Where were we?

It’s been so long I don’t know if I remember how to blog. What is it I do again? It was much easier when I just sat down and wrote what came to mind. I guess that’s what I’m doing now. What is coming to mind is that, now that I’m an author, I need to do author-like stuff, and I am fumbling through this. Like a ship lost at sea, looking to the horizon for any sign of land. That’s kinda poetic isn’t it? Maybe I’ll start writing poetry.

Cutting to the chase, as they say, I need to post my 5 star review on this blog site. I haven’t done that yet have I? I put it on Linked-In but I think I need to put it on this site as well. You know, self promotion and all. Self promotion is what self-publishers must do. And if I understand it correctly so do people who are published by actual publishers so, you know, I don’t feel that bad about it. Anyway, at the bottom of this page will be a copy of my review that I received through Readers Favorite. I think most people have seen this on my Linked-In or Facebook so I apologize for listing it again here. I’ve recently sent out for another review. You have to pay for these reviews you know. Well you probably didn’t know that, but I’m telling you, that’s what you have to do. Which isn’t always true, you can also get some free ones. Like this one I have listed below, I could have gotten a review for free, but it takes longer so I paid for an expedited one. I figured I’d see what a professional thinks about my book and if it was going to be bad I probably would not be self promoting it. I’d move on to another profession, like decorating mason jars (I’m actually doing that too). Anyway, I’m so excited that I got this great review that now I’m not embarrassed to ask a local bookstore, Portkey Books, in Safety Harbor (which is next to Palm Harbor, which is where Finally Florida takes place) to carry the book. (phew, long sentence) And how cool would that be if they carry the book that took place where I (I mean Victoria) lived at the time. I would buy it there at Portkey. I do like an independent bookstore. In Sewickley I buy at Penguin Bookstore. (I haven’t asked them to sell my book yet. Just haven’t gotten there.) I am a supporter of independent bookstores. The problem is, though, when you want a book you just get it where you can get it. Now, if I lived IN Sewickley, or if I was doing some afternoon lunch and shopping there, I would definitely buy a book in the Penguin, but if I’m sitting in my apartment and I have to have a book, well I’ll buy on Amazon which apparently independent bookstores hate. I mean who knew? I have so much to learn. I also went in Barnes and Noble last week and bought some books in there. They’re a big store. Is that a bad thing? I say not. I love a bookstore. Big or small. And now I have at least 5 books by my bed that I need to read. Literally 5 books. Usually I only have one or two backed up. But I’ve gone on a shopping spree. Also, I’ve discovered this stupid game on my IPAD and it’s keeping me up at night and keeping me from reading those books that I need to read. I am rambling aren’t I? I feel like myself again. 🙂

Okay so other than the book business consuming me, I had a girls weekend with Ellen and Jennifer in DC. Last year we were at Ellen’s beautiful mini-farm (farmette?) This year Jennifer’s in Bethesda and guess who should host next year? I’ve already called my brother in Palm Springs and said I thought maybe I could host at HIS house. He didn’t say no. Otherwise I have an L-shaped couch in Pittsburgh. One person could sleep left, the other sleep right, and one in the bed. We had alot of fun site seeing and even remembered our alma mater which we sang together, in key, at Jennifer’s neighborhood party. We weren’t even embarrassed about that (joined by fellow classmate Lucy.) The Cherry Blossoms were stunning. Here we are:

After the girl time I drove to Virginia to visit my mom’s house, you know the one I lived at in the woods, the beautiful house that we sold. It was emotional. The last time I was there was when I was moving back from Florida to Pittsburgh and I stopped there with my Penske truck. At that time, I ran into the then almost empty house and loaded up the kitchen table to bring up to my sisters since I was there with a moving truck. I made a cup of tea, with the pan still there, and sat on the porch. That was the last day anyone of us Monahans were there. I can not explain how heart wrenching it is to not still have that house in our family.

First, when I got to the area I went and visited my grandparents graves. They look good, although next time I’ll take a rake and rake the leaves out. They are buried behind the Salem Baptist Church that one of my relatives (Uncle Abner, I believe) founded. My grandfather was in the choir there. My aunt played the organ. As kids we went to that church every Sunday, when we were visiting there, and we were related to everyone. NOW, the church is still there and it is an Arabic Baptist church. I can’t even wrap my head around that. In Goochland County, Virginia, very backwoods (very affluent county but like in the middle of nowhere) and there is an Arabic Baptist church. There is also an arabic man buried in the cemetery. The cemetery is only about 30 graves, mostly all relatives, and now this newest member. I am proud of the county but also just like amazed.

After the graves I went to the house. The new owner, Scott (not to be confused with my brother Scott), was out of town, but his mom was there to greet me. I was crying as I pulled in and as I got out of the car she said, first words out of her mouth, “are you crying” – and I couldn’t answer because I was indeed crying. So she gave me a big hug and I bawled to this stranger, in a big bear hug, who now lives in my house (well she doesn’t live there, but close enough). It was surreal, the whole thing. From the Arabic Baptist church to these strangers living in our house. It was hard to process. BUT, I will say that after my initial crying jag I smiled the entire time. She was/is so lovely, showed me every inch of that house. It’s all new furniture (except they do have a couple pieces of ours we left there that they saved!) but it still looks like the house. He has a dog and a cat and to me the animals are welcome additions. I haven’t met the owner but he is such a nice person that if I was 20 years younger I would try and marry him. He is so kind, and he loves the house. He’s made paths all through the woods that we walked on, but didn’t go too far into the woods because there is a bear. I think there’s always been a bear there but my blind mother never saw the bear so I think they just co-existed nicely, as they were not a threat to each other. Well, anyway, it was a wonderful visit. I also visited a neighbor (who claims to be reading my book!) and then spent the night at our friend Norie’s. Norie has been my mom’s friends since the early 1950’s. My dad and Norie’s husband were roommates at some point. That’s how long my mom and Norie have been friends. Isn’t that something? about 70 years. Here’s a story about Norie’s home where she gives tours and lectures on moss gardening: Eden Woods

I forgot how beautiful the Richmond area is. And I was so happy to be reminded of it again. I was also reminded of my friend Lori, who I was close with while I lived there with my mom. Lori died shortly after I moved away from Richmond (from cancer.) I pulled up to a store only to remember the last time I was at this particular store was with Lori and teared up again. There were alot of tears this weekend.

In the end though, through all the tears, it was such a wonderful visit. I’m elated that the person who bought “our” home loves it so much and so open to our visits. I sat on the porch all afternoon with his mom. I didn’t have to clean any windows or screens, or set mousetraps, or make dinner, or do any work. I just sat there and enjoyed the beautiful weather and the trees that I have literally grown up with my entire life. I felt rejuvenated afterwards. I felt like I was “home” – I felt like I could leave there and come back “home” to Pittsburgh and I can go back there again when ever I want. I feel like “home” is a very big thing in my life. Always trying to figure out where that is.

This has turned out to be a long blog. Just like the old days. Just like when I would report on what I’m doing in Finally Florida. I mean just like that, isn’t it? Although really there is so much more that I didn’t touch on. But maybe that will be something for me to blog about later. I really should be doing this more often. I could blog about my jars, my day as an extra (although I can’t talk about that yet), next week I’m going to work at the Pirate games, I mean lots of goings on. And I think I sold 20 books this month. Now if only we can get that up to 2000 or more a month, I’ll be able to pay my rent!


Book review of Finally Florida – Readers’ Favorite: Book Reviews and Award Contest (readersfavorite.com)

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Today’s the day

I have not forgotten that I’m supposed to be a blogger. I have gone from Blogger, to Author to Publisher and now promoter.  It is soooo much work.  I can certainly see why you would pay someone to do all this for you.  It was suggested to me that now that I have figured out a lot of the formatting issues that I could also be a paid formatter of books.  But I would rather be a writer.  One thing that Finally Florida mentions continuously is the desire to be a writer, you know, like of books. So kinda cool that it happened, in the way that it happened, because I sure didn’t foresee turning all those blogs into a book.

On the subject of formatting, there are two versions out there.  Both have the same text/story but they have different covers.  One is through a company called Ingram Sparks that is the company used by bookstores and libraries and larger outlets, and then the other version is the book found through Amazon.  Had I known ahead of time how it all worked, I probably could have just picked ONE of those outlets and still sold on Amazon or I could have chosen expanded distribution through Amazon and skipped the Ingram Sparks version but alas I did not know prior to this shitshow of this process.  And now if I want it sold through Barnes and Noble I would have to pick yet ANOTHER version to format and upload and just enough already!  And really I don’t want to get bogged down in all the formatting, editing and subsequent marketing, I just want to get my silly stupid head back and blog about nothing.  So I’m putting marketing on hold.  I am only sharing these details to explain my blogging absence and because I’m exhausted from my day and rambling on about nothing seems to be my niche.  I will add that anytime I see someone post something about my book (like Peggy did last night about reading it) it is somewhat surreal.  It takes a moment to register, like wait, that looks familiar! Oh yea, it’s MY book!  HA!  So fun.

Otherwise, I am still retired, still loving it and still letting life unfold day in and day out. Today I am exhausted because I’ve been spending a lot of time with my 91-year-old mom who acts like she’s dying until you call hospice and then she tells them how great she feels and nothing hurts and then you just want to kill her. As soon as they leave then she’ll ask for help getting to the bathroom, after she tells them how spry she is. These old people. WORSE than those dam kids.  A representative from hospice just told us they had to release a 104-year-old who just kept getting better. That was not encouraging news to my mother who does not want to live until 104. I’ve been a hospice volunteer for some time now, but it is a totally different experience when it comes to your own parent. Well at least it is for me. It’s just she sits and tells us one thing and then when we try and get her help she tells them a completely different story. Her vitals are good.  Lungs, heart, blood pressure, oxygen, healthy as a horse.  She has no illnesses, no terminal condition.  Her knee hurts terribly from arthritis and originally she refused to do exercises or wear a brace or anything to help herself.  But in front of a doctor she’ll tell them it doesn’t hurt and then she says “of course I’ll do exercises” – when they leave she refuses.  PAIN IN THE A**.  It’s exhausting.  She could do things to help herself, she could walk more and it would help improve, but she is 91 and doesn’t want to do anything to improve.  And for never going to a doctor she is dam healthy, other than losing her sight, not a darn thing wrong with her.  Which under normal conditions, without the blindness and inability to walk without pain, would be so wonderful. I am told I should be happy that my mother is still living and I feel bad for everyone else in the world who says “I wish my mother was still alive” “you are so lucky” – but these are not lucky times. These are stressful and exhausting times. BUT I do feel fortunate that I am able to spend the time with her that I do.  It’s a very mixed blessing for sure. I’m thinking of turning the blogs that I wrote that came after Finally Florida, the blogs when I was living in Virginia with mom, into my next book. But there’s so much more to me and mom since that time, and apparently more to come. I think I have to wait awhile for that one.

For now I’m going to get caught up on some TV.  Can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.


PS – today’s feature photo has no significance other than I wish I was there, on the beach…again…

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Where am I?

Don’t worry, I know where I am.  Geographically anyway.  I am in anything-but-sunny San Francisco. Yes, I experienced the national grounding of airplanes yesterday and my flight was delayed for 4 hours.  BUT I will say everyone was calm.  When the flight at the gate next to mine cancelled, no one seemed upset.  Everyone just got in line to reschedule. The gate attendant got on the announcer thingy and said it was a good day and appreciated everyone’s patience and that not one person yelled at her. Even though many people had connections to catch they just went with the flow. The gate people (customer service I guess) also seemed so pleased that it wasn’t their fault.  But it was an awfully long morning.  Up at 3:30 a.m. expecting a 7 am flight to be in the air and not leaving until 10:30…well, it was a long day for everyone.  But but but at least we were not cancelled. I did not want to have to pay for another taxi ride and lug that luggage around.  So the taxi driver was on time, as they usually are, and he hoisted my bag into the trunk, which I knew was under 50 lbs, I made sure of that, and at the airport I left him a big big tip because of his sad story he shared and did the jerk get out of the car and help me with the bag, getting it out of the trunk? Noooo, he did not.  It threw my whole morning off.  He knew how heavy that bag was, he was bigger than me, plus that’s like his job isn’t it?  Or maybe it isn’t.  Well, ruined my morning. But here I am in San Francisco, once again.

I was thinking last night about how “used” to things we get. Last time I was here everything seemed so new, and it was.  The architecture, the stores, the streets, and I just looked all over constantly.  Couldn’t get enough of the differences.  This time, granted it was pouring down rain, I don’t think I looked at anything.  I knew what the architecture looked like, I remembered the stores, the streets, nothing was awe inspiring and we just came home.  Like that quick I am used to SF. BUT tonight, we are going to a very cool restaurant, at least we think it’s going to be cool, and it hasn’t rained all day, and I was appreciating the sunshine, and sitting outside in a tank top and loving every minute of being here.  Plus, I now I have my own room to stay in which was different than the last time I was here when I was on the very comfortable couch. I mean soon enough I’ll be staying for weekS (plural)…maybe…I mean I don’t want to really bother them. But I love being here.

What else can I share, as I have time to waste between now and dinner?  It’s a little too overcast to sit outside now.  Not as warm as it was earlier and the dog, who refuses to leave my side just can’t get comfortable when sitting outside.  He tries to sit in my lap but he’s a little too big and he can’t figure out what to do with his head.  I tried setting up chairs for him next to me but he wasn’t going for it, so we came inside.  He’s happily sleeping on my bed.  That’s all he wanted.  A nice soft bed. I love my grandpups.

happy sleeping pup

Other than reporting my geographical whereabouts, in other news, my book release, or announcement that it’s available on paperback, went over pretty good.  Lots of great comments on Facebook and I think I even sold about 10 of them.  How about that!  It’s not easy being an artist and putting your creativity out there. I don’t even share this blog on Facebook.  Mostly because it was just started as a way to communicate with friends when I moved to Florida in 2014 and so everyone that read it already knows me, and can be very forgiving when I say stupid things, cause, well, they know me. I did pick up some people that didn’t know me but then they seemed to be forgiving too.  But I never thought I would open myself up on Facebook.  I’m too nervous about being criticized.  My brother and sister-in-law – well they are so talented.  My brother is stoopid talented musically, but really talented creatively overall.  Him and his wife now play music in bars around their Palm Springs neighborhood and having the time of their lives.  No more world tours (as they both have done separately in the past) but just having fun.  They play cover songs. I asked my brother why he doesn’t play any of the songs he’s written.  I’m telling you he’s stoopid talented and his songs are good.  And he said “nobody wants to hear those, they like the songs they already know.” See what I mean?  Stooopid. Maybe he’s right, as I am not his manager, although I should be, but I think the issue for creative people is the fear of not being liked. People don’t want to hear or people don’t want to read or people won’t buy that. Whatever that is that you do. You don’t want someone taking your hard-earned very personal work and saying “this sucks” – and that’s what an artist has to face anytime they put something out there.  Did anyone watch 60 minutes last week with Hans Zimmer?  I mean does it get any better than Hans Zimmer?  And even he is afraid of sucking. Well, anyway, that’s why I was not planning on putting my Finally Florida on Facebook. But then my talented artist sister-in-law put my book out there on her feed and I thought to myself, well, if you want to be a writer and have anyone know you are a writer then you better put your writing out there.  And I did.  And I am very pleased at the responses on Facebook.  Now granted this is before anyone has read it, but I did get a quick email from a very old (as in long time acquaintance, since first grade) who said she was almost late for work as she kept reading it…I mean that’s a GREAT compliment. So I’m pleased.  I am even having some thoughts about marketing and doing more stuff with it. And there is a lot to do. But, I like how I’m thinking.  Long term thoughts. So that’s fun. And all because I got brave and took a chance and put myself out there.  It’s like I’ve opened up a whole new ballgame in my head, which is good timing since I am retired, don’t you know.

Doesn’t mean I don’t fear the criticism.  I guess that’s just part of the game of life.


click to purchase on Amazon
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A nice way to start 2023

I received an email from Amazon today with the subject “Your paperback book has been published!” I cried. Seven years after I thought about turning those posts into a book I’ve done it. Finally Florida is a paperback book, for sale! For real! And like you can buy it! I have a proof copy with this Not for Resale written across it, and I have to say every time I walk into the room and I see that book sitting on my chair I smile. It’s just a cool, very cool, milestone. Disclaimer though: self publishing and formatting yourself, especially my book with the blog posts, is a nightmare. I’ve been messing with it for literally months. It’s not perfect. There are headings on pages where they should be on the next page but I couldn’t figure it out so I just gave up and decided it still reads the same. Good enough for a first edition 🙂

I only ask this, if you do read it, if you could please write a review.  You can’t write a review without buying it, I don’t think. Otherwise you’d have a lot of false reviews out there.  You don’t have to write anything long.  Just like “it was pretty good, can’t wait until she improves…” Even though most of you already know it’s mundane drivel, not the next literary masterpiece, any positive review is helpful. You could say something like I’m pretty? Or I make good chocolate chip cookies if you can’t think of anything else to say. Reviews are what drive sales up and give exposure. Who needs Random House, right?

I’m an official “author” now. No longer do I have to say I’m a writer. I’m an actual author; a writer of a book, article, or report.

Happy New Year and prayers for Damar Hamlin

Get your copy here (that’s the wrong photo for the book but it works)


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Merry Christmas Cake

I made my annual Pistachio Cake today.  I used to have to make 2, and wished I had made three because everyone loves this cake and I never had enough.  I got this particular cake recipe from my high school boyfriend’s mother.  I was 15 years old.  I remember her giving me the recipe and emphatically telling me to start it out in a cold oven. Doing the math that recipe was given to me approximately 50 years ago. FIFTY. That’s the same year Franco Harris made his immaculate reception. (RIP Franco ☹) Every year when I make the cake I think of Mrs. Nieman (boyfriend’s mom) and their kitchen where she entrusted me with her recipe. Fifty years that recipe has stayed with me. And for fifty years a favorite Christmas memory tied to that cake.

At Thanksgiving this year my great niece (Mya) asked my sister (her grandmother) if she was going to write down her recipes so Mya will have them when my sister passes.  We laughed out loud, but I mean talk about being proactive. Mya is on it. And I guess we are the old people now.

Here is hoping you have comforting memories that are at least 50 years old and this year give a favorite recipe to a young person who will think of you in fifty years!

Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah.


Go Steelers!

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The chair of happiness

I’m waiting for my butter to come to room temperature.  I’m having people over for brunch tomorrow and I need to get out of my pajamas and start cooking. I guess I don’t really need to get out of my pajamas to cook, but I feel like it might help me feel more like a participant of the day.  But before I get to that point, I have this practice, this daily practice of doing some exercise, a very short meditation, then some writing.  I write to try and inspire myself into writing more, it doesn’t always work. But I enjoy it nonetheless.  Anyway, anyway, I sit here in my chair every day while I do these writing, meditation type things. All of this background means absolutely nothing.  What I wanted to share is while I am waiting for my butter to come to room temperature, I was looking around the room, as I often do while sitting here, and then I twist my neck to look out of my big picture windows and there were big snowflakes coming down. And I thought to myself “I love my life” – I mean I just LOVE my life.  I love my apartment.  I love sitting in this chair and looking across the room at whatever is over there.  I love looking out the window at the view or the weather.  I love this chair. I love my life.  I cannot stress this enough. There is something about the feeling like I deserve this rest, this retirement.  I remember one time being out of work, this was even before Jimmy was born (so over 30 years ago) where I was on vacation but it didn’t feel right.  It didn’t feel right because I wasn’t working and I didn’t feel like I really deserved a vacation.  Like the normal way of feeling when you can’t wait to get away from work for a week.  It was not the same.  I’ve gotten over this in subsequent years, but for this particular purpose I am thinking that these feelings of loving my life so much, post-retirement, is because I feel like I deserve it.  I worked so freaking hard just to maintain life, just to pay the bills, just to get to the weekend, just to have a vacation just to be a member of society, and to what end?  I mean what end? The answer, to retirement.  The best thing about my work experience was the friends I made to which I am forever thankful, or this retirement would REALLY be lonely. I would even go so far to say that about 90% of my friends I have, have been made through some type of work connection. Even Diane.  We met at Secretary school where we were learning about working! Yes, I have highschool and college friends (and church friend) but 90% are work related.  So to say that my working years were a waste would be a lie. But the point of this waiting for butter blog is just to share, once again, how much I love my life.  I think the last 657 posts have mostly been about struggling to find my way so I thought I’d mix it up and keep sharing my good fortune, and I don’t mean fortune in monetary terms, but I feel so fortunate to sit in this chair, look across the room, look out the window and say to myself “I love my life.” Every day I say this.  Every day.

Alright, that’s enough of that.  Now onto dressing in real clothes, creaming butter and sugar together and seeing if my pie crusts work or if I have to go quickly to the store and buy store bought crusts. Whatever happens it will be wonderful.


PS – this blog was written at a previous time. I’m experimenting with delayed posting. Although I am guaranteed to still love my life when this posts, the brunch and pie crust dilemma will be over and it may or may not be snowing.

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A mildly entertaining blog for your enjoyment – you be the judge

I’m in the mood for a new rug. I’m not sure what that means.  I’m feeling like it’s a premonition because I don’t need a rug. Perhaps my living situation is going to change and I’m going to need a new rug and I’m getting a jump on ideas. Why else would I be looking at/ and desiring another rug? Not that not-needing has ever stopped me from buying before, but really it’s not like you can stuff an un-needed rug in the back of your closet. But for some reason rugs in general are jumping out at me. That’s kinda all I wanted to say about that.

Although, maybe what I want to say is about premonitions?  No, that’s not it.  Decorating maybe? Maybe it’s about decorating. Maybe this is going nowhere fast. Well, in any event, rugs…

Last night I had my boys, and one girlfriend here for dinner.  It was a late Thanksgiving/birthday celebration. I was sick for Thanksgiving which is when we would have had cake for my oldest son’s FORTIETH birthday.  Yes, you heard that right, 40! FORTY. I can’t get over it. But anyway, we had to reschedule which was nice because the younger son, who has since moved to SF (San Francisco) is here for the weekend so he was able to join us.  I mean it just doesn’t get any better than having an evening with your family, one grandpup, lots of food, with all my Christmas décor up using my Christmas dishes. Except for the fact that we were missing one girlfriend and one dog.  Turns out the SF couple are unable to leave their dog at the same time.  They have not yet found a suitable boarding option so they are taking turns with a quick visit home separately and then on Christmas morning we will just zoom like we did 2 years ago during the height of Covid.  It wasn’t bad at all. But togetherness is my first option. Anyway, I noticed that my Christmas dishes, and server ware (like the serving bowls) do not match. Although the theme is similar, they are not from the same set.  I thought a lot about that last night.  Mostly I thought about how I don’t care.  Then I kept questioning myself.  Like “do I not care because they still look good together?” or “am I becoming slovenly and unkempt?” I mean is there meaning behind the fact that I don’t have a complete matching set, but kinda don’t care?  To check myself I went online to see if I could find the serving bowls to match my dinner plates. They’re hard to find but a few are out there, and I don’t love them. The accompanying pieces have writing on them. I’m not a particular fan of writing on my dishes. But I did find some salad/dessert plates, completely unrelated to the holidays that I was so very close to hitting that “buy” button on, but I stopped short. I know where to find them though. Jimmy (youngest son) commented on my dishes.  Does it get any better than someone noticing? This was kinda funny too, well funny to me, cause it’s me, but when I was setting the table for last nights dinner I realized I don’t have any matching napkins.  Not that my napkins have to “match-match” but you know something complimentary, in cloth.  I was slightly mortified.  BUT I have a set of napkins that have polka dots on them and found two red and two green and made them work and I think I’m going to keep them as my option.  But there was a moment when I thought SHIIT! Luckily, I improvised. Does anyone care about this? Nooo, but that’s what makes a good blog for me.  It’s about nothing.  And turning that nothing into a memory.  I have a memory now, seriously I do, of improvising those napkins and making it look like it was totally planned.  And the dishes thrown together that look like they go together.

Dinner was fantastic, if I may say so, the evening was sooo nice. A dog was here having fun. The boys were talking a lot and catching up. Zachary played the piano and we were all amazed at his talent (it’s so great having a piano again) – we had birthday cake – and basically I stayed in the kitchen while the kids (the kids) talked amongst themselves and I just listened.  Isn’t that what parenthood is a lot about?  Kinda blending in the background and just listening? Remember, for you parents, those car rides where you are the driver and you’re toting 6 kids around who are talking like you’re not even in the car?  You learn so much.  I remember Donna Cooper and I in the front seat of some van with a car load of boys and they were back there talking and we were not talking, just listening, and I don’t remember what was said but I remembered we both looked at each with a slight horror at something they said!  Horror or shock or like WTF? LOL.  That’s a little what it was like last night.  I was halfway trying to stay out of the way so I could just listen to them. But thankfully there were no shocking or horror stories overheard. Just some brotherly love going on.

Well, I guess that’s it for now. Perhaps a mildly entertaining blog for your enjoyment. Now I must go in the kitchen and eat some leftovers from the food I made last night, enough for the neighborhood. Chances are I’ll just stick to left over birthday cake, but I have options.

And maybe I need a rug under my dining room table. I mean there is room for one.


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Write about how you can be more present in your life and perhaps in the life of others

I had this writing prompt today.  Trying to get back in the swing of blogging.  I miss it you know.  I miss the camaraderie with myself.  LOL.  Seriously, when I write it’s like part of me is having this conversation with another part of me as I don’t know where most of the stuff I’m writing comes from.  Just starts flowing out of me.  I miss that flow.  I miss the fun. So I decided to join a 21 day writing adventure to try and get back in the flow.  Today’s writing prompt – like an inspiration to write something – says “Write about how you can be more present in your life and perhaps in the life of others.” And so I’m stumped.  What does that mean?  More present with myself?  I mean I’m right here.  Every morning I do yoga. Okay not the past two weeks because my nose is so stuffy I can’t breath (I’m on an antibiotic now – first day no blowing so far) but my day typically starts with yoga, then a 5 minute meditation which I’m terrible at so I’m trying guided meditations. Otherwise I’m thinking about the weather, my errands, what I’m going to make for mom next Tuesday, when I’m going to get around to cleaning my apartment, do I really need to dust? Do I want to get in the car and go do some retail therapy?  Look, the sun is out, shouldn’t I be out then too?  This is where my head goes during meditation. Anyway, where was I? Yoga, 5 minute timed meditation, and now writing I’m adding. Like forced writing.  So this course is pretty cool saying as a writer the writing finds you, you just have to make yourself available. I did that with my blog finally florida.  I was available. I made it my job and it was fun.  It was my purpose. And I made myself do it.  I have no purpose now for that kind of thing.  Well, actually (see this is what I mean about half myself talking to my other half) – actually, I could be, and should be writing about this retirement thing.  I can’t tell you how many people get encouraged by my excitement over retirement. As we all should be.  There is something to be said about deserving it.  We, our generation, comes from a past of working to make ends meet. Most of us working for survival.  Few of us getting past survival to have a “nice” life.  Quite a few, but still all held together quite precariously. But we do our time, and we raise our kids and we have our homes and we get through and then the good Lord, and the social security, and there’s something that says, enough now.  You’ve done your time, you can be done (if you want to be). And that’s where I was. It wasn’t the first time out of work, but it’s the first time I’m feeling I can be done now. My time is up.  I’ve done my time. It’s rewarding.  It was hard work and we, us retirees, are being rewarded with getting our life back. Or in some cases just getting a life. Everyone, and I mean everyone asks, how are you doing it? Which my answer is “wait for the book” but another answer is how can you not do it?  You just live each day as it comes.  I live each day. I wake up, I do my schtick (and try to add to it in some meaningful way) I sign up for activities, like hiking, maybe rowing again, we’ll see, maybe horseback riding in the spring again, take a trip, I mean I am living my life.  I think what I can do with the day that is before me.  If it’s snowing and the roads are bad (which hasn’t happened yet) well then that’s a day to stay inside and think of an inside activity.  I’ve been sick for a whole month now and so these days I have often stayed in my pj’s all day. I’ve started doing crafts. I have knitting, I have a piano again.  I read a lot.  I watch TV but not until after 3 and usually not until 6. I mean my days are MY days and I do whatever I want.  That’s how you do it.  To say I’m not worried about certain things, and we all know what that means, would be a lie.  But to make it a focus of my retirement would be to deny myself the joy of being retired.  That is what I worried about when I worked.  I refuse to worry about it now. Worry adds nothing to my days. And it adds another exercise to my morning, letting go of that worry and just enjoy the day.  But this has nothing to do with being present does it?  The writing prompt of the day?  Or wait, does it have everything to do with the question? I am present in my life.  I just rambled on about this very thing. I live my life each day.  I’m present each day. Each day I look at that dust and say, “is today the day I get you?” and then let the day answer for itself.  I can tell you that dust question has been unanswered for some time.  But that’s the life of the retiree. I can let that dust go.  I can also let pants go, except when I leave the house.  I remember, when I was living in DeLand Florida, working at Stetson, my life was sooo busy that I was barely keeping up.  Jimmy came to visit me and we were running out of the apartment going somewhere and I asked him “do you ever stop to think when you’re running out of the house if you have your pants on?” and he said “no, and I’m very worried that you do.” LOL.  I’ll never forget that.  Made me laugh, but also worried.  I will tell you that I NEVER worry about if I have my pants on when I leave the house now. Now it’s more about the bra.

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Still a blogger

I told two people these past weeks that I’m a blogger.  I didn’t mention the retired part.  I just said I’m a blogger because it fit the situation at the time.  Well, then I realized I’m only a blogger if I blog.  Not wanting to be a liar I decided I better blog about something. So here we go:

I’m still retired.

The end.

Just kidding.

Many people ask me if I’m still retired, and how I’m doing it. I’m not sure why people ask if I’m still retired, cause as far as I’m concerned that’s like a final decision.  I mean, I guess I could go back to work full time, and I would, if there was a dream job that weirdly came up and someone begged me to work my dream job, but I don’t think there is a dream job.  I think my dream job is to be retired.  So I’m already doing it. But let me tell you, it’s not easy being retired.  There’s exercising, there’s lunch dates, there’s hikes and then reading articles when you sit in your chair just lounging.  I read two the other day.  One of raising wolf pups and one about the new Prime Minister in Italy.  See?  I mean so much to learn on that internet.

I also have a hospice patient I visit once a week and after her I go to Trader Joes.  It’s like a whole thing. Once she passes I don’t know what I’ll do about that Trader Joes run.  We don’t have a lot of them in the Pittsburgh area so I take advantage of stopping there when I’m in the area.

There’s online classes or webinars that I jump on once in a while.  They can be a time suck as well. 

Let’s see what else, there’s mom on Tuesday.  Normally I would cook something for her on Mondays so that would mean a trip to the store to get what I needed and then cook all day so I can get it to her on Tuesdays but the last few visits I have had to work something else into the day so she’s been getting the equivalent of TV dinners.  She doesn’t seem to mind.  They make pretty good microwavable meal options now.  Or I’ll drive through Panera.  Mom is on Tuesday, except next Tuesday when I’m doing a cooking with the Steelers thing with Sally. So mom has to move to Wednesday. Next week I have a possible hike on Monday, Mom on Tuesday, my old neighbor’s yearly Witch party (Halloween) on Wednesday which is an all day event and then Thursday -Sunday a weekend trip to Florida.  See what I mean?  Who has time to work?

BUT, I am looking at working at Amazon, in the warehouse, part time, for the holidays and perhaps beyond depending on if I like it and/or can do it and my back holds out.  But get this, ok, so I signed up for a “flexible” shift – which means I work UP to 19 hours a week and I pick my own schedule.  Sounds good right?  I mean I just pick my own hours.  So I get hired, and I get notified that my start date is Oct 20 and my orientation is at 2:40 AM.  That’s right A.M. So, I call them, 4 times, but I insist that this must be some sort of error because there was an option to work that 2:40 a.m. shift but you had to CHOOSE it, which I did not CHOOSE it, so this a.m. must be a typo and it must mean p.m.  Now, this is going to sound very bigoted, but the first 3 people I talked to I could barely understand the Indian accent, which made it doubly irritating and I just assumed they didn’t know what a.m. meant and I just wanted to talk to someone at the location. It’s apparently impossible. Then I get a letter saying Joe Schmoe (not his real name) is my supervisor and if I have any questions, please don’t hesitate to ask.  But there is no contact info for Joe Schmoe.  I wait a day or two and I try calling the 800 employee customer care number again.  This time I got a very nice Indian man who spoke very good English and understood completely what I was saying about Orientation couldn’t possibly be at 2:40 a.m. to teach anything including machinery to a bunch of new people.  But I am wrong about that.  Wrong wrong wrong.  That is the time of the orientation.  Can you believe it?  I was very depressed about that because there is no way I’m going at 2:40 a.m. Just no way. I thought it might be “fun” to try something like this and it would keep me active and November is looking pretty open and then of course Christmas, so I really want to try it. THEN, this very nice man was feeling sorry for me and put me on hold and came back to tell me that there is an option to change my start date and shift. And if I do that it “should” change the orientation time. Should. There are 7 more options open now (there were none two days ago) – he told me to check back again after Monday and there may be more.  Right now I’m having a little trouble working around the Florida weekend and a start date, BUT,  I believe I’ll be able to get in there with a start date at the beginning of November sometime.  They have some easy part time shifts – working 25 hours a week, but believe it or not that takes me over what I’m allowed to make for Social Security.  Since I retired early, I can only make so much money before being penalized.  That’s why the flexible shift works better for me.  Less hours. Well that and I don’t want to work a lot, cause I’m retired! So that’s possibly coming up IF I can get a better orientation time.  I’ll have to keep rescheduling if they keep having orientation at 2:40 a.m.  I just can’t do it.  I won’t do it. But isn’t that crazy?  Crazy.

Working at Amazon would be in addition to working as an usher at the Steeler Games.  Have I mentioned I’m doing that?  It’s great fun.  Well, it was fun.  We’ll see how depressing it is the rest of the season while the Steelers rebuild.  Because I don’t think it’s going to be a winning season.  I think it’s going to be a rebuilding season.  I just love working the games.  It’s really fun/high energy just being there. The people can be a pain but not all of them.  I’m getting some nice regulars.  That’s a physical day too but mostly just on my feet and walking to and from the stadium.  One of my goals in retirement is to keep moving and as it so happens I’m moving more than ever. 

What else.

Today was Fall Family Fun day although without Jimmy and Emily because they now live in San Francisco.  I’m sure I’ve mentioned this. I think that was the last time I blogged.  Photos from SF. Well, anyway, Fall Family Fun Day 2022 was lovely.  Me, Zach and Rachel went to lunch at Fuel and Fuddle and then walked up to Phipps Conservatory and Botanical Gardens.  Phipps was very crowded and we mentioned that it was times like this we missed Covid.  During Covid they had limited attendance and they had the rooms roped off so you could only walk through one way.  Why would they stop doing that?  Except they let so many people in now so it’s like a free for all and not really very pleasant at all.   Except that it IS pleasant cause I’m with my family and the flowers are nice.  Then after Phipps, a quick walk around Flagstaff Hill (by CMU) then back to the car then I went to their house to sit with my grandpup Daisy. Plus the weather was beautiful and I looked cute in my new hat. All in all a perfect day, other than the blisters I have on my feet, because I wore the wrong shoes for all that walking.  And I have to work at the Steeler game tomorrow.  I’m a little bit worried about that.

Ok, I believe I’ve accomplished my goal of being a blogger.  A lot to-do about nothing as is my genre, my niche.  It’s what I do. I’m a blogger.


PS – My featured photo is from Phipps and the orange flowers are glass by Chihuly. Absolutely stunning.

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Where in the World…?

San Francisco, or as I’m told to refer to it as SF.  I’m told if you say San Fran you will be dubbed an outsider, behind the times, or heaven forbid a tourist. As I may or may not have mentioned, who can remember, my youngest son and Emily (his significant other) have moved to SF. I am now here visiting and dog sitting. I was their primary dog sitter when they lived in Pittsburgh. I don’t see any reason that has to change, am I right? At least this time I got to spend a few days with them before they left town and then I’ll get one more night with them when they return before I head back to the heat. That’s right, the heat of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I am finding the weather in this area fascinating.  The rest of the country is in a heat wave and where they live it doesn’t get out of the 60’s, like ever.  Okay maybe not “ever” as it is predicted to go all the way into the 70’s this weekend.  But just look at this forecast:

They live on the Pacific ocean coast, which when the fog clears you can actually see from the end of their street:

The big blue expanse on the horizon is the Pacific.  Jimmy says the sunsets are beautiful however the first night when we went over to see the sunset the fog came in at that time.

The second night here would have been perfect for sunset viewing but we went to Sausalito for dinner instead.  Drove across the Golden Gate bridge, which I imagine for them, in time, will become a “whatever” but this was their first time driving across on their own. Jimmy seems to have a good idea of where he’s going already and it’s so fun to feel their excitement that they live here.  They keep saying to each other “we live here” and they just love it.  And I just love it.

The fog is an interesting and constant companion.  Some days it starts clearing up around 10 am but today it is already 11:11 (make a wish) and there doesn’t appear to be any sign of it clearing up. It also just waters everything.  So their deck looked like it rained this morning, which is just from the fog. While walking the dog this morning we walked under some trees that were dripping rain from the fog.  Is it called Dew?  It must have a more significant name.  Although I have a sweatshirt type thing on I’m not particularly cold and the sun, when it is out, is fierce. My feet got really sunburned yesterday. I was at Jean’s pool last week, in Pittsburgh, no sunscreen, all day, and I didn’t get any sun.  Here, burnt in 5 minutes. And if you move to the shade it’s chilly.  It’s pretty crazy.

The architecture fascinates me.  I mean whose idea was it to build connecting houses?  There are, of course, houses that do not connect, but so so so many that do.  Is that to fit more people?  What was the thought here? Some of the “rows” look identical in structure and then on other streets there are vast differences in design. But still connect.

I still haven’t figured out how these kids have a back yard since you have to walk up to the second floor to get into their house. And their yard borders three other yards.  Like how is that possible?  I need drone footage.

Parking is a lot like Mt. Washington in that if you don’t have a garage you’re pretty screwed finding something close. And every other block has a different street cleaning schedule. These kids don’t mind that though.  I think cause it’s just so new to them.  Their house (they are renting) looks like it had a garage at one time but they turned it into a one bedroom efficiency type unit that they Airbnb. Could be me for a winter month.  OR I could find another place on another street, for a winter month.  It looks like its cheaper to Airbnb here than in Florida, at least in January. And the weather supposedly goes from the 60’s to the high 50’s in the winter.  Not too much different. Maybe the wind gets colder though. They will find out. Oh and this is a cool little fact, no AC.  I mean who would need it here. At least “here” on the coast. Obviously not all of San Francisco is this temperate.

Okay what else.  Trees. They’re big.  I want to see more.  I told them next time I want to go for a walk in Muir Woods so there’s that.  But even around town they just look so big to me.

And how about this option…Emily went to Napa for the day last week.  On a Sunday, her and a couple friends drove up to Napa, hit a couple wineries, and then home in the evening.  Isn’t that just the coolest option for a Sunday afternoon you ever heard of?

Here’s some photos from a walk I took on day one.  I told Emily I needed to be a tourist and check out my surroundings (without the dog). Here are some photos of particular interest (at least to me):

So this dog, adorable as dogs are, is impossible to walk.  Okay not impossible but he’s a handful.  He goes from pulling you to abrupt stopping and sniffing and then you can’t get him to stop sniffing.  I decided there is no big rush here so I can let him sniff, but then you have to watch out what exactly he is sniffing and then eating.  For the most environmentally friendly state there sure is a lot of litter around here.  I don’t really think it’s people littering.  I feel like it’s garbage trucks not picking it all up.  It’s just a guess and me trying to give people the benefit of the doubt but my goodness the litter is everywhere.  So you have to watch the dog.

Also common in SF are the stories of the homeless people. However, where they live there are no homeless people, at least not up here in their neighborhood.  And when I walked down street (like literally DOWN) I didn’t come across any.

I had my day all planned out today.  I have a monthly call with a group of woman and was all set to make sure I got up in time, since the call is East Coast time. Put all my notebooks and things out.  Got up today ready to go, checked my emails and for some reason it said it’s Friday.  My call is on Saturday. So now I have a whole day to figure out what to do.  There is a park I thought I’d try to find (in the car) with the dog but it’s still foggy and then there’s the parking issue.  If I take the car will I ever find a place to park when I come back? I brought my computer thinking I’d work on that next novel, you know, and as usual I’m procrastinating.  This dog is used to them working at home and will calm himself while they are at work so I thought I’d follow suit and work and be productive. But because it’s supposed to be Saturday (in my head) and it’s Friday do I work on the book?  Do I go to the park?  Do I put the pup in the crate and head down to Trader Joe’s for some dark chocolate covered graham crackers? A reminder popped up on my phone saying “it’s time to blog” – I have one set for Fridays.  Notice how often I pay attention.  But today, while in SF, I mean why not? I’m getting up earlier (my goal to be a morning person could be attained here on the west coast) – I’m walking these hills, and I mean HILLS with the pooch, why not be diligent and write a stupid blog.  LOL.  And why do I call my blog a “stupid blog” – is it cause it’s stupid?  Well, no matter.  I at least entertain myself when I write them so there’s that. 

Okay, by the time I get this uploaded with the pictures it will probably be time for lunch.  Still no sun.  What’s up with that today? So much weather to learn about here in SF, and you know how I’m the weather girl.

And now the dog is barking in my face. Clearly I am missing something he thinks I should know.


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