Global Prayer Wave

It’s sugar shock day, also known as Christmas Eve.  Every single year I make myself sick eating the batter of the various treats I make for others.  The one good thing that comes from it is after I eat all the batter I have absolutely NO desire to eat the finished products so typically starting on Christmas Day I don’t even want to look at another cookie.  So see how something good comes from it?  Probably the people I bake for go home and throw it out, but you know, I’ll do my part, because it’s my part.  Noone is getting a hat, scarf, or misshapen mittens that I’ve had to knit in the last minute so the cookies are the best home made thing I can do. And every year I make the same cake that my highschool boyfriend’s mother made and passed on to me.  I’ve held on to this recipe for 45+ years.  That should mean something, if only it makes me think of her every year. That’s what Christmas is, memories and sugar.

Here is the Global Prayer post I mentioned the other day. 

Please join us in a Global Wave of Prayer on December 24, starting at midnight in your own time zone (thus creating the wave) asking your God or Goddess or Source of the Universe to bless and thank the Covid virus for its service to humanity, making us all take notice of ourselves, our environment and each other in the wakeup call that we needed. We are grateful for the many positive changes created during this time (i.e. work at home) but we are now asking that the virus be recalled and dissolved back into the light from whence it came. It’s now time for us to be in the new world post Covid. Amen.
Pass it on!!

The fact that you just read this should at least start the wave.  Who is up at midnight anymore?

I wish you all the love, for Peace on Earth, for healthy homes and families, and for all our sakes a better 2022, whatever better looks like for you.  


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