Happy New Year!

Porch view 2019

It’s been 29 days since my last post on December 2. You would think that I’d have quite a bit to say but to the contrary I am still waiting.  According to one of the Goddess cards I picked last night, Temperance, I am in a state of active and passive at the same time.  I’m asking God the questions and waiting for the answer. In the meantime I am living and loving life to the best of my ability. I’m not upset that the answers are not coming quickly but I was hoping for an answer before I blogged.  Perhaps it will be like lighting a cigarette when waiting for a bus.  As soon as you light that cigarette a bus will come.

So Happy New Year!!  I had a great holiday, so far.  Since being married to Dennis in 1982 the holidays last through January 7 thanks to the Serbian Orthodox tradition of celebrating Christmas on January 7.  You know it always snows (in Pittsburgh) on January 7.  Mark my words, it’ll snow on the 7th.  Well at least that’s what Mrs. Kumer used to say. The forecast up there is now calling for rain.  Mrs. Kumer would be disappointed.  Those big family gatherings were a lot of fun and a lot of food.  Big long tables in the basement and cousins and more cousins. Family gatherings are great fun traditions.  A lot of big basement tables in many family traditions. At least in Pittsburgh.  There are no basements in Florida.

I was in Sewickley/Pittsburgh for a week bouncing back and forth between my sister’s and my kids.  My sister had one of those big gatherings only just her family fits in her house.  Maybe I’ll put a big basement on my wish list for 2019 so we can get those Monahans all together again.  I made each of my boys (years ago) photo albums and was looking through Zach’s on Christmas day remembering how much time all the cousins spent together growing up.  Now they never see each other unless I’m home and they’re dropping me off at Kerry’s.  Jimmy and the Munizza’s are much better at keeping that cousin tradition going.  Well anyway, holidays are about family and I was very fortunate to spend my holidays with family and friends. 

Here’s some pictures from my visit. 

and there’s my mom
Obligatory babies in bed picture – this time with the cat too…Sheesh
Only in Sewickley – a pig on a leash
from the 2nd floor of the Steel Building – I guess it’s called the UPMC building now? And yes that is sunshine you see there. Actually a couple days of sunshine while I was there!
Christmas Eve with Jimbo – we had great fun having brunch in the city, going to PPG to see the Santa’s and of course a picture with the tree at PPG.

WordPress – the program I use for this blog – has changed it’s format since last I posted in December. I am struggling with this new format. Why do software companies always think they have to change things? Perhaps I will just have to blog more often to get used to it. It’s just I don’t want those pictures to be so big and I can’t figure out how to make them smaller. If it wasn’t a beautiful beach day I’d spend more time on it but I must enjoy these beach days while I can. It’s 80 degrees and sunny and it’s a holiday. The beach is calling.


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7 thoughts on “Happy New Year!”

  1. Excellent spending time, well brunch, together over the holiday! First night in Pittsburgh the temp was 57! WHAT in Pittsburgh! Won’t you be my neighbor? Hoping 2019 brings you home to the burg! Love you and keep me posted!

  2. Happy New Year Lynny!! Glad you got to spend it with friends and family, the very best way, of course!!!!

  3. Happy New Year! I am very happy you got to be with family during this holiday season. It was nice seeing everyone in your pictures. Sending positive vibes for the new year.

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