again. A slither, a thump, a rustling of some kind right there on the side of the deck. And inside I came. I think that’s enough sun for today.

I’ve met two neighbors – three if you count the one who is moving out this weekend.  Rich who lives right next to me, and I mean right next to me, is very nice and helpful.  He cuts the hillside (I don’t really have a yard) although this week he needs to cut he says he traps raccoons and possums and things of that sort over in his yard.  But he’s away for the weekend or I’d be yelling RICH – when I heard the rustling.  I don’t know if I should be communing with the nature or getting rid of it.  I suppose it depends on what it is.

Another neighbor’s name is Lynn – she is just lovely – she lives a couple doors down and lives in the house her grandfather built.  Her flowers are gorgeous – perfectly landscaped yard AND she has a pool – an above ground pool – very clean.  We’d have to be REALLY good friends though for two of us to float and by the number of people I see on her porch always visiting I would guess I would be low man on the invite list.

However, there is a community pool not too far from me.  I’m gonna try it one of these weekends.  My nephew Kai (4 years old) wants to spend a day with me and he loves swimming so I think that’s when we’ll try it.

So far I love living up here on this hill.  And I mean hill.  I walk to the bus or incline every morning to start my morning commute – it is a very good walk – nice hills for exercise.  Some days I walk, incline, bus and the subway to get to my work.  All of that only takes ½ hour. Isn’t that something?  Other days I take a bus that comes to the end of my street and that bus takes me into the city and then I walk some more in the city to get to work.  I love walking and feeling healthy and all but lately I’ve been spending a lot of time in the chiropractor’s office.  I must have pulled something, I’m assuming during the move, so I’m limping and taking Advil in great quantity after these walks. But that’s going to be all fixed soon and then Sandy said we will walk all over this hill.  I mean it’s so great living up here.  There’s typically always a breeze (except this morning) and a really good breeze too, my street is very quiet as it’s not a thoroughfare – it’s a dead end ish – so nobody really comes on this street.  However, I understand all bets are off on the 4th of July.

My neighbor Rich says to me the other night “this is your first year isn’t it” – and I’m thinking what the eff is he talking about…well he’s talking about my first 4th of July on Mt. Washington.  So yes it is true, it is my first year.  And since then my other neighbor Lynn has also given me a heads up about the 4th.  The city of Pittsburgh does this fireworks display every 4th of July and it is fabulously fabulous.  But unless you live here or are crazy and want to fight the crowds you only see it on TV.  I think I came in one year with some child and although worth it – heaven forbid you have to pee OR get home.  It’s the getting home that’s the worst.  That’s what my neighbors were sharing with me. They said after the fireworks the traffic backs up for at least an hour as everyone attempts to go home.  That’s when our street gets busy because people don’t know that our street doesn’t go through or off the hill so it’ll be a busy night.  And I need to be sure not to move my car or I will never get my spot back.  Kinda reminds me of when I lived on Treasure Island for that summer and if I moved my car over certain weekends I wouldn’t get it back either.  I’ll just be prepared for my “first” year.  I was going to have my kids or my niece or invite anyone but since it is a work day for me I don’t want people in my house until midnight so maybe next year after I get the lay of the land.  I also found out that the best view – or where they set them off is at the end of my street – I mean I think it’s going to be pretty awesome.

I have much more unpacking to do – I was almost done when we decided to close out and clear out my mom’s storage so now I have her boxes of stuff that I have to figure out what to do with – I have NO room here for storage.  Which makes me think about what I’m learning are the most important things in life.  I think about that Florida adventure of mine – that 5 years away from home that also included the Virginia adventure.  Those memories seem like a book I read – someone else’s book – and I only remember pieces of it now.  And one of the life lessons that I have kept since that time is

  1. closet space is important.

It’s really not about having too much stuff – it’s about the necessity of closet space.  I know I can live without these scrapbooks and my mother’s record albums, but when I sit down and go through a box and smile at the memories…well it’s all worth it for that moment that I’m looking.  And how better to remember this life we’ve led – right?  I mean I’m already saying I hardly remember my Finally Florida days – which is not exactly true, but those memories will be going by the wayside sooner than later, especially at this age, and how happy will I be if I have photos to remind me?  Stuff to remind me.  I still keep stuff around that those Baker kids gave me over the years. And I think of them everytime I see one of my trinkets.  Or my glass wares from Katy’s house (at Treasure Island) – or this shell jar and coffee mug from Sandee.  It’s all stuff that I can live without – but I don’t want to. I want to remember. So, therefore, closets are important.

Thanks Mom
Thanks Mom

I keep saying I’m going to buy a house next year after I decide if I like living up here. After one month I’m thinking I’ll be staying and trying to find the best street that gives me the best vantage point for sunsets.  Meanwhile, both boys are talking Cali 2020 (moving to California) – it’s a joke right now – but in my life jokes can become reality.  I told them I only had a year’s lease so I can move at any time, but maybe I’ll just let them have their adventure and I’ll stay up here, on this mountain, and wait for them to come home again. IF they even go.

In the meantime, I’ll look at photo albums and get a shovel to protect myself against the creature living under my deck.


Some house pics…still getting settled keep in mind!

Look what came out when I was taking pictures for the blog. MO FO!! I saw his face – I’m not sure what it is. I’m hoping ground hog but long pointy face with large whiskers suggests something else. AGGHHHH!!
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Moving along

I think I have a tapeworm.  I am always hungry.  And for the first time in many years my BMI is in the “good” range.  I hope that doesn’t mean I’m dying.  You know how they always ask on medical questionnaires if you “lost any weight lately”?  It’s the only time ever you don’t want to admit you’ve lost weight.  Even though it’s your number 1 goal in life, you don’t want any doctor’s office to ruin it for you.  But I do find myself wondering why I’m not gaining more with the amount I eat.  Perhaps all the steps (actual stairs) I walk every day is helping!  It’s over 60 stairs to get to the subway platform. I walk them every day!  Brenda thought I should walk 60 floors up to my desk but that’s just crazy talk.

So here I am.  Literally months since my last blog.  Other than always hungry, I’m always cold.  I mean it might be nice weather for an afternoon- I can think of one afternoon that I exclaimed to my son, when we were shopping after lunch (I know how cool is that? Lunch with my son..) anyway I said “this is really nice” – and I meant it.  There may have been another day here and there but I would say 95% of the time I’m freezing. Mostly I try and power through the chilled-to-my bones feeling and think of all that I’m grateful for.

I am grateful that I live close to my boys.  We have monthly FAM breakfast with each of us taking a turn hosting.  My first turn was last Sunday.  I took them out to a really good restaurant in the Strip District because I have yet to have my own home.  It was actually one of those nice warmish days.  Jimmy and I walked to the restaurant from his apartment and met Zach and Rachel who were not real happy because they had to park so far away.  It’s not easy to park in the Strip even on a Sunday.  Anyway, I was feeling excited in anticipation because as of June 1, I will be living in the city area in a place called Mt. Washington.  This is the view from the end of the street where I am moving:,+Pittsburgh,+PA+15211/@40.4397307,-80.021942,3a,75y,101.39h,91.71t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sNbV1aY4-vIVupoKfD57Law!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!4m5!3m4!1s0x8834f6bb4047628d:0x51ac1699b4b706b5!8m2!3d40.4353554!4d-80.0239145

This view is 2 blocks from my new little home.  I will walk to this view (Grandview Avenue) every morning to catch the bus.  Maybe I’ll catch the bus. Or I’ll walk a little further up the street to catch the incline that goes down the hill and then either walk the rest of the way or transfer to another bus.  I believe my commute will be cut in half.  I am VERY excited about this move.  If you are not familiar with what an Incline is – it is a cable car that goes straight up the hill – see here:!1s0x8834f6af9e6ab935%3A0xe871d2bbc2032b83!2m22!2m2!1i80!2i80!3m1!2i20!16m16!1b1!2m2!1m1!1e1!2m2!1m1!1e3!2m2!1m1!1e5!2m2!1m1!1e4!2m2!1m1!1e6!3m1!7e115!!5sduquesne%20incline%20-%20Google%20Search!15sCAQ&imagekey=!1e10!2sAF1QipPnKw0sXC1zt8rnUJZMWgPIsrqcOg7h1aa7mpVR&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjQ25ehmMjhAhXtc98KHQKPAqwQoiowIHoECAsQBg

It is not just a tourist attraction, it is actually a form of commuter transportation. Kinda really really cool.

My beach pictures have been replaced with the daily pictures I take from my window at work.  They mostly look the same (grey)– I’m waiting for the green (trees, grass?) which is starting to pop out…slowly.

The views from my building are incredible. I look out all day.  I forget there are other views from other sides of the building so writing this blog is making me get up and walk to those other vantage points to show you all the views.  It’s not the beach view but it is just as beautiful in a very different way.

We have closed on Mom’s house in Virginia. That chapter (and house) is closed.  Well almost closed.  We still own two acres that we’re just going to hang onto for awhile.  It was sad but also happy as the neighbors all like the new owner who seems very happy with the house and garden!  That makes us all happy.  And although I’ll miss my relators I am ready to put that behind me.

My little Mt. Washington house where I am moving to is not in my hometown.  One day after I got off the bus (in Sewickley – home town – where I am staying with Diane) I decided I’m kinda over this place.  I’ve been moving on for so many years (5) that going back just didn’t feel right.  Mt. Washington location is close to both boys and close to work.  It feels more like where I should be.  I told the boys it’s time to look for “grandmas” home – and although I am not a grandma yet, I am hopeful that someday I will be and well those kids have to have a stable grandma’s home where I can collect more stuff for those grandbabies to have memories of.  I am not adverse to having TWO grandma homes – one in Mt. Washington and one in Florida 😊 but for now I’ll rent in Mt. Washington for a year and see if that’s where we think I should settle.  Could all change again tomorrow but that’s where my head is at today.

I am also grateful for my friend Diane who has been wonderful letting me camp out in her home and put up with me until I found the right place.  She said 6 months and she was right! Well actually it’ll be 4 months total.  That’s a long time to let someone take over your spare room.  I am happy to move on but I’ll miss having a friend as well.  I was talking to my mom the other day about even though it’s so nice I really miss my stuff in storage, and by my stuff I just mean like my calendar, or my mirror, or a certain face cream, and even Di’s bday card that I bought last year is in storage and I won’t be able to get to it until next year’s bday (her bday is May 5). Just little stuff that you miss.  I was saying to my mom “until you’ve experienced not having your own place you don’t really understand how it feels” and then we both started laughing as we looked around the room she lives out of now at my sisters.  She absolutely gets it. She went from a 3 story house filled with treasures to one room. ONE room. And even though she has everything she needs, as do I, there are things you don’t need that you just miss.  And in her case, even when you don’t see them you know things are there when you do need them.

Mom is doing good I suppose.  She’s not really a complainer. Well, that’s not totally true.  She complains about the government and politics but not about herself. My sister and niece (mostly my sister) bring her fresh hot coffee every morning, bring her breakfast, take her for walks, make her dinner and do her laundry.  Quite a different life she leads now.  She used to spend her days sitting on her porch in Virginia in the woods.  Now she sits in her room near the window.  She doesn’t like the cold and it’s much colder here than Virginia – but her room is really really warm so that’s good. She doesn’t want to move out.  She just wants to move on.  There’s been a couple days/weeks when I think “this is it” – and then she bounces back. I’m telling you the saying “blessed with a long life” is a misnomer. At least in some cases.  She just talked to her friend yesterday who is traveling the country (and maybe Europe) at 90 years old.  Her other best friend just got back from Paris with her granddaughter – she’s also 91.  Some people are blessed, but not all.

As for work – in addition to the view – I like it!  It’s a pace that is realistic (compared to that last job) – even while I’m filling in for Kathy who just left for a position closer to home, so in essence two positions again, but it’s STILL manageable.  And they are already making an offer to another person to fill Kathy’s job less than a month later.  I am very very grateful that I don’t go home questioning my sanity every day. My friend Robin, in Florida, told me that I just had to let it go…let the resentment I felt towards Stetson go – this was last October while I was still there.  It’s harder to let go than one might think.  There is quite a bit I miss there (as you can imagine) but that job is not one of them.

I am still having fashion dilemmas.  Five years ago people were still wearing panty hose – although I like the no panty hose rule and believe me I don’t even think they sell panty hose in Florida – but us “old” people I don’t know if we should be going without panty hose and without suntan legs.  It is almost appalling to me seeing all these young people going bare legged – white – and it’s freaking cold out there.  I can’t wrap my head around it and I’m not sure what to do.  I have dresses and skirts and I’m just stuck as to how to wear them.  Tights are a good option but I’m thinking no tights when it’s over 50 degrees. And now most days it’s over 50.  I spend an awful lot of time on my commute checking out what people are wearing.  Mostly pants in my age bracket.  Honestly, as much as I hate panty hose I think if I get the high end ones it’s better to wear those than none until I bronze up. Florida wear is much preferable to this. I’m not complaining, I’m just making an observation.

In summary, I have always hated the cold.  To the point where I cry.  There really are no words that describe how sad being cold makes me. BUT being back with the family, my boys, my mom, the babies, and having a bunch of friends and social obligations, well it gets me through. It does more than gets me through – it’s really great being back – and soon I’ll be walking outside with my Florida clothes on and I’ll be happy all over.  Then I’ll start dreaming about how I can have TWO homes.  I’ll put those snowbird dreams on my next vision board!


Coming soon:  an internet tour of my new Mt. Washington digs.  Look for it mid June ish…once I get all my new furniture…again.  😊





34 days until Spring

WordPress, my blogging site, just sent me an anniversary reminder. Eight years ago I started a blog.  EIGHT. It wasn’t the finallyflorida blog but still a blog was started.  I remember the day.  I was home sick (took a sick day) from Point Park and sat on the couch in my Fair Oaks house and I wrote a blog. Just to test it out.  Isn’t that something?  I remember that day. Which considering all the days I do NOT remember is something.

I’ve been in Pittsburgh now almost 3 weeks.  Honestly, not to sound insensitive, but I can’t believe more people don’t kill themselves here.  This weather is unbelievably dismal.  Living here previously for 55 years it’s certainly not new to me, but luckily it’s still new enough, after a 5 year break, to keep me from jumping off of the 60th floor.  

Every morning when I come to work I take a picture from my window on the 60th floor of Jimmy’s apartment complex, that I can see directly across the river, and send it to him.  Here are about a week’s worth of pictures.  Do you see a theme? (no sun)

Other than waiting for spring, my focus has been on footwear. Let me just reemphasize that when I moved to Florida I thought it was a permanent move, and although I hung on to some items for a long time, I eventually got rid of a lot (as I’ve written about ad nauseum) Winter coats, closed toed shoes, boots I mean they are all long gone.  Fortunately for me, and the fact that I’m bunking with Diane for the time being, she has a lot of clothes.  She has not moved in 30 years and so she has not had to pitch things – and we can wear the same size – BUT we have different size feet so it’s footwear I must focus on. 

Every day I look at peoples feet to see what they are wearing.  Surprisingly I do not think I have seen two of the same boots.  Isn’t that something?  I mean seriously I must see thousands of people everyday, on and off the subway, up and down the escalators.  Have I mentioned that I learned that there are 10,000 people that work in my building?  I mean holy moly.  So anyway, Di and I went to Target.  I got two pairs of booties (you know short boots) and another pair of flats which I probably won’t wear until June. 

One of these adorable pairs of boots I just bought – that are useless in the cold and rainy weather – but very cute – have a one inch heel.  Flip flops don’t come in a heel and well I just got out of practice.  The first day I wore the one inch heel I felt very tall. Like I was on stilts.  After getting my balance it all came back to me.  (My mom has a vivid memory of me running through the airport in my purple high heeled shoes when I was 20 – late for a plane to Miami.  Back in the day when you could run through airports.)  And although I now have these cute boots that are appropriate for inside outfits I am still having to borrow snow boots (from Jerry) to get to the bus that brings me to work and then I can change into the other boots.

There is a lot of lugging stuff back and forth.  Like my lunch, which I forgot yesterday, shoes, purse, a book for the bus ride, and then I have to find my bus card and my ID card every day so I can pay for the bus and then put that card away and get out my work badge so I can get in the building.  Ya know?  I think it keeps my brain active having to remember all the various steps just to get to my desk.  Oh and Diane also gave me a big bag to lug all that stuff around in – that she got from Jerry.  It really does take a village to take care of me.

Mom’s birthday was yesterday.  She is 87.  Kerry and I took her out to dinner.  It was lovely.  Pouring down rain but lovely inside the restaurant.  Warm and quiet enough to hear each other talk. Mom seemed to like getting out. With the death of cousin Ira just happening, well I just wonder how that eats away at you over the years.  I guess we will all find out.  For several years now I have not heard of any of her “inner” circle regulars passing on until now. I don’t think anyone wants to be the last one standing do you?  Or maybe some do and some don’t.  I don’t think I would want to be that person though.  It’s very sad when you think about a whole life lived and then sitting in a room all day whiling away the hours.  Ugh…I am always considering how I want this to go for myself when I get to this point in life.  Which with my life seems pretty useless to plan for the future since I can’t even predict next week let alone what will happen in 30 years.  In any event I’m glad I’m here to help with getting mom out of the house, even in this stupid weather.

This week starting with Sunday we had our first monthly “fam” breakfast (me, Zach, Rachel and Jimmy), I’ve taken my great nephew to bball practice Monday, dinner with mom/sister Tuesday, dinner with friends Wednesday, dinner at Jimmy’s on Thursday (for Valentine’s day) – Saturday moving some stuff out of storage for mom, Sunday I think is mani/pedi day with mom.  Talk about your change of life.  Those days of rolling out of bed, sitting with a cup of tea on the quiet porch outside where it’s always warm, the highlight of the day walking on the beach, I mean could it be any different?

I should write a book.



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to blog or not to blog

It has occurred to me that the reason I started to blog back in 2014 is no longer applicable…I started this blog because I left Pittsburgh to have a new adventure in Florida and let friends know how it was going..but now….now…I’m back in Pittsburgh. Interestingly I think other people now read it, besides the original friends, so do I keep going? For now I’ll report on my move back to the “burgh” …

Back in November, a few months ago, my friends Jean and Larry were visiting in the St. Pete Beach area. It was soon after my quitting Stetson. Anyway I will always remember the night, while sitting at the bar at Grace Restaurant in Pass-a-Grille (with my club soda) Larry said to me “Ang is now working at UPMC. Send her your resume and she’ll get you a job.” I was quiet. I didn’t say a word. Because I knew he was right. I knew that after I sent Ang (short for Angela) my resume she would find me a job, if I wanted her to. I also knew I needed a job. There was something about that moment that I realized it was over for me in Florida. I just knew it. I am so wrong about so many things in my life but there are certain things that you just know. And here I am. At the moment Larry said that, and for a few moments and days after that I will say there were feelings of acceptance, defeat and sadness, and I was pretty mad at Larry. However, those feelings are now over and I am very happy to be back. Really I am. Christine also offered that she thought this move would give me the energy boost I needed. I mean seriously, my recent days in Florida were filled with a leisure cup of tea, sitting on my porch in the warm weather, and walking on the beach. But now, although it’s only been a week I actually feel like I have a life again. It’s really been fun to think of all the possibilities I can do now that I’m here. Like today I went to my great nephew’s YBL game (YBL stands for Youth Basketball league) I used to go to them 20 years ago with Jimmy. It was so fun to watch these kids (ages 6-8) playing basketball again. One little girl kept sitting down to tie her shoes. Other kids would just pick up the ball and run with it. It was hilarious. And when it wasn’t hilarious I had to sit on my hands and keep my mouth shut to keep me from screaming things like “get the Ball” “D” “shoot Donevan” “Call the foul” – all the things you scream at high school games. It was just fun thinking about those days. And now I’ve volunteered to take Donevan to Monday night practices. I’m so used to just visiting that having all this time to participate is opening a whole new world…again.

I’ve also stopped by to see my mom almost every day at my sister’s. This week we accepted an offer on her house. It was a busy week. Another moment, like that night in the bar with Larry, that was met with quiet resolve. The realtors were congratulating us. No one said a word.

My new job is pretty cool. The first two days were orientation at an offsite location with another 134 people. They said 1/2 million people apply for jobs with UPMC every year. 1/2 million. Can you believe it? Every two weeks they have Orientation with about 134 people at each one. My first real work day, when I had to commute into the city, it was 8 degrees when I left the house (and dropped to a -2 by the end of the day). I drove into the city, parked in a lot, hopped on the subway and got off at the Steel building. Then it was like a maze. You go up an escalator to a landing with about 3 different exits. Found my USX tower exit which took me down another escalator, through a tunnel, into a hall where I remember Diane and I used to meet at a bar in that hall back in 1979-80. That bar is now a Kindercare. I just couldn’t stop smiling. Then back up two escalators to a landing where my new ID card worked to get me through the turnstiles, back to my bank of elevators, where I punch in a number and the key pad tells me what elevator to get on and then finally up to my floor where they are several doors to pick from. On Friday I took the bus in (instead of driving) due to the snow that fell the night before and was most proud of my foresight not to try and drive in. EVERYONE was late that day. I have been very proud of myself for figuring all this out. Although I have lived here all my life. I was only gone 5 years. It’s kinda like I never left.

So I work on the 60th floor and I have the most amazing views. I’ve been taking pictures every day. The view changes several times a day. I’ve exchanged my beach pictures for my city pictures. I need to stay for sunset this week and take a picture of that.

Between all the getting settled (I’m staying with Di) and then staying with Zach for two days and then back and forth with mom and then the house negotiating and the commute and the weather, who has time to think about how I got here. I just am here. And I’m very happy.

In sad news my cousin Ira (mom’s 1st cousin) who has often commented on this blog died last week, one day after his 91st birthday. There are alot of endings happening. I will miss him and his comments.

Cousin Ira


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I had a farm

My farm

I have always had heartache when thinking about Karen Blixen and her Out of Africa story. She left Denmark to run a farm in Africa – fell in love – had a beautiful life – and lost everything.  She had to leave Africa and she never ever returned.  Never.  She had a good life back in her homeland/Denmark – became a renowned author – but still I wonder what that was like for her.  I mean think of the distance – Denmark is 5000 miles away from Kenya – FIVE THOUSAND!! The weather, the people, so many differences. And she had so much, such a full life, and then never returned.  It’s really a sad story to me.

I have learned that when I have said “never” in my life – at least in my recent life – it is a sure sign that whatever I’m saying “never” to will happen – as if life just likes to fuck with me and then laugh.  I said I would never move from Palm Harbor after I moved there in 2014, I said I would never leave my boyfriend, I said I would never quit my job and very recently I said I would never move back to Pittsburgh.  Robin, a work friend at Stetson, before I quit the job that I said I would never quit, said she was worried I would move back to Pittsburgh.  I immediately replied, without hesitation, full conviction, no doubt, that I would NEVER ever move back.

So I’ve accepted a job with UPMC in Pittsburgh and am moving back over these next two weeks.  It’s a good job, in the city, in the Steel Building. I’m looking forward to redeeming myself after this last job and putting Stetson way behind me – except for my friends.  My friends, the people I have met along the way, going all the way back to highschool, have always been the best part of whatever experience I’ve had.  High school, Edinboro, Bradford (Di!!), even going back to confirmation class in 8th grade – that’s where I met Jean – best friends to this day. Every job I’ve ever had I’ve made friends – so I’ll quickly forget the recent work drama and just hang on to the friends I’ve made here.

Speaking of friends, I’ve lived in this apartment now 7 months.  I have not had one visitor.  Yesterday I started turning my little place upside down to start packing.  I’m really good at this moving stuff and well I’m putting everything out (on the floor) so I can organize in a way when I unpack I don’t have to make all these trips to the store or open all the boxes before I find the shower curtain hooks.  Anyway, so Christine, a friend from work, we had plans to meet for dinner last night – wouldn’t you know she came over to my apartment first.  I mean O.M.G. I actually had things just dumped out onto the floor.  Oh well. We had a great time anyway.  Here’s pictures from our dinner.

Oh here’s a funny story… you know this couch I bought back in August?  Remember the big reveal?  So happy I was to get a couch after living in that apartment with only a chair over a year?  Well anyway, I was sharing with Barb that this couch has always made me “itch” and on occasion I get these marks, like little white blisters that itch – so there’s visual evidence of something odd – then well I’m just not happy with that itchy crawling feeling and I was thinking of leaving it on the curb even though it’s not even paid for yet.  I hate to move this couch that makes me itch to Pittsburgh.  Barb told me to contact Wayfair.  I said no way they’ll do anything I’ve had it since August.  I wrote to them anyway and was expecting no response or some sort of response like “try a bug bomb” but the next day they refunded all my money and said they would come pick up the couch.  Can you believe it?  Not only did they refund my money they put it back into my account that day.  You know how usually they say allow 10 days to never to get the refund.  It was in there that day!  I scheduled the pick up for this Wednesday – the day before I drive the truck up. They would have come earlier but I was working at a temp job and not here to let them in.

I had a temp job last week with an attorney – civil and criminal.  Talk about a different experience.  Copying and answering phones is not different but the clients and the content is different than anything I’ve experienced before.  It was kinda fun but we had to lock the door a couple times because of these crazy clients. That’s how I spent last week.  They offered to keep me full time, but those lawyers don’t pay.  But it was a nice confidence booster.  I need some confidence boosters in all areas.

So I’ve rented a Penske truck – 16 footer – I’ll have to hire movers to load it – But then I’m driving it, by myself, in the middle of January, to Pittsburgh. Where are those wonderful children when you need them? I’m thinking of driving to Virginia and getting the rest of our furniture there at my mom’s house – only a kitchen table left and some bedroom furniture still in Virginia– I think there’s going to be room in the truck – but I’ll find out after it’s loaded.  No couch will free up some space for sure.  I’ve rented a storage unit on Mt. Nebo Road – I’ll unload there on Sunday – fly back to Daytona Beach Monday night and then drive the car up towards the end of the week. I’m thinking of trading the car in but I’m still undecided. Everyone knows how I love my car but not sure it’s up for the commute or will do well on those Pittsburgh hills. There are so many logistics to figure out but it’s coming together.  I start my new job on Monday the 28th!!

I’m going to stay with Diane until I can figure out where I’m going to live.  I thought for sure I’d live downtown.  It’s really expensive but would be so convenient to both boys and to work so I was sure that I’d do that.  I probably said I would never move back to Sewickley. That must be why I’m thinking of that option now. Maybe I’ll pay half the rent by living in Sewickley and get a horse!  Now there’s an idea! I just have to look into the recesses of my mind and find out what I’ve said “never” about and I’m sure that is what is going to happen.

One thing I know for sure, I will never come back to Florida.

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Happy New Year!

Porch view 2019

It’s been 29 days since my last post on December 2. You would think that I’d have quite a bit to say but to the contrary I am still waiting.  According to one of the Goddess cards I picked last night, Temperance, I am in a state of active and passive at the same time.  I’m asking God the questions and waiting for the answer. In the meantime I am living and loving life to the best of my ability. I’m not upset that the answers are not coming quickly but I was hoping for an answer before I blogged.  Perhaps it will be like lighting a cigarette when waiting for a bus.  As soon as you light that cigarette a bus will come.

So Happy New Year!!  I had a great holiday, so far.  Since being married to Dennis in 1982 the holidays last through January 7 thanks to the Serbian Orthodox tradition of celebrating Christmas on January 7.  You know it always snows (in Pittsburgh) on January 7.  Mark my words, it’ll snow on the 7th.  Well at least that’s what Mrs. Kumer used to say. The forecast up there is now calling for rain.  Mrs. Kumer would be disappointed.  Those big family gatherings were a lot of fun and a lot of food.  Big long tables in the basement and cousins and more cousins. Family gatherings are great fun traditions.  A lot of big basement tables in many family traditions. At least in Pittsburgh.  There are no basements in Florida.

I was in Sewickley/Pittsburgh for a week bouncing back and forth between my sister’s and my kids.  My sister had one of those big gatherings only just her family fits in her house.  Maybe I’ll put a big basement on my wish list for 2019 so we can get those Monahans all together again.  I made each of my boys (years ago) photo albums and was looking through Zach’s on Christmas day remembering how much time all the cousins spent together growing up.  Now they never see each other unless I’m home and they’re dropping me off at Kerry’s.  Jimmy and the Munizza’s are much better at keeping that cousin tradition going.  Well anyway, holidays are about family and I was very fortunate to spend my holidays with family and friends. 

Here’s some pictures from my visit. 

and there’s my mom
Obligatory babies in bed picture – this time with the cat too…Sheesh
Only in Sewickley – a pig on a leash
from the 2nd floor of the Steel Building – I guess it’s called the UPMC building now? And yes that is sunshine you see there. Actually a couple days of sunshine while I was there!
Christmas Eve with Jimbo – we had great fun having brunch in the city, going to PPG to see the Santa’s and of course a picture with the tree at PPG.

WordPress – the program I use for this blog – has changed it’s format since last I posted in December. I am struggling with this new format. Why do software companies always think they have to change things? Perhaps I will just have to blog more often to get used to it. It’s just I don’t want those pictures to be so big and I can’t figure out how to make them smaller. If it wasn’t a beautiful beach day I’d spend more time on it but I must enjoy these beach days while I can. It’s 80 degrees and sunny and it’s a holiday. The beach is calling.


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Breaking the Habit of Being You

I bought this book, Breaking the Habit of Being You. But today I’m having second thoughts on why I might want to break the habit of being me. Like for instance (of course there is a for instance, it’s a blog right?) anyway for instance I am feeling so overwhelmed.  Feeling guilty about not keeping up with emails (and blogs) – Mom asks me everyday “did you write a blog today?” – NO MOM!  JEEZ.  Of course I don’t say that to her because I’m not 13.  I just say “no mom, I didn’t get around to it.” Someone else wondered why it was going on 4 days and no response to her email.  I said I needed more time.  Time.  Here’s why I don’t have time now – I’m not working.  That’s writing.  I am not.working.

Nope. I’m not getting into it if you don’t know the story. It’s been a very good thing overall. I am no longer grinding my teeth, I am sleeping fantastically (when I’m not up working on something), I am exercising regularly and I have taken on way too many projects now that I have time…which means I don’t have time.  Looking for work is also a full-time stressful job.  So writing has taken a back seat.  After being on the computer for hours looking and then applying to jobs the last thing I want to do is write.  And my creativity is shot.  Even with all the beach walking (which usually inspires me)

I read a book last week on being inspired, Big Magic (by Elizabeth Gilbert).  I was really inspired when reading it but then didn’t have time to write because I had to read it.

And then there’s Christmas – Out of all the decorations I used to have, I only have those two bins and well, I had to decorate with what I have.  I still, to this day, get slightly sad over what I lost in the Storage Wars but a couple of trips to the Dollar Store and Target and well it’s looking kinda cute.  I also think it’s not all the Storage Wars fault – I think I left some stuff at my moms which I have now lost to the Estate Sale wars. (not a war at all but had to make it connect somehow)

Here…what do you think?

on the porch – lights come on at dark!

It’s really dark in this room.

My dog photos are hanging on those hooks. 🙁

I came really close to buying a tree for myself.  But stopped short.  Maybe not the year for that.  But if you’re looking, Walmart has some very cheap suitable trees for someone like me.  I think next year I’ll do it.  It takes a while to get resettled (for any of you wanting to completely up-heave your life, keep the long recovery period in mind!)

So anyway, with all this going on I have not had time to write. Until right this minute.  And this is why I like myself…For the past few days I have been feeling so overwhelmed with these projects I’ve taken on – Christmas projects –  because I’ve been told not to buy anything I’ve decided maybe I’ll make stuff.  Well honest to god, it’s so much easier to buy stuff.  I thought maybe I’d knit blankets for the kids since they don’t have to be big blankets.  I haven’t knitted in years.  I also don’t have any of my knitting stuff (storage wars) and I used to have so much.  At Walmart the yarn is like $2.97 – pretty cheap right?  But you add the needles – and then you have to go back and get more yarn because who knew you can’t make a blanket with one ball. And why don’t they have the yarn in balls to begin with?  Why do we have to put the yarn into a ball when we get it?  I’ll tell you why.  Because if you don’t and think “I don’t have to put this yarn in a ball – stupid people” well you’ll see.  Because then you’re up until 3 in the morning…that’s right THREE in the morning trying to get knots out of your yarn. And after 3 in the morning you don’t have time to clean up the mess you have left with all the different directions you have printed off  and from the computer that’s on the floor from you watching You tube videos to try to remember how to cast-on, or YO (yarn over) and who knew there is a different way to yarn over if it’s a knit or purl?  You know?  Whose big idea was this?  So I am just straight knitting a blanket that is going to be so misshapen because I don’t know what the hell I’m doing and I will surely never get it completed and I can’t ever give it to one of those kids because I will never ever make enough for all of them.

And then the book I bought (not being me) came yesterday and I thought…I have to read this NOW.

I actually tossed and turned last night wondering how to plan my day. I have yarn everywhere – papers everywhere – that book – other writing that I have to read and critique (from writing groups) and where do I start?  So this morning I made a cup of tea.  Came to the porch and decided to roll a ball of yarn while I decide what to do with my day.  Certain I should take that book over to the beach (it’s a beautiful sunny 85 degree day) – 5 rolls of yarn later I decided to read those writing submissions that I need to critique.  So I did that.  Then I decided I should make the edits they suggested to my book from two weeks ago (they suggested two weeks ago and I had yet to complete) – in the meantime I have filled a basket now with balls of yarn and other knitting paraphernalia and got my couch cleaned off. And well now it’s dark (ish) and the idea of a beach day is long gone – but how much I got done!  The knitting crap is all organized (whether I ever touch it again or not) my couch is cleaned off – I have completed my critiques, I’ve made my edits – I submitted my writing for December 19 (I’m so ahead of myself) AND I actually submitted my book to an agent.  That’ll be 42 agents now.  Between the job rejects and my book rejects I am an expert at rejection.  And that’s not an easy thing to be.

So even without a to-do list I got everything that “should” be done, done today and I’m actually blogging about it. I don’t need to change a thing.

Peace out …



