A mildly entertaining blog for your enjoyment – you be the judge

I’m in the mood for a new rug. I’m not sure what that means.  I’m feeling like it’s a premonition because I don’t need a rug. Perhaps my living situation is going to change and I’m going to need a new rug and I’m getting a jump on ideas. Why else would I be looking at/ and desiring another rug? Not that not-needing has ever stopped me from buying before, but really it’s not like you can stuff an un-needed rug in the back of your closet. But for some reason rugs in general are jumping out at me. That’s kinda all I wanted to say about that.

Although, maybe what I want to say is about premonitions?  No, that’s not it.  Decorating maybe? Maybe it’s about decorating. Maybe this is going nowhere fast. Well, in any event, rugs…

Last night I had my boys, and one girlfriend here for dinner.  It was a late Thanksgiving/birthday celebration. I was sick for Thanksgiving which is when we would have had cake for my oldest son’s FORTIETH birthday.  Yes, you heard that right, 40! FORTY. I can’t get over it. But anyway, we had to reschedule which was nice because the younger son, who has since moved to SF (San Francisco) is here for the weekend so he was able to join us.  I mean it just doesn’t get any better than having an evening with your family, one grandpup, lots of food, with all my Christmas décor up using my Christmas dishes. Except for the fact that we were missing one girlfriend and one dog.  Turns out the SF couple are unable to leave their dog at the same time.  They have not yet found a suitable boarding option so they are taking turns with a quick visit home separately and then on Christmas morning we will just zoom like we did 2 years ago during the height of Covid.  It wasn’t bad at all. But togetherness is my first option. Anyway, I noticed that my Christmas dishes, and server ware (like the serving bowls) do not match. Although the theme is similar, they are not from the same set.  I thought a lot about that last night.  Mostly I thought about how I don’t care.  Then I kept questioning myself.  Like “do I not care because they still look good together?” or “am I becoming slovenly and unkempt?” I mean is there meaning behind the fact that I don’t have a complete matching set, but kinda don’t care?  To check myself I went online to see if I could find the serving bowls to match my dinner plates. They’re hard to find but a few are out there, and I don’t love them. The accompanying pieces have writing on them. I’m not a particular fan of writing on my dishes. But I did find some salad/dessert plates, completely unrelated to the holidays that I was so very close to hitting that “buy” button on, but I stopped short. I know where to find them though. Jimmy (youngest son) commented on my dishes.  Does it get any better than someone noticing? This was kinda funny too, well funny to me, cause it’s me, but when I was setting the table for last nights dinner I realized I don’t have any matching napkins.  Not that my napkins have to “match-match” but you know something complimentary, in cloth.  I was slightly mortified.  BUT I have a set of napkins that have polka dots on them and found two red and two green and made them work and I think I’m going to keep them as my option.  But there was a moment when I thought SHIIT! Luckily, I improvised. Does anyone care about this? Nooo, but that’s what makes a good blog for me.  It’s about nothing.  And turning that nothing into a memory.  I have a memory now, seriously I do, of improvising those napkins and making it look like it was totally planned.  And the dishes thrown together that look like they go together.

Dinner was fantastic, if I may say so, the evening was sooo nice. A dog was here having fun. The boys were talking a lot and catching up. Zachary played the piano and we were all amazed at his talent (it’s so great having a piano again) – we had birthday cake – and basically I stayed in the kitchen while the kids (the kids) talked amongst themselves and I just listened.  Isn’t that what parenthood is a lot about?  Kinda blending in the background and just listening? Remember, for you parents, those car rides where you are the driver and you’re toting 6 kids around who are talking like you’re not even in the car?  You learn so much.  I remember Donna Cooper and I in the front seat of some van with a car load of boys and they were back there talking and we were not talking, just listening, and I don’t remember what was said but I remembered we both looked at each with a slight horror at something they said!  Horror or shock or like WTF? LOL.  That’s a little what it was like last night.  I was halfway trying to stay out of the way so I could just listen to them. But thankfully there were no shocking or horror stories overheard. Just some brotherly love going on.

Well, I guess that’s it for now. Perhaps a mildly entertaining blog for your enjoyment. Now I must go in the kitchen and eat some leftovers from the food I made last night, enough for the neighborhood. Chances are I’ll just stick to left over birthday cake, but I have options.

And maybe I need a rug under my dining room table. I mean there is room for one.


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4 thoughts on “A mildly entertaining blog for your enjoyment – you be the judge”

  1. I love this blog! I loved every year of motherhood. I LOVE HAVING ADULT CHILDREN! Thank you for reminding me about “time in the car” with your children. And I love you!

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