Meet me at the Clock

Do you ever think what era of your life you want to meet you in heaven when it’s your time to return?  Like in the movie Titanic, at the end of Rose’s long long life and all she experienced, it was Jack and the passengers and crew of the Titanic that greeted her in Heaven.  It’s just a thought about what is the best part of your life.

Why am I thinking about this?  I’m listening to Pink Floyd. Well, backing up.  I discovered this group called City Rocks.  I saw a video online. I believe they are located in Hungary and they get groups of 500 people together to sing and play rock songs.  Their motto is Make Music not War.  Imagine how much we need that now!  I mean these events are incredible.  All ages together rocking out.  All ages.  Little kids and old rockers.  Really, if you are an old rocker or just a human this is a really cool thing they are doing and you should check them out online.

Anyway, Brick Wall (by Pink Floyd) was one of the songs they sang and, well, then I told Alexa to play Pink Floyd and here I am on a cold and snowy day inside rockin out and flashing back.  I think I’ve seen Pink Floyd in concert but I have a feeling it’s just a concert that I wish I would have gone to. I can’t remember for sure.  I know I listened to them a lot driving around in cars.  And can you believe we used to do that?  Just drive around, all night long and sing.  I remember we were all in Doug’s car (I’m guessing me, Linda, Cricket, maybe Kippy, maybe Kinks) and singing to some 8-track and Doug turned the sound off.  He was being a jerk as usual.  LOL.  No really he was the big brother to all. Anyway, when I get to heaven, do I want to be in his car with the girls driving around and singing? (assuming after we have all lived a very long life)  Do I want to be at Memorial Park with all of the friends that have already passed on? (there are too many there already)  Do I want to be in the school band back in High School at a half time show at a football game.? Do I want to be driving out west in Howards MGB?  Do I want to come into the driveway at Opus (my grandparents/mom’s house) and have my family greet me at the steps at the front door? Do I want to meet my friends on the 3rd floor of Froggy’s bar with Dan Smiley behind the bar. Those that were with me at that time of my life I’m sure are saying “please god no! LOL.  And then after my kids have led their incredibly fulfilling long lives and meet me in heaven, what age do I want to see them at?  Do I want them to run to me as 4-year-olds?  Do I want them as teenagers (probably not)?  Or adults?  Ya know?  Maybe when they first get there they can run to me as 4 year olds and then gradually grow up.

Well, these are just my Sunday, listening to Pink Floyd thoughts.  What I need to do now is get off my ass and out of this apartment and get some fresh air. Then I need to get busy making more memories so I have more choices of what I want the scene to be when I do finally go to that after place. There’s so many more memories to make!

Namaste. xoxox


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