Are you a Good Witch or a Bad Witch?

Is anybody else using the downtime to try and figure out who you are?  You know like the self-help books/articles suggest?  As I was cleaning today I took a moment and pulled a card, a Goddess Card – just to see what my message was for the day.  It’s 11 – Justice.  The short messages of the card ”Truth is the foundation of Justice.  You must learn how to look outward at the world and inward at yourself with complete and rigorous honesty.”

It goes on for 2 pages. What stuck out for me is the message “justice is about seeing the truth about yourself and your life.  If you cannot be truthful with yourself, how can you be truthful with another person? If you do not understand yourself, how can you make a wise choice? … Wisdom is not inherent to your character or personality, but instead you earn it through the pursuit of self-knowledge”..ugh

I took many moments today after reading that card and decided to think about the truth of “who am I?”  Does anybody know how to figure this out? Because I am seriously stumped. It’s not the first time I’ve tried to think about this, but I’m getting a little tired of not knowing.  It makes my brain hurt.  And I’d really like to get it so I can move on to the next step about making wise choices.

When working a 40+ hour work week with a commute on either side there is no time, or interest, in figuring out who I am.  The only thing I think about is getting to work, getting home, making dinner, cleaning up, making lunch for the next day, figure out what to wear the next day, watching Grey’s Anatomy if I’m lucky, and then go to bed.  On the weekend there’s grocery shopping, and cleaning.  On a good weekend time to meet friends for lunch. So when is there time in your normal life to think about anything?

NOW? I have the time.  It is true that I still get up and get on the computer and sit here for an 8 hour day but I have plenty of time to think.  I am guilty of watching an awful lot of TV but I’m starting to come around to thinking about stuff too. Taking time to be quiet and think. Just like I used to do in Florida.  Living in Florida, alone, especially those last three months I spent in Port Orange without working, was good practice for this down time. At that time I sat and thought a lot. It is easier to sit and think in the warmer weather and with the beach nearby.  My “job” was to go for walks on the beach. On the weekends my job was to take a book to the beach.  Different times for sure.  I didn’t think about myself then either.  I thought about a lot of things, but not about who I am.

My self discovery today started with the list of roles I’ve played…daughter, sister, mom, aunt, GREAT aunt, friend, girlfriend, writer, dreamer, Reiki girl, office worker, fast typist (although Liesa B gives me a run for my money on WPM) and none of this is who I am.  I wasn’t even done with the list when I knew these roles have nothing to do with who I am.

So should I start to dissect what “kind” of daughter, sister, mom, etc. I’ve been? What “kind” of mom was I? What “kind” of mom am I now?  Is this how we’re supposed to look at it? Because I’m a very part time mom now. Part-time daughter, sister, friend. I’m alone alot. These tags don’t mean much to me now.  It makes my head spin.  And in the long run does it even matter who we are?  Are we just trying to get through it all and get to the end?  With most of those “tags” behind me, is it just a race to the end?

That’s a depressing thought, and a depressing way to think.

I guess that’s part of me.  I have depressing thoughts.

Here are some other thoughts of who I am. I like the truth, although not always black and white (this I listed first because I’m watching 60 Minutes while writing this…hmmm add multi-tasker to the list) I’m interested in things that make you cry (in my case that is a long list) but think about music, art, the first time you see the Rocky Mountains, the awe in hearing or seeing something you have never seen before. That is what life is. I love that. The awe and wonder of life. I love birds, not when they are buzzing my head, or building a nest on my porch, or necessarily pigeons, or seagulls attacking your lunch…but I love seeing them and hearing them and when I can hear them I love that it’s that quiet and peaceful.  I love the ocean.  I love the wind in my lungs, the way it makes me feel like I can breathe.  I LOVE sweets.  A donut on occasion.  I love writing when it comes to me. I love reading a good book. I love helping when I can. I love to volunteer. I love chocolate chip cookie dough. I love vegetables right out of the garden. I love a garden. I love planting flowers. I love lilacs. I love fresh aire. I love the smell of pine. I love living on Mount Washington. I love horseback riding. I have loved my dogs, I have loved walking my dogs. I love sunsets. I love warm weather. I love the sun. I love the moon. I love the snow the first time it falls.  I love people..mostly..I love my friends, my neighbors, my family. I love all the goodness that is going on right now, in spite of all the worry and death and uncertainty. It’s making us reflect on what is important.  Some of us anyway.  I think more of us than less.

I guess an underlying trait of mine is I “love” a lot of life. 

I’m not gonna lie.  I’m a little worried about it being all over, like my life being over. This coronavirus is like a biblical plague. Have I complained to God too much about my less than satisfactory circumstances throughout my life?  Is he gonna say “fine then, you’re done?” Or will he say, okay you appreciate life, keep going. Which side of me gets my point across to the Universe?  My good side or my bad side?  Which side of me is me?  How is it going to tie in with who he takes in the plague?

This coronavirus is so sporadic.  It doesn’t make sense.  They’d want us to think it attacks older people mostly – but do statistics support that? It does go through nursing homes but it also takes healthy people.  Young people and old people.  And am I the only one that is shocked that 60’s are considered old?  Even 61? I can’t make sense of it.  I don’t know how to process all the information. Nobody knows.  I cry a lot.  I cry at the commercials thanking the workers.  I cry at 60 minutes.  I cry at the news.  I cry at all the love in the world now.

On the other hand, we have those “protesting” staying home.  Crazy Trumpers I’m sure.  I am no longer being politically correct about my feelings for Trump.  He’s an idiot.  Although at times I also feel sorry for him.  He is in so over his head.  He never thought he’d win the presidency let alone have a real situation that he had to “lead” us through. Well, I say God bless Trump and the Trumpers, please.  If they want to go out and mingle amongst themselves have at it.  I will try and stay away from them. I’ll continue to stay home as much as I can. Wear my mask, and the gloves, wash my hands and take the threat seriously.  And who knows, maybe everyone in New York dying is fake news and no one will ever get sick again.  Wouldn’t that be great?  If we were tricked into staying home and spending time with ourselves and our families?  And forced to work from home which is 90% of the workforce dream? Sure there is unemployment but how about the world pitching in and helping. I mean the world is good.

I for one don’t want anything to go back to “normal” – I want to evolve.  I want to see the new normal. I want to be alive to see the new normal.  I want people to find themselves, and I want the Trumpers to be right and we can socialize again and nothing will happen. I’m cautious…but happily open to being wrong.

This was in the last paragraph of my Goddess card today:

The possibility of peace on Earth begins with understanding Divine justice….Justice is about seeing the truth about yourself and your life.

What if Peace on Earth starts with thinking about ourselves? And God is giving us the time to do it. Peace on Earth would be pretty cool.



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Lockdown Countdown

I’m listening to WYEP (local radio station) and they’re playing the lockdown countdown music list.  I think that has a ring to it – don’t you?  Lockdown Countdown…we should use that to mean coming out of Lockdown..although we don’t know what that actual countdown is. Do you think we’ll be back to going to work May 1? I don’t. I’m seeing more June in my crystal ball head of mine.  If I’m honest, which I usually am, I’m not ready for it to be over.  I’m ready for no one to die, but the whole stay at home thing, well I don’t think we’re ready to move on from this lesson in life.  I can’t watch the news without crying about all the goodness in people. I love how it’s uniting the world. THE WORLD. When I think about how this affects every single person in the world, well it’s uniting isn’t it? I’m afraid if it’s over too soon the “goodness” side of this quarantine won’t have lasting effects. Of course the sadness of this situation with all of the unemployment and deaths is the heartbreaking side. I wish I could do more.

I guess the main thing we can do is try the stay at home thing.  There are a lot of people that still think it’s a “hoax” or maybe hoax is not the right word, maybe the right word is overkill? Or over reaction? But will it kill us to stay at home just incase it’s not a hoax?  The alternate reality, if it’s not a hoax, is it could kill us if we don’t stay home. We don’t really know the truth do we? I mean none of us really know. I am not home all the time. I go grocery shopping. And I don’t want to admit other indiscretions. I went out on Friday to pick up a prescription, then some Easter stuff since I was out. I wore two sets of gloves and a face mask. Have a bottle of antibacterial hand sanitizer gel in the car and disinfectant wipes in my purse. So I’m at the prescription counter, I attempted to use the ATM machine with gloves on. The gloves are too big, I hit the wrong buttons, my glasses fogged up, I couldn’t see. I took off all my gloves, pulled my face mask down and used my bare hands on the key pad that countless people touch all day long. Left the mask off so I could breathe and see my way out of the store and threw the gloves out into the garbage on the way out of the store. I can’t count the number of times I touched my face. But when I got in the car I used my hand sanitizer. It is not easy.

I guess when I ask myself, what more can I do? the answer is “just stay home.” Don’t fight with the mask and gloves, just stay home. I have one errand to do today, dropping off food, then I’ll stay home for 14 days. Except I won’t because I’ll need food again. See?

There are those (myself included at first) who thought that the flu kills many more people.  And the numbers may suggest that, but personally I have never known anyone to die from the flu. And I know the hospitals aren’t lining up bodies in the ER during flu season.  And I know that there aren’t people with the flu who are healthy one minute and 3 hours later on a ventilator and then die. So even though many are comparing this illness similar to the flu, or even less deadly than the flu, is it really comparable?  Is it? I don’t know.  It doesn’t feel like the same thing. I think it’s like the plagues in biblical times.  If we don’t have lambs’ blood above our door will it come for us?

These are the questions that are swirling in that ever-active head of mine.  Trying to stay calm, stay sane, and do the right thing.

Here are some other questions swirling around my head?

  • Do we really not use 2 spaces after a period?  Do people check? And who are these people checking? I can’t possibly retrain my typing skill to go one space after a period. I can’t do it.
  • How long will it take my body to get back into shape after not exercising for a month? Not that it was “in shape” before but it was better than this.
  • How many baked goods can I make and eat without going into a diabetic coma?
  • Is it worth buying a desk for only one more month of this work at home thing?
  • What’s the real story on facemasks?  Are they or aren’t they effective?
  • How do people keep vermin out of their gardens?  I thought about maybe putting a couple of tomato plants or herbs on my deck but I already have more wildlife than a nature preserve. Do I want to feed them too?

All that aside, it’s my Jimmy’s (youngest son) bday.  It is a good day.  He is 29. Life goes on.  I wonder what his 30th will be like. Indeed what will the world be like one year from now.


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That would be a negative

My boy is Covid NEGATIVE.  It is a relief.  He’s just regular sick.  Which is not great news for him.  Being Covid Negative is good news, but he wishes he knew what was wrong with himself.  I told him to call Telemedicine again.  He said they’re so screwed up he had to pay for the appointment as they couldn’t find his insurance.  It’s always something with this dam healthcare.  There is nothing about our healthcare system that makes me feel confident.  I’m not referring to the individual doctors/nurses/care people – they are lovely – but the system is effed up.

I don’t know about you but I’m losing my mind a little bit with this work at home thing.  I mostly LOVE working from home but my day consists of walking briefly in the morning, briefly, then downstairs to my kitchen table in the dungeon (previously known as cozy) where I don’t see the light of day for the rest of the day.  When work is over, I go upstairs to my couch and sit and watch TV.  I am on my ass 15 hours a day, minus the 10 steps back and forth from the bathroom.  At my work-work office the bathroom was really far.  The coffee pot was far.  Lunch was at least a few steps on and off the elevator and down the escalator through the tunnel!

I plan on moving this operation upstairs, to where there is light, at some point next week.  But I am still considering that because at this point I can walk upstairs and this mess is out of sight.  I’ve been talking to friends who comment that their mess is always looking at them…thus drawing you back to just do “one more thing” – way past the normal time you’d be working if you left the office to go home…on the bus…not looking back.

And how about this…you’re in the bathroom and the phone rings/or email dings, and you feel like you have to justify why you weren’t at your desk.  Did we ever feel guilty going the bathroom at work?

I know people are not happy with this work at home dream.  BUT we are also not set up properly for it.  When I worked at home full time years ago, I had a proper desk, my desktop computer supplied by my company, I mean a full office set up. I was not winging it on my kitchen table trying to make my personal laptop computer fit the remote desktop options of my company, constantly looking for files in some one- drive lost in some cloud, dropping all my work calls because I have no cell service in this basement/kitchen/office space of mine.  The work at home dreams need to come with work at home conditions.  An office, a “work” computer, provided by your employer, supplies provided by your employer, and of course a cell signal (I’m looking at you Verizon)!  Not related to work but once I was charged a roaming fee for a call I took in my kitchen!!

I know what I have to do to be blissful, but I have not as yet done it (move upstairs, buy a desk, buy a chair, do yoga at lunch!!)

For today, I am happy that I can visit my boy without fear of Covid cooties. It is a good day!


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Being a mom in the time of Covid

I have two older sons.  My youngest son typically keeps me posted on everything going on in his life…well not everything (thank God) but he is very communicative.  My oldest…I swear conversation is like pulling teeth.  A question like “how are you” can be met with resistance.  I don’t know if he’s wondering if I have an agenda to my “how are you” or worse yet if he thinks I will criticize his answer.  If he says “fine” – will I say “what do you mean by fine” – if he says “not well” I then question “what does that mean” – I am SURE this is what he’s thinking because it can sometimes take a day or never to get a response.

Sometimes he is very chatty.  It seems to be best if I start with something other than “how are you”.

On Fridays he typically goes to Costco.  This past Friday I sent him a text and asked if he was going to Costco.  I was going to ask him to look for Peanut Butter (toilet paper is a given) – his response was “not tonight, I’m not feeling well” – to that I said “do you have a fever” and he said no.  And then I dropped it because…well see above.  He doesn’t like questions…usually. And I am always accused of over-reacting.  He never offers more information than necessary.

I offered that I would be going to the store on Saturday and could get him something if needed.  He thanked me.  See?  So good so far. He’s responding.

Saturday was met with laziness.  It seems to be a day for me to lounge in bed a long time, and then do nothing if possible.  By mid-day (and after 5 episodes of Last Tango in Halifax) I realized I had offered to get him something at the store and at this point I had no intention of leaving the house – but the mom that I am I reached out “haven’t been to the store yet – do you need anything?” – answer, “no thanks for asking” – and back I went to finish bingeing Last Tango.  I know not to push my luck with additional questions.

Sunday was a good day – I did a lot of laundry – took a few walks.  We were so windy here I was afraid of getting decapitated by a flying stop sign or any type of debris, but I am here to tell you that did not happen to me or anyone I know of.  However there was a very sad story of a tree falling on a woman and her 3 year old daughter who were walking in a park.  Presumably the wind knocked the tree over. They are both in critical care.

I watched 60 minutes last night.  What is happening in New York is horrifying and so very sad.  Anyone who watched it will understand.  Also, I’ve never heard of this Brene Brown.  Apparently she’s getting big like an Oprah.  But I don’t know anyone else that’s heard of her either.  Well anyway, I digress…

After 60 minutes…it occurred to me, Zach didn’t feel well, I should check in with him even though chances are he won’t respond because he’s Zach. I should at least be the mom and say “how are you feeling..” so I took a leap of faith and sent the text.  Not a quick response (in texting terms) but I did get “about the same as yesterday.  Not bad as long as I’m not moving” – my response “what are your symptoms” – His response “I’m scheduled for Covid test tomorrow at 8 am”



I called him.  Let me say I first sent a text and said “can I call you?” He didn’t answer.  I was m-effing him of course for not answering.  I called anyway.  No answer. But then…because he really is a good boy, he called me back, apologized that the phone was in the other room and even put me on speaker so I could talk to both him and Rachel.  Apparently, he was having trouble breathing.  Had called telemedicine and they told him to go for testing. He called them on Friday, they set up the appointment for Monday morning.  Told him if he had to go to the ER they had to call ahead of time and let them know he was having Covid symptoms before getting there.

But do you see, a whole weekend of him not being able to breathe and I don’t hear about it until Sunday night?  I was checking on him wasn’t I?  Was I just not asking the right questions? I hate kids.

And because I watched 60 minutes and heard how someone can go into the ER with slight symptoms and be on a ventilator within 3 hours well you can imagine my stress level. His sympton was he couldn’t breathe. I was trying really really hard not to over react.  It helped that it was a horrible connection and I had trouble hearing them. I succeeded in remaining calm and just said “Zachary If you can’t breathe you have to go to the ER” – They explained to me that they were given instructions on how to go to the ER if it got worse.  Rachel thinks he has pneumonia.  I don’t really care what he has, I just want him to breathe.  I also found out that Rachel had been miserably sick these past few weeks. I had no idea.  One time a year or so back I found out she was in ICU in a hospital and on a heart monitor for a month.  Know when I found out? Like 6 months later. I HATE kids.  We said our “I love yous” and hung up.  They agreed to keep me posted on the following day’s events.

I hung up with them and full on panic ensued.  I texted with a couple friends – rambling, shaking, crying.

All I could think about was:

  • I smoked when I was pregnant..It was 1982 – nobody told me not to.  I smoked when I nursed.  I smoked until he was 2.  It’s my fault he can’t breathe.  It’s all my fault.  He’s going to die from this because of me.
  • What if it escalates and he is put on a ventilator. Is he going to be alone?  Will they allow visitors?  Will Rachel be able to be in there with him? She’ll be losing her mind.  I’ll lose my mind.
  • Will they ever tell me? Do they know I’m his mom?  Will I get a call? Or will they wait until he’s really bad before I know anything at all.
  • I’m not telling Jimmy (younger son).  He is prone to panic attacks.  I’ll wait until after the testing is done.

I waited until 8:10 this morning and then sent a text to both him and Rachel and said “well?” – no response.  See what I’m saying?  Fuckers!

Then…I see he’s online.  He’s working!  And after a few short responses..

ME: Are you working?


ME: Did you drive or walk over (to testing)


ME: I assume you are feeling better or they wouldn’t have sent you home

And boom – conversation ensued…Just have to hit the right cadence I guess. 

I was shuffled to a room and the halls were lined with people in hazmat suits. ​They sat me down and shoved a thing up my nose then told me to leave.was handed a piece of paper that said results in 1-4 days.

He shared that he is feeling much much better.  He is able to breathe much better.  I should be relieved.

I am not

I keep crying

I know I’m a cry baby


This is different

Most people getting this thing will feel nothing or feel like they have a cold (presumably) but people ARE dying.  It’s like a crap shoot.  Is it going to be your son?  Because you smoked?

Jimmy has sports related asthma. What if he gets it? Could he have trouble breathing if he gets it?  He’s also prone to panic attacks.  Wonder where he gets THAT from?  How will that condition interact with this Covid business?

A mom’s role is to rush to their child’s side isn’t it?.  What am I supposed to do now? I kept catastrophizing…I could run to Zach’s house and sit with him – he lives close.  Would Zachary be more upset that I’m exposing myself or would he be grateful that I’m there?  What if I get it and react adversely and be one of the unlucky ones. What about Jimmy?  Is that fair to the other one? Do I save myself? And now knowing Zachary is getting better is this the lesson?  Just wait it out?  It’s so opposite a natural motherly response. We don’t wait – we rush.

But I didn’t rush did I?  I didn’t sleep much either.

What if that would have been the wrong decision?  What if I would have lost him in the night?  I kept rehashing in my head the last time I saw him and was wondering if that was the last time I was going to see him.  Now that I know he’s okay was it mom intuition working and if it really was the end I would have known to rush?  Or am I rationalizing poor motherly response?

I KNOW this is over-reacting…which I am always accused of…my head was catastrophizing big time.  We always think it won’t happen to me.  But it does happen.  It’s happening to “me’s” all over the world.

The therapists (or pseudo therapists) reading this, are probably having a field day with my relationship issues with my children…I’m glad to give you a case study to think about…but the bottom line is the issue facing all of us mothers of older children in these times..

What are we supposed to do?

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Casual Friday

I was happy when I woke up and realized it is Friday.  Tracking my days is different now.  Not like I haven’t worked at home before, but it takes awhile to get into a new routine.  I’ve been walking to the corner all week, as if I’m going to the bus stop.  I stop and take a picture and then I “run” home.  It gets my heart moving.

Look at my beautiful city





I’ve spent most of the week hating technology.  There are at least 3 ways to check my work email and each one opens differently – displays differently and has different functions.  Sometimes I get the “can’t get there from here” message and that’s when I think it’s a sign to go back to bed.

Yesterday I was on a “TEAMS” call taking notes (like Skype, Zoom, conference call program)– trying to stay inconspicuous you know, in the background, muted microphone, typing away.  Since the microphone in my laptop refuses to work I have to connect via Iphone –  I use the phone as a microphone and I’m still connected through the computer as well. It’s meant to be used by people who don’t have a microphone on their desktop.   All the sudden the call drops..Sheesh – during the meeting – that I am taking notes on – so I’m scrambling to reconnect.  I have to have the program call me since my microphone doesn’t work – anyway, so it calls me back but it never rings so I figure, heck with it, I can hear them I’ll just keep going.  They don’t need to hear me.  Next thing ya know there is a message reverberating throughout the conference call “your voice mail is full, please…blah blah..” and my boss is like “Lynn?…” Jesus Christ.  Apparently, what happened was when the program called me back the second time it went straight to voice mail and had been recording in my voice mail the whole time. Unbeknownst to me.  I mean do you see?  This is why I need to retire. Or like Zach said “I should have been a park ranger” – Technology is the worst…and the best…but the worst when it involves your job.  I’m just not going to call in any more.  There is nothing I need to say. If they need me to say anything I can put it on the “chat” screen.  I think the connection issues have something to do with the reception I get in this basement office of mine.

Speaking of basement offices, I’ve told my landlord that I will not be renewing my lease. I now have 2 months to find a place.  I don’t have a plan.  Well I guess I have a plan to move out. I don’t know where.  The whole idea was to spend a year here while I got resettled and then buy a place and really settle into my forever home.  Like my forever..which you know…the end game..last house, etc.  It’s really weird to be thinking in those terms, last house, last car.  Although seriously I’m not anywhere near last car, at least to my knowledge.  We (my age group) are though considered “at risk” in this Covid thing. That’s a bit sobering.  I don’t feel “at risk” – but just incase I figure the best thing for me to do is to keep my lungs healthy. Thus the daily walks.  I did a 20-minute yoga video the other day.  I thought I’d do 20 minutes every day.  Well,,,, the first day, 20 minutes seemed like 3 hours.  I kept thinking “is this never going to end?  Where is the shavasana?”  I haven’t done a 20-minute segment since.  I am still sore from the first one. 

Today being casual Friday, after my shower (yes it was a shower day) I decided to wear a new top.  You know just to make it a special day.  It is a new casual top.  I have realized that I can wear the same laundry basket full of clothes for the entire week.  I just need to do laundry once and rewear everything in that same laundry basket.  Maybe when I go to the grocery store over the weekend I’ll try and go outside the laundry basket and wear something else.

Has anyone else thought about purposely getting the thing?  I mean since I’m self-quarantined anyway.  Wouldn’t it better if I just got it?  Stayed home my 15 days and then at least I’d be able to visit people for a couple weeks without the threat of being a carrier or getting it again?  OR I wonder if you can be a carrier and immune at the same time?  If no one sneezes on me, and I’m not a carrier, well shouldn’t I be okay?  I don’t mind being home but I’m ready for some human interaction.  I’ve seen some people on my walk/run in the mornings but usually I cross the street.  I’m thinking of going over to my neighbors and throwing rocks at her door to get her to come outside and sit on her porch and I can talk to her from the sidewalk.  My other neighbor was BLASTING music yesterday.  Made my house shake.  He said he wanted to get people to come outside on their decks.  He used to be a DJ.  He misses it.  Maybe he’s on to something and when it warms up we can all have a dance party on our decks.  I’m going to miss living here.  I do love my little street.

It’s the weekend.  It’s warming up but it’s supposed to rain…a lot.   I wonder what shows I’ll watch.  Sandy’s turned me onto “Last Tango in Halifax” – it’s very cute.  Just about life.  Life is very interesting isn’t it?  Especially now – Life in the times of Cholera/Covid. 


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New Decisions

When to get up
When to shower
Which pair of leggins
When to eat breakfast
When to eat lunch
Is it a Tea or coffee day
When to turn on the news
When to turn off the news
Rent or buy
Netflix,  Prime or Hulu
Should I wear earrings in so the holes don’t close up
When/If to exercise

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ISO: Social Cohort

Look at me getting into a little blog habit again.  It’s the end of the day and I thought maybe I should spit one of these blogs out quickly before I turn off this laptop for the day. If for nothing else to brush up on my writing skills.  I am noticing now how all these celebrities are stealing my idea of checking in everyday – only they’re doing it with video chats. They share just as much nonsense as I do.  The difference is people follow them.  Lol. 

I am thrilled with the good news on my local news channel about how people are coming together and giving, giving, giving.  It is so heartwarming. I watched Outbreak over the weekend (from 1995 – with Dustin Hoffman and Morgan Freeman and a ton of others).  Our situation is not the same as in Outbreak as they were soooo sick.  Also, they portrayed humans as being violent and crazy and so far that doesn’t seem to be the case.  We’re either just loving each other or partying (yes I’m talking about you Florida people) – Let’s hope our goodness maintains until the end.

Mom and I have a somewhat debate about what/who is behind this.  She believes the “dark forces” are behind most things.  I disagree, I said I think this is God.  I think he/she’s saying…”look people, I’m giving you one more chance.  You either come together or I’m killing you all..”  lol… Well think about it.  The virus hits us all, no matter social status, or politics, color or race, everyone is affected.  Other than the one’s dying (sorry that’s not funny) the symptoms are not that bad. I am very aware that I could lose my mom to this if she would get it, but I also could lose her to pneumonia. I’m over 60 as well so you know I could also go down.  But then I’ll just assume I’m needed on the other side.  My point is, so far, this seems to be bringing good out in the majority of us.  If we prove to God that we can all get along maybe he won’t wipe us all out and start over. I even sent a tweet today to Adam Schiff in support of a Trump interview clip.  It was unacceptably edited and very misleading as to the true interview.  Trump looks bad enough, you don’t need to make up stuff.  We all need to be careful what we are viewing and believing and watching.  I’m pretty much just streaming Netflix and Hula.  I suggest Harlan Coben’s various Neflix series – The Stranger, Safe and The Five.  He’s such a good writer.

I read an article today about how they’re calling the groups we live with, in this time of sheltering-in-place, our social cohort.  We’re allowed to hang out with and even “touch” those we live with who are in our social cohort.  I do not have a social cohort.  I usually balance this with a call to friends to meet for lunch or a walk or porch visit.  Those are off now. Everyone keeps asking me if I at least have a dog. I do not. I am not allowed pets.  I am thinking of running an ad to see if there might be someone else looking for a social cohort.

How to get to know someone quick. Shelter-in-place together.


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What’s your sign?

Are you thinking it too?  Are you wondering since I’m going to be working from home, without visitors, will I move back to Florida?  Has it crossed your mind?  Interesting, it’s crossed my mind too.  Just briefly. Long enough to have me looking online at trailers in Port Orange. The immediate and logical answer is of course I’m not going to move.  My whole family is here and my friends, the ones that still like me, I have a social life here, babies (great nieces and nephews) and now of course my new grand-dog Daisy.

I got a notice today that my electricity usage for the week has increased by 46%.  That’s mostly due to my heater that I have on 12-7 (that’s 12 hours a day).  I’m sitting in my kitchen for work and it’s cold here in this room.  COLD.  I have plans to move to my upstairs quiet room where it is much brighter and warmer but I need to get set up (a desk) first.  I’m also not excited about giving up my quiet room.  That’s when I looked at this listing.

I’m not crazy about those kitchen cabinets but the desk on photo #7…well it’s like Miracle on 34th street.  A sign when young Natalie Wood sees the cane in the corner of the house?  I’ve been asking the good Lord for signs. I have a lot of deadlines and decisions to make, as usual, and well is this a sign?  What if it’s a sign to buy now while we are sequestered and then when it’s time to go back to work up here, rent it out and keep it to have when I retire and become a snowbird.  When it’s time to go back to work in the city, then I can come back up north and rent something again up here.  I have no problems living in a trailer in Florida, but I can’t bring myself to live in a trailer in PA.  At least not in a trailer park.  Also I am looking for an “investment” and trailers are not that.  Heavy sigh.

My mind…

It’s a wonder..

I told my brother earlier today that I was going to buy an RV and park it on our 1-acre lot that we still have in Virginia and live by the creek.  I’d have to pay my siblings off though.

I have to tell my landlord in 2 weeks if I’m going to renew my lease.  When I rented this place, I never intended to stay more than a year but I am struggling with where to go.  Houses for sale are selling like crazy. I’ve put in 4 bids so far – lost them all.  All bids are going over asking. I’ve bid on one over asking.  I was $5000 over – another person I heard was $12,000 over – we both lost it. I wonder what it actually went for.  Now I’m looking further out of the city to see if I have more of a chance.  I can’t compete here in the city.  I keep moving further and further away from the city but always thinking about staying close to transportation to the city. 

And now look, we’re not going into the city for the unforeseeable future.  We’re not socializing either.  Does this open more doors? Or close them.

What’s the message Lord? I’m listening…


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Shut in

I’m sitting here thinking what I can do to help out during these times.  I thought about posting on some media site that I would help with food for kids, or deliver meals to shut ins; although maybe Meals on Wheels is still doing that, anyway, then it hit me.  I’ll just blog.  Lol.  I mean I don’t know what kids eat.  Ya know? I only half jest. I could make pancakes and chocolate chip cookies! So maybe I’ll blog AND cook for kids.  I bet my neighbor would cook cookies too.  She is the best baker ever.

So, interesting times don’t you think?  I’m not gonna lie.  It took me awhile to grasp the severity.  In my defense, and many others like me, it’s not like we’ve ever been through anything like this in our life time.  Ya know?  We always get sick.  We’re expected to go to work when we’re sick.  Suzanne gives you dirty looks if you stay home sick.  I mean it’s an expectation in America that you just keep going to work.  So what do we care if we’re sick?  It’s just another day right?  And millions die from the flu every year right?  Okay maybe not millions, but alot? How about that statistic that I never knew until now.  We just fluff it off. We know soandso went into the hospital with a kidney stone and got pneumonia and died and we just write it off as part of getting sick.  What about all the MRSA deaths?  We should get more statistics on that shouldn’t we?  Well, I’m just saying, in our culture we just push through and think being sick is a “sissy” disease.  So I didn’t actually grasp the seriousness of the situation until someone I work with/for, who sits in an office beside me was sent home, quarantined for 14 days expected to have the thing. That’s when it hit me.  I thought well there goes visits to Diane (currently hospitalized with a broken ankle…like severely broken) and visits to mom.  And really I should probably not visit anyone knowing that he might have it and then I might have it?  It really hit me, the trickle-down effect.  Rachel’s mom has leukemia..what if I hugged Rachel?  Janice has a compromised immune system.  My neighbor had me over for dinner with 70-80 year old’s – see how bad it is?  And that doesn’t count all the people I ride the bus and subway with – all those people in the Steel Building, on the elevator, in the bathrooms.  It just made my mind spin with what could happen.  It doesn’t matter that maybe I won’t feel anything, or have symptoms, but what about Rachel’s mom?  Janice?  Those new neighbors?  My mom, Diane?  I mean it goes on and on with who we touch.  An interesting exercise in how connected we all really are.  So putting that into perspective I am happy to stay home.  I do not want to be that girl.

I’ve continued to read up on it and truly believe that if enough people have their come-to-Jesus moment and take this seriously and stay home and sing on our balconies then we will get over this. My mom said “well 1% deaths doesn’t sound bad – does it?”  Well let’s see based on 2019 statistics we have 328,239,523 in the US. 1% of that is 3,282,395.  That’s a lot of people dying JUST from the corona virus. Total number of recorded deaths in a year are about 2,813,503.  So add another 3 million on top of that.. Well it’s a lot.  And a lot all at once.  And there’s the whole stress on the healthcare industry and those that work in it.  I mean just such a snowball.

I don’t know if my numbers are text book accurate but I do think they paint a picture of the seriousness that I eventually came to terms with.  So what will I do with myself?

Luckily the last so many years (not this year but about 4 prior) I’ve been pretty much a loner.  I work and then walk on the beach…alone.  So now I work and I’ll walk on the Mount. And for big entertainment it was a night out at Walmart or sometimes Sushi.  One thing for sure, there is nothing I need to go to Walmart for.  I can have my food delivered.  I got out of the habit of going for Sushi mainly because I don’t know where to go.  I’m marinating some Ahi Tuna at this very moment though.

A few years ago (turns out quite a few) I worked from home so I’m used to that as well.  So this is just bringing up so very nice memories of those times.  Every day (the last two days) I have promised to go walking/running at lunch just to get some fresh air and see my favorite view of the city.  I haven’t done it yet, but I will!  Tomorrow is the day.

I went online today to try and find a proper computer desk as the angle of my kitchen table is giving me carpal tunnel already, but this is not a complaint, just an observation.  I found a computer desk on CraigsList.  I wonder if they’ll leave it on the curb for me to swing by and pick it up.  I can Venmo them. Right?  I mean there are workable solutions.

Jimmy has already apologized for not visiting, saying he’s staying away from me and his dad (for our benefit – yea right).  Zachary and Rachel stopped by on Saturday night, and then I sent them an apology the next day for hugging them.  It’s weird times.

The very best I see is the humanity that is coming out in most of us. Not counting the panic over toilet paper (and what’s that about?) it seems like so many people are thinking of ways to help out.  I saw a story about a restaurant giving away free food to the poor and the owner said he’ll keep doing it until we get back to normal or he goes bankrupt.  Ya know?  I mean Humanity is the best.  We really are good at our souls. We may be skeptics, but who can blame us with how often we’re lied to, we don’t know what to believe anymore, so we need to believe in ourselves.  Just like me, I was skeptical until the guy at work with a fever sneezed on me.  And I thought, oh man, I get it. (turns out he was not tested, they said he didn’t qualify – just regular sick I guess)

I don’t talk much about the company I work for.  It’s big.  It’s healthcare.  Imagine how crazy my work place is. And I don’t know the half of it since my department is construction.

Well, that’s it.  Notes from me on day 2 of our social distancing.  I’ve gone from my beautiful 60th floor views to sitting in this dungeon of a kitchen that I have.  I’m working on moving my spot to upstairs so I can be by a window at least and look outside.  It won’t take me long at all to adapt.  That’s my super power.  Resilience. Adapting. Moving on.

What’s your super power?


**Disclaimer – all health conditions mentioned above our hypothetical..except Diane really did break her ankle.

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Incase you are wondering, my obsession with dinnerware/plates continues or more accurately has resurfaced. I am a possessed person.  I am having so much fun being back home and starting over.  Although, sometimes I’m pissed about all the stuff that I used to have, between my stuff and my mom’s house that now I have to rebuy, like an ironing board.  When I think about the things we left in mom’s house I just lose my mind.  She had a GREAT ironing board.  I’m glad when I stopped by her house on my way up from Florida last year with the packed Penske truck, that I at least grabbed what I did – the box of dishes we had from my childhood was all I could fit in the packed truck.  I salvaged three dinner plates from my mom’s old set, a lot of salad plates, small appetizer plates and cups and saucers!!  Nobody uses small cups like that anymore.  We are such a supersized society and only drink out of 24 oz size mugs.  Anyway anyway, so back to plates.  In Florida right before I moved (or knew I was moving) I bought dinner plates from Pier One – 4 of them – coastal themed.  Not those melamine plates mind you, the real china ones.  They were on sale (of course) and, well, I thought back then I would start rebuilding in Florida, but noooo.   Anyway, I have the plates up here and they are lovely and they are currently in a box with the rest of my summer melamine (pool) dishes in a closet. 

My first family get together after moving into my current residence when there was 4 of us, well I needed new plates didn’t I?  I am trying to remember why I didn’t think those coastal beachy plates were good enough.  Because at the time there were only 4 of us – and I have glasses to match – oh wait I remember, there are FIVE of us.  That’s right – that’s why I needed to buy more dishes.  Jimmy now has a lovely girlfriend and so there are now five of us.  That’s when I ended up at Walmart and decided to go for the shabby chic look with their Pioneer Woman design and got six plates and none of them match, but they are the same designer, so you know kinda the same.  I had visions of us all claiming our dish and then always using that one.  Wouldn’t you know the next time everyone is over isn’t until Thanksgiving.  Could I use the same plates?  Of course not!  It’s a holiday.  I need holiday plates.  Guess who had a sale on plates? Wayfair. Their ads that pop up on every blessed site I look at are very effective and I’m weak and I bought 6 orange (excuse me, pumpkin color) plates for Thanksgiving.  I thought well this is perfect.  They are a fall color and I can use them all fall.  I had a very lovely Thanksgiving table although I didn’t like my placemats this year, so I was also looking at new placemats today for next year.  But then decided I have a year to get new ones. I have showed great restraint by waiting.

My next rebuilding involves Christmas dishes.  Last year Donna Cooper asked me about all my dishes.  I had to remind her they are all gone.  But sad as that is…how fun is it now?  Fun and expensive but holy moly I get lost in a rabbit hole looking at patterns.

Back in the day I had everyday Christmas plates that were a wedding gift from my mom in 1982.  I used them as my everyday plates every year.  They are now gone. It makes me sad as they were really good every day plates and probably the start of my plate obsession.   I also had a very nice china set that I collected over many years and would display in my china cabinet and actually used a few times and I had almost every piece to match it.  They were very pretty.  They are gone now.  Collecting all of those pieces was a labor of love and patience.  Gone. 

I also have a set of plates that I ONLY use on Christmas morning.  The idea at the time was they were from Santa and so to make them special I only use them on Christmas morning.  I have placemats and napkin holders and napkins that I use with that set. When the kids were little they just loved coming down Christmas morning and seeing that table set with those dishes (mostly the napkin holders)  And guess what?  I still have them!!  I know, right?  Of all the things I have lugged around the country I managed to hang on to them and there are 8 plates!!  Now we can all have a plus 1 and invite two more.  Although we’ve been having Christmas morning at Zach and Rachel’s the past couple of years I think it’s time for me to resume my official duties as matriarch and Christmas morning hostess of the family.

Well anyway, I am now lusting after an everyday Christmas plate set.  Yes of course I could use the Pioneer Woman plates (although I think they have a much more springy and summer feel) or maybe I could use the pumpkin color plates that I bought for Thanksgiving and pair them with red/cranberry placemats – throw in some green and well that just still sounds like Thanksgiving doesn’t it? And no I am not using the Christmas morning plates because they are Christmas morning plates!  You see why I need these new everyday Christmas plates don’t you?  Meanwhile, only Jimmy and Emily come for dinners every once in awhile and I always use my mom’s 3 plates that I rescued from Opus BUT if I had every day Christmas plates I’d use them right?  Or, if I buy these 8 dinner plates (planning for plus 3 in the future) would I then want to save those plates for only a dinner with us all?  Which may or may not ever happen because I think I’m only relegated to the Christmas breakfast and I have those dishes already.  Getting everyone together TWICE in a season may be a little too much to expect.  I could have friends and other family members over and then use the new dinner plates.  That might be a good excuse to have a get together, although not more than 8 at a time.  But, do I also need a new fancy-pants china set too?  In addition to everyday Christmas dishes?  I could have Christmas Teas again but that would involve a heck of a lot of more dishes and a bigger house. And me moving back to Sewickley area because no one is going to make the trip into the city.  Unless I provided shuttle service.  Otherwise I have to make all new friends up on that mount (Mount Washington) and well I would love to see my old friends again, at my house, with my dishes at Christmas time.  But new friends are nice too!

You see this problem don’t you? It starts with dishes and then I realize I need a bigger house so I can invite friends over to use the dishes.  Not to mention storing the dishes in closets that I don’t currently have. So I go from looking at dishes to looking at houses.  Then I can’t decide do I want to stay on Mount Washington where the kids will stop by on occasion because it’s convenient and also I do love it here?  OR do I need to move back home-ish so I can have Christmas Teas again?  And buy MORE dishes? But wouldn’t it be great to have a great big farmhouse country home? Like the featured photo at the top of this blog? Where all the dishes would look so perfect?  This is how it starts, the dreaming, the living in my head.  It starts with dishes.

At one point in my life I remember collecting a lot of broken plates. I was going to make some sort of mosaic tabletop with them so we could always remember the different dishes but dishes are curved and don’t lay flat and I couldn’t figure out how to make something that wouldn’t cut our wrists everytime we sat down. Honestly I’m just not that crafty.  Instead of looking through Wayfair and Pier One (and then Trulia and Zillow) lusting after new dishes and new homes maybe I should be looking at craft sites instead.

Perhaps it will be added to my legacy and on my tombstone, next to what the kids say they’re going to put “known for her chocolate chip cookies…they were o.k.” (that was Zach’s comical addition) but next to that they can say.. she had a lot of dishes.

PS – my new everyday Christmas dishes will be arriving December 12. Thank you Wayfair, you have just what I need.


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