City Life

I am very much enjoying city life, again. Here is a visual of a day (or two) in the life..

The End


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Do you ever feel like a plastic bag?

I keep thinking of that song.  I was thinking about when a plastic bag gets caught in the wind and then gets whipped around.  Pleasantly floating one way and then the current comes and whips it another way until it eventually crashes and burn.

Isn’t this a great way to start a blog?  Can you guess what’s coming next? Sorry.

I’m moving.  Again.  And for the THIRD time in my recent life I have been packing to go one way and in the last moments go another way.  This time I had bought a house.  Or so I thought.  A 3 bedroom on ½ acre.  Not exactly the area I wanted to live in but an area I’m familiar with so I was okay with it.  Mostly I couldn’t believe that my bid was accepted and that I actually was all approved and able to buy a house in today’s market. I’ve been looking for 2 years. Along the way this particular deal would fall apart, then pull back together, then fall apart, then together.  And I was just convinced this house wanted me to live there.  It just wouldn’t die.

Until it did.

Having one too many scary stories of people paying thousands – tens of thousands – of dollars to repair cracked sewer lines I made sure to include that those had to be clear, free of vegetation and cracks. It was actually on the seller to prove as I could SEE grass in it.  They had the test and said it came back clear.  Hard to believe but I thought it was all just meant to be.

Fast forward to this week.  Monday.  Mortgage has everything they need to close on Thursday.  I have Friday plans to paint, have internet hooked up.  Kids moving me on Saturday.  My car is filled with yard tools donated by a friend to get started on the overgrown yard work that I have ahead of me.  Zach bought me a new painting kit. Excited to have a basement again to putzy in. And then I said, wait, where’s the sewer line video?  I haven’t seen it.

My agent informed me that the selling agent said it was clear.  I said yea, I want to see it. And after yelling and saying we don’t have a deal without that. I haven’t signed off on it, blah blah.  And them saying they have until midnight to send. Well, for the first time in this whole thing I lost my mind.  Screaming, throwing out the “eff” word freely and said “get me the gd video.” – But I think I said the “eff” word and not “gd” 

Guess what was in the video?

Broken pipes and roots.

I thought about it for about ½ second and cancelled the contract.  My one friend described the driveway of that house (I thought I was buying) as a lantern post driveway, referencing how long it is.  Know what else is long?  A sewer pipe from the house to the road.  Maybe 100 feet.  Maybe longer. Know how much it costs to line a cracked pipe?  A lot. So they lied, attempted to conceal evidence and pushed me to the last minute, I’m sure just hoping I would go along with it.  What assholes.  Since the mortgage company had already notified me that they were taking all my savings, I had nothing left to even consider repairs.  So that was that.

In retrospect, had they told me initially when they found out the information I may have had time to think about it and get bids and know exactly what needed to be done.  But three days before closing when I have to get out of my current residence in two weeks, well they shot themselves.  Didn’t they? And then I didn’t trust anyone or anything.

I’m within my rights to get my hand money back.  But they have 30 days to sign off on giving it back to me.  And guess who is not signing or returning calls.  I mean talk about bad, unethical real estate agents. I’ll wait until the thirty days is up and then social media here I come.

This all happened Monday night at 10 pm. I emailed my old friend, property manager, from when I lived in the city years ago.  She sent me some options.  Tuesday (yesterday) I looked at 5 apartments.  Picked one, applied and signed the lease today (Wednesday) and on Saturday I’m moving to an apartment in the city.  It’s actually an apartment right next door to the apartment I lived in, in 2014, before I moved to Florida.  Same building, same floor, same view,  But bigger apartment.

In three days my mind has gone from paint chips, yard work and new bathroom vanities, to one bedroom, elevators, storage units, and city living.  

When the wind didn’t blow my way, again, I adjusted my sails. I’m really good at that. My sister told me once that my super power is resilience.

I woke up this morning early and sat on my deck shortly after sunrise.  Anyone that knows me, knows that is NOT me.  I am a sleeper.  I have a couple days left here on the Mount before I move.  I will enjoy my deck with my neighbors and my face in the sun for three more mornings and then I’ll be on to the next/old adventure of living in the city.  My beloved neighbors are an incline ride away. I loved living in the city before.  I’ll love it again. 

Anybody need a patio umbrella?


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Clear as mud

I’m reading a book about Immigration.  It’s called The Undocumented Americans, by Karla Cornejo Villavicencio. I have never thought much about Immigration other than what I see on the news, which is vastly different (or at least not as thorough) as actually reading a book about it.  But this blog is not about Immigration.  This is about Karla Cornejo Villavicencio style of writing.  She writes in short sentences.  I am a rambler writer (when I write).  She would never use parenthesis. Or after thoughts. When I read a book with short sentences, I think like that after I put it down.  Right now my thoughts are short sentences.

I am moving again.  I look at several rentals a day. I am no longer looking to buy.  I am not competitive in today’s market. I am not sure how I feel about that. I am not sad. I am just moving on. I am sad about leaving this particular residence. I love my neighbors. I love my view. I can not see the view in the winter months.  There are no windows in the back of the house.  I have 4 windows. One of those 4 look directly into my neighbor’s kitchen. My bathroom is downstairs. My bedroom is upstairs. The heat on the first floor where the bathroom is does not work correctly.  I hate the cold. I am not moving back to Florida. I am moving somewhere where the heat works in the winter time. On all floors. In all rooms. I also need closet space. I have boxes and bins of photos. All people my age with children (or not) have photos. We also have shoes. I wear most of my shoes. I will wear more when I can go out of the house. I have nowhere to keep my shoes. I also have books.  They are piled on various floors. I do not have ample space in this current abode.

I think I want to live in the city limits of Pittsburgh. I think I want to be close to work. But I think I am NOT a real city girl.  I look at these places and then I think “where I am”? Beautiful views. But I don’t know where I am. I was very sad to leave Daytona Beach when I moved back in January of 2019.  But now I am very happy to be home in Pittsburgh.  I think I’ll be happy in my next place but again sad to leave this place. I will definitely be happy when I am warm and not tripping over my shoes. I want to find that next place soon.  I am tired of looking.

I have recently been exposed to an infected person with Covid. I believe my neighbor is infected. He is not the one I was exposed to. He is just an additional exposee. He is on his way right now to be tested. He does not feel well. I am worried for him. I am fully vaccinated. I can still get Covid and be a carrier without symptoms. My employer only cares if I have symptoms. If I don’t have symptoms I am expected to continue working in the office as long as I wear a mask 100% of the time and don’t eat lunch with anyone and don’t go into anyone’s office or meeting space. If I have symptoms I need to get tested they said. I said I think I should get tested anyway so I don’t spread it even though I don’t have symptoms. They said, it’s up to me. If I choose to get tested on my own, and the test comes back positive, I can’t go to work. With or without symptoms and masking. They don’t advocate for a test without symptoms regardless of exposure. I don’t know how to process this logic. They said very few people understand the logic of their requirements.  I work at home anyway. I don’t have a job that requires me to come in. I just wanted to know if I “wanted” to come in if I would be allowed or what the company line is. Now I know. Or do I?  I have a life outside of my home which is the one I care about.

The Spanish flu lasted 1-2 years. Somewhere between 20 million and 100 million people died worldwide with the Spanish Flu, according to Google. 675,000 US Deaths are attributed to the Spanish Flu from that time. Covid deaths are up to 555K deaths in the US. Worldwide 2.86M. The Spanish Flu did not last forever. Covid will not last forever.  

Masks were worn in 1918. I will wear mine in 2021. I have several that match my shoes.


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Next Life

Is anyone else thinking about what they want to do and be in the next life?  I am realizing I spend a bit of time saying “I want to do that next life”.  I know I (hopefully) have another 25-30 years, which is a good amount of time, but there are some things you just can’t do with the time you have left.

For instance, next life, I want to attend school more than I skip it (if we even have the same school system).  I want to focus less on boys.  I still want to be a girl but focus on something else in highschool.  Like learning.  I want to play sports AND music.  I want band to be cool again, and this time I WILL practice that piano. I promise. I want to take up dancing too. Maybe drama club. Maybe even singing and dancing?

I want to meet my “soul-mate” in my 20’s.  Maybe in college.  I want us to both be professionals in our own right.  I want to make a difference in whatever I do. I want to get married and stay married our whole lives and celebrate our 70th wedding anniversary together.  After our initial apartment together, when we have kids I want to get one house and stay in it our entire lifetime.  So our kids always have “home”.  The same “home” and at the end of our lives (next time) there will be uncounted treasures and memories throughout that house.  Sure they’ll sell it, but we won’t. I guess additional vacation homes would be okay too.

I want to grow up in a different country, or maybe New York City.  LOL. That’s like a different country. I would have loved to have grown up in the city.  I mean how different would my life have been.  I can already see how even growing up in the city limits of Pittsburgh would have been so different than the suburbs where I grew up.  I love hearing the stories from my neighbors, life long residents of “the city” and taking inclines and busses and downtown was their “up street” – it’s so fascinating to me to think of growing up that way.  It sounds more fun and adventurous than how I grew up, looking for rides to get off that hill. What if I could have jumped on a subway to get where I needed to go?

Living in Europe would be fascinating.  I’ve heard on the border of some countries people know FIVE languages just because they have to.  FIVE.  I want to know five languages too. 

I’d like to have the same siblings, but my parents would have to have some major tweaking.  They can be the same but there’s going to have to be some ground rules!  I wouldn’t mind trying it all again with all of us.  But I’m not joking about the tweaking.

And I hope to the Gods I get the same children and more.  I had an astrologer tell me that I’ve never been poor in a past life.  LOL.  Seriously, wtf.  She also said because of this wealth I’ve never raised my own kids.  So, if this is my first time doing that, and I started small with 2, maybe after review it’ll be determined that I did okay and we can add a couple more next time.  Not like a litter, but 4 would be good.  Nice round number. With the same father. Although I’m okay with adopting too!

I know there are many years ahead of me which is why I am looking for that one “grandma” house so when I have grandchildren it will be Grandma’s house for at least the rest of mine and their lives together.  And they will have their memories of being at grandma’s.  The house also needs to have a yard for the grandpups.  So they can get excited to spend the weekend at grandmas too. Those pups are easy though. They get excited regardless of a yard.

Unfortunately, so far, this next and final house is alluding me. Because this is not a wealthy lifetime (like who decided that?) I am not competitive enough to get these houses that come on the market. I am not sure what the message is from the universe and at times I wonder if I’m not supposed to resettle in this area.  Spain looks pretty.  But that would be a far visit for those grandpups.  Of course we could all move there couldn’t we?  Is it too late for me to learn another language?  Hola?

The Gemini that I am is feeling the wanderlust of wanting to do something so totally different and wanting that grandma’s house that never changes and is constant. In the past I had no interest in traveling to Europe.  Now I have the next five years of European trips planned out. One a year. I wonder if I planned to have money at least the rest of my life or if this life has been totally devoted to “wanting more”. I’ll have to go back to that Astrologer.


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Happy Holidays

I’ve been thinking lately about this neglected blog site.  I recently received a message from a very old friend who mentioned something he read on my blog.  I had no idea he even knew about it.  Then Debbi, my cousin, mentioned it (or lack thereof).  THEN I was remembering Amy’s blog.  While living in Florida and writing I would read her blogs.  She wrote lots of stuff at the time I considered “woo woo” – like a new moon ritual (which now I do faithfully every new moon) or following the Artist Way journal, which I then bought but never ever read. She also wrote something about a particular sort of journal that I thought I’d try, and then didn’t.  And then she just quit writing that particular blog. I think she initially moved to another platform/website that I didn’t know how to follow and now I just follow her on Instagram on her professional site.  She is hands-down the very best wedding photographer in the WORLD.  Seriously she is. And she travels the world as well for these weddings.  But the bottom line is I miss following her life.  Her cat, Mo. Her dating life (or lack thereof).  She became my friend in Nova Scotia.  But not really, but yea she is.  And now, like her, I have seemed to have moved on without a thought to my friends and family that I’ve left hanging. I feel kinda bad.

What a year, huh?  What. A. year. I mentioned to Debbi that I quit blogging because I couldn’t help but be political, then the social unrest was/is heartbreaking and didn’t feel appropriate to blog about my nothingness…and then well, then I fell down the work-at-home, sweat-pants, ordering groceries online, Amazon shopping, rabbit hole.  I RARELY, if ever, go out (although I’m getting out there tonight).  I mean it’s so rare when I go out that I notice how good the air feels in my lungs.  And with winter now here the windows are primarily closed.  I open them when the temperature goes over 40 (like today).  Sometimes I wonder if I’m gassing myself, like carbon monoxide poisoning, with all the space heaters I keep on all the time blowing on me.  Only one floor of this tiny house keeps the heat so I leave my new electric fireplace on all day long to take the chill out.  My electric bills are astronomical. But it’s better!  And cozy. I love working at home.  But I also love the fresh air, I love my view at the end of the street that I used to see every single day, I love going for walks but I don’t.  I just don’t.  I’m blaming it on the Covid.  I never had trouble making myself walk on the beach. I just wonder what the underlying issue is. Too much sugar (cookies) Covid-itis and cold?

I’ve been watching a lot of TV, but not really current TV.  It’s either so stupid (game shows) or really way too violent.  Like this new show “Clarice” – really?  Who thinks these shows are good ideas?  The FBI shows seemed interesting but they are so twisted and violent like what is happening?  Isn’t there supposed to be a murder and then it’s really more about the characters?  Am I saying this right?  Now it seems to focus more on the sick mind of the murderers.  There’s something wrong with that being the primary focus of TV shows.  Where’s our shows like Joan of Arcadia? Touched by an Angel? Even the Good Wife.  I mean who is in charge on CBS?  Netflix is good and so is Prime and Hulu. And I’ve finally bit the bullet and am paying for HBO Max.  The trouble is when you watch shows on streaming channels you really have to pay attention.  But on regular TV you can cook, look at a magazine, talk on the phone or write a blog.  You just have to look up once in awhile.

What else,,,, I am a grandma to two pups.  Daisy the boxer girl , now 1 ½ years old and Rooney the beagle boy, about 5 months old.  I keep photos of them at my desk and love puppysitting them.  They seem to know me and get excited when I visit.  It’s so fun. I am really into it. They both go to daycare on occasion and get report cards for the day.  Daisy does art projects and they have picture days.  I mean it’s effing crazy. You just can’t help but laugh and love them. And I do, love them

It will be two years that I’ve been back in Pittsburgh, this January.  January 25 exactly.  I’m going to celebrate by spending a week in Daytona in January to celebrate my Return-to-the-Burg anniversary. My plan is to spend a week alone, on the beach and walk everyday like the old days. Hopefully read a couple books. I could take the computer and see if I can come up with a blog but I’m afraid I would look at work emails.  Then I’d hate myself. Am I afraid of the “rona”? NO.  I’m going to mask up and wear gloves on the plane. And then stay in my room, on the beach with the balcony door open (except it will be freezing) but you get the idea. From what I hear there is no Covid in Florida.  Right Ron DeSantis? (asshole) My niece who lives in Sarasota just got over the Rona.  She was positive and sick for a week or so.  She got a negative test today so very happy to get out of her apartment and in the fresh air.

I’m very very happy to be back home in Pittsburgh. It’s bizarre having to zoom with my kids on Christmas this year, like I did when I lived in Florida, when they are only 2 miles away.  But we all decided it was safer.  My house is too small for distancing, not enough windows to have the air move and well it’s just so crazy out there that it seems like the smart thing to do.  I think we will have a different appreciation of being together next year.  At least I will.  They will probably want to zoom every year after getting a taste of being able to stay home and not having to go 17 places on Christmas day (mom’s house, dad’s house, other mom’s, other dad)

So my kids and I are doing the “smart” thing Christmas morning but I am expected at my sister/mother’s/niece house for Christmas dinner where it is a ses-pool of who knows what germs.  Last year on Christmas day my baby niece was so sick I brought her home here so the rest of the family could do something the day after Christmas.  Her symptoms were a very dry cough that she just couldn’t stop coughing and a 104 temperature.  Her mom took her to the hospital twice and they couldn’t find what was wrong with her.  They said upper respiratory.  Things that make you go hmmmmmm. I was sick a week later with a low grade fever. Wrote it off.  Now, we just all wonder.  I imagine someday I’ll get a blood test and see if I have the antibody.  But I’m just getting over all the payments for the medical bills from last year that were “covered” by my medical insurance.  Ya know?  They charge for everything and then say “it’s covered, but this is what’s not covered” but “it’s covered” – it’s crazy.  I won’t get started on healthcare.

If I got started blogging again regularly, I would probably get in the swing of the everyday nonsense, it’s just hard to get started (just like eating right and exercising).  I understand how you can get hooked on it.  Even when it’s about nothing.  Especially when it’s about nothing.  It’s a nice distraction.  It could be a nice social service, a distraction from our homebound lives. Except I’m part of the homebound social scene as well.  OR maybe, maybe it would motivate me to go for a walk and report on the outside surroundings.  Well now, there’s a thought.  I could talk about the snow, the grey skies, the neighborhood.  Hmmm, could be a 2021 goal.  I’ll call it “the great re-opening 2021” – maybe the great re-awakening – the new “great” . Maybe it would catch on.

Well, I will think about that later. Now, I have to mask up and go out for eggs and sugar. The great Christmas baking frenzy has begun.  Although I don’t know why, now that I live next to the real cookie queen, I should retire the kitchenaid mixed.  Here’s a photo of her Cookie table as “we” packed boxes for her to ship and deliver.  I have become her taste tester.  I never want to move.

Oh and Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah and Happy New Year.  Let’s be happy to move on from 2020.  Take what we’ve gained (introspection) and start again.  Maybe we’ll have a better perspective on the world.  It could happen!

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Sieze the Day

Remember the days when I apologized for blogging about nothing?  Is it me or do we all miss those days of me just rambling about nothing?  Don’t answer for real but just incase, I’m going to practice getting back there.  Because one day I hope that life is that mundane again.

Let’s see – I’ve been reading A LOT.  I used to love my reading on the bus/commute time so I’ve picked that back up and everyday at 5:00 I leave my computer (I’m working at home remember) and walk out to my back deck and read.  Sometimes I fall asleep but mostly I read.  I’ve gotten through a lot of books this way.  One difference that the commute did not offer (because I’d have to get off the bus) is that I find myself sometimes sitting there past 7 pm deep in whatever it is I’m reading.  Here are some of my recent books:

White Fragility – Robin D’Angelo
Red at the Bone – Jacqueline Woodson
The Book of Longings – Sue Monk Kidd
Ancient Secrets of a Master Healer – Clint Rogers
Those Who Save Us – Jenna Blum
Walking Through Walls – Philip Smith
Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ – Levi
a couple by Harlan Coben that I can’t remember as I’ve already passed them on.  ANYTHING by Harlan Coben is good.

Up next –   Another Harlan Coben: The Boy from the Woods.

My new system is to stack the books up (I keep ordering new ones) and just take whatever is on top and read it. I’m thinking this way I’ll read the book when it’s “time” – you know like “time.”  A couple of these books mentioned above I’ve had for a while and was just waiting until I was in the mood. Now I put them in the stack and make myself read them when they come up.  After Harlan Coben is Stamped from the Beginning by Ibram Kendi.  It’s very intimidating (in length and subject)  but with my current line of thinking it’ll be time to read it.

I’ve been using that line of thinking in other areas of my life as well.  Not sure that this is a new concept or one I haven’t shared before but because this is a rambling blog I will continue.

One night, when I couldn’t sleep, I was thinking about mom and how it’s near the end of her life, I mean it just is.  She’s 88.  Well anyway, I realized I need to get her life story down before she goes.  So next day I called and we spent quite a while reviewing her life.  Most of the stories I’d already heard but there’s more to go.  I am truly amazed at how she lived at times during her life.  She has taken so much in stride. How much is lost when our parents go, and as the generations pass?  Ya know?  I mean before blogging would we ever know what happened?  Thank god for authors, books and historical novels.  I am always amazed how people have survived throughout history, such as Nazi camps.  Unbelievable.  I copied this from the book Those Who Save Us:

“The world has gone crazy. To burn people in ovens..that we talk about this the same way we used to talk about whether Irene’s husband was going to leave her, or the price of turnips, or the weather.”

And this is historically true of that time.

I’ve been writing other notes down.  Something will speak to me in a book or passage and I’ll write it down now (copying the source).  My thought is to compile them all someday and then use them as one of those books you open randomly on a day when you’re looking for guidance.  Have you ever done that? 

My brother used to open the dictionary randomly and read a word a day.  That’s pretty cool.  I’ve tried that a couple times and sometimes the word fits something I’m doing.  I don’t have my mom’s HUGE dictionary anymore.  I mean it was HUGE.  I wonder where that is.  It was a family relic.

I’m missing a lot of those family relics.

Let’s see what else:

Recently I was dog sitting at a friends who has very large rooms in her house.  I realized I’ve been living in closet sized accommodations since 2017.  Although I may have one time thought I’d like tiny living, after stretching out in her house and not having to turn sideways to access the washer and dryer I’ve decided I’m back on the home search for BIG rooms and a yard.  Any yard really.  With dogs (other’s dogs) and children in my life again (Evan’s babies) I need a FENCED in yard.  Primarily for the children. They were here for a visit the other day and as I was making dinner in the kitchen, those kids said they were upstairs and then I found out they were ½ way down the street at my neighbors.  I should put shock collars on them when they’re here.

What else,

Oh, I joined this new group.  It’s a group of like-minded individuals who try to increase awareness of one’s self.  I initially thought it would be a good group for me to ensure that I make wise decisions and actually used the example (in my head) so that when I buy a car I am making the right decision.  So since then,,,,I bought a car.  A (used) Subaru Crosstrek.  I have been buying cars for myself since 1978. This is the first car that I almost hate.  Lol.  So much for the group’s effectiveness.  There is nothing wrong with the car.  It’s fine and all but I just don’t love it.  I barely like it.  When I was buying it I guess I thought it was the “right” thing to do.  I hate doing the “right” thing.  It’s just not me.  I am hoping that life is going to unfold in a way and I will be happy to have this car eventually.  Maybe my next house will be in an area where I need all wheel drive and be happy to have such a car.  In retrospect, I think I should have waited one more year.

Other than that I love the new group – we meet virtually once a month.  I like it. Something I learned this past week, or that was suggested, is that when you get an urge or an idea, to act on it. It is living your purpose.  That seems a little simplified but that was the gist. Obviously it needs to be an urge or idea with a higher purpose I imagine.

So here’s an urge/idea I had (besides looking at farmhouses).  As background, in my current job and with my last job at Stetson I did a lot of Surveys.  I have learned that I like reading the surveys and making sense of them – I guess analyzing.  It’s not always (hardly ever) raw data, but the words and comments tell a story.  So I’m thinking about a story.  You know how one of those Facebook questions is “if you could have dinner with anyone ever who would it be?” Many people answer Jesus.  Also, usually people pick a parent.  So (I shouldn’t use so many so’s) Just for fun I am asking anyone who reads this to complete the survey linked below and let me know if you could ask Jesus one question what would it be (This is not a religious question – even if you don’t believe he existed – especially if you don’t believe he existed – even asking “who’s your real dad?” is acceptable – any question is acceptable) – AND if you would invite someone else (parent, Hitler, Joan of Arc) who would you ask and what one question would you ask them. Obviously you can respond in the comment section below but if you want to remain anonymous use the survey.  But, don’t sue me if I write a best selling novel and use your question and don’t mention you 😊

Starting with today I decided I would follow through with a bunch of things that I’ve been waiting for the right time to do.  Like write this blog, call a lawyer (just routine), put away beach stuff…you know…all that stuff that waits and piles up.

That day is today! Carpe Diem!

I hope you all enjoyed your weekend and were able to enjoy one extra day off from sitting in front of the computer.  As has become my new habit, I sat on my deck all afternoon and finished a book.  Although my exercise habit has really taken a nosedive, my reading habit has become all consuming.

Lets see if this link works: Survey says:


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I’ve got something to say…

These are really exciting times to be alive, don’t ya think?  I mean if we survive the Covid and all.  They are horrifying and frightening times, but I can’t help think there is going to be something good at the end of this. Wars, Hitler, Civil Rights movements, all prove that there is no accounting for how long it will take for the country and world to settle down but call me crazy, I am hopeful that after all this ugly is up and out that there is some more sane level of existing going forward.  I just saw on Twitter that Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto (although not usually a fan) has raised the city’s minimum wage to $15.  All on his own.  Didn’t ask anyone, didn’t wait for congress or senate or anyone to pass it. He just did it.  Well, I actually don’t know the process that he used but he obviously didn’t wait for any federal mandate. I like the micro-managing that is happening now on the local level – micro managing in a good way.  Makes me wonder if all the Trumpers should live in one state and the rest of the world live in other states.  Wonder what that would be like.  Seems kinda cruel to put all the haters together in one place without a balance of sanity.  Because one day they could decide, hmmm, maybe I DO like civil liberties.  Hmmm, maybe there is something to being considerate for other human beings, hmmm, maybe our equal rights COULD use an overhaul and then what would happen?  Would they be allowed to immigrate to the “other” side. Isn’t that kinda funny?  I don’t want to believe that anyone is un-salvageable.  And as a non-Trumper I would vote to allow them into my side.  After being held in cages for a period of time.

That turned ugly fast didn’t it? I didn’t even know I was going to go there but it’s just there. It’s in all of us (alot of us) just boiling up and out (if we dare to speak out)  Speaking of books 😉 The book The Power by Naomi Alderman is about women who wake up one day and discover they have a hidden power, an actual physical power, that allows them to dominate men.  It shows how the transfer of any power is subject to being abused once achieved. There shouldn’t be one side or the other in power.  It just gets abused…maybe not at first..but eventually.  If you think about it, which I do, most government programs are started out with good intentions and always get distorted from it’s original purpose or intent by whoever happens to be in power.  Look at Homeland Security (as an example) and what is happening now.  It’s all about who is in Power.  So whatever comes from these end times has to result in a balance of power.  Balance being key.  Not division, just balance. In my opinion.  If Democrats “win” there will be no winning. (but an obvious improvement in the short term)  But then it’s just a shift of power.  There has to be another option.

Personally, I’m putting a lot of stock in the up and coming generations.  I told my 7-year-old niece yesterday that she has to fix it.  She didn’t respond.  I yell at my 30-year-old saying – COME ON!! DO SOMETHING YOU GUYS!!” I don’t get a lot of response there either.  My oldest son just groans.  I believe adamantly that it will take these younger kids, the younger generations, to fix it.  Us old people are too set in our ways. We have the Republican and Democrat conventions still.  That is so outdated (in my opinion)  The whole system needs overhauled – everything.  And we are off to a good start with all the protesting.  I saw a story about whether or not 2020 is the worst time in the history of America; (since the Civil War); they compared our time now to 1968 saying 1968 still wins as the worst time in America – here’s a good article on that subject written in 2018: Is 2018 shaping up as another 1968

When I read the article comparing 1968 to 2018 (and they thought it bad two years ago) I am encouraged to read that there is an end to the disruption, to the bubbling up and bubbling over.  Maybe this is America’s “thing” Maybe we just bubble up and over every 50 years or so. Think about the Women’s suffrage movement.  It took 50 years after these poor women being beaten and thrown in jail simply because they wanted the right to vote, for it to become the law. Think about that!! 50 years after that to finally agree that women were equal enough to vote.  But at least we got there after 50 years.

No matter what side you’re on we can end up our own worst enemy.  We go too far one way, or not look at the other side, or shut down totally. Some of the issues from 1968 have been resolved.  There’s no more Vietnam, college kids wanted a different curriculum (still fighting but much progress), equal rights for women is somewhat improved but all equal rights, black lives, gay rights, are still such issues. Isn’t that crazy to think about?  I mean if you’re reading this can you imagine in your head saying “well yea those people aren’t equal?”

It’s so crazy, in my opinion,  to think that some people think that way, that other people are not equal or don’t deserve the same opportunities or more importantly don’t deserve the same respect.  Everyone is different but EVERYONE is equal and should be given the same, the exact same rights.  Noone should be pulled over for not turning on their turn signal and be shot. (see Man fatally shot by Texas troopers 16 times for failure to use turn signal) – doesn’t say in this article what color the man was that was shot.  What’s your guess?  There’s so many stories like this we can’t keep count.  I have NEVER been pulled over for not using a turn signal.  

Does Trump say all protestors are anarchists? Or is that just in Portland?  Is it more important to keep a statue of a confederate soldier or slave owner in place or should we maybe start looking at how we treat other people and focus on that issue instead?  Statues are made of stone or iron.  In our country they weren’t created by Rodin or Michelangelo.  They are not priceless works of art. They are stones.  They can be replaced.  People cannot be replaced.  It is ridiculous how Trump justifies sending in his secret army.  And shame on these young people in this secret army.  I’m patiently (not too patiently) waiting for the 60-minute interview with the ones that have a conscious (disguised of course).

Well, again, if Trump wasn’t showing us the ugly side of America we would probably just keep going along to go along. That’s really what we do.  We’re complacent to say the least. So I guess for those that voted for him because they wanted change they got their wish. And hopefully we all are benefiting from him in the big big big picture. Like in history, in 50 years, will the future generations be thankful to him? I say thankful to these times would perhaps be the story to be told.

So, that is why I am super excited that there are those brave souls out there fighting still, marching still, facing the ugly and making us look at it.  It’s like saying LOOK, are you seeing what could so easily happen to us? (in Portland)  Do you see this?  What is to stop it?  How do we stop it? It is a very scary and helpless feeling (in my opinion).

We stop it by getting the asshole OUT of office (now!) but we better have another plan.  Biden is not our savior (but not a bad guy!).  He is a bandaid, and hopefully a bridge to a better tomorrow, but he is “old” – where are the young people?  Let’s get some highschool kids in there?  Some of them are fearless – David Hogg (you know he’s a threat when the right win conspiracy theories attack him – that’s like the stamp of approval!) Emma Gonzalez?  What about Stefan Perez?

And this one is a favorite – as the tweet said: Here comes the future…and she ain’t takin shit from nobody

I hope to be voting for her soon.


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The silence is deafening

Sometimes it is stunned silence that we are feeling – that people feel.  That’s how I feel.  Just stunned and dumb (like not talking dumb) and frozen in sadness.  I don’t know what to say and I don’t know whatever I say if it’s going to be inappropriate.  I had a work colleague at Stetson who is black and who would always challenge me to “talk” about whatever I had to say.  He was so great.  I mean really great.  That whole group there in my little corner was great for this exact thing.  Challenging me to think about the things that came out of my mouth and thoughts that once confronted with them I could see how “wrong” they were.  We white people have no idea, NO idea, of the thoughts, the conditions, the deep seated programming that we have grown accustomed to. And we don’t even know how bad we are.  That’s why I just don’t want to say anything because I am so afraid of saying the wrong thing.  And so afraid I’m going to make this about me, like I just did there.

But Twitch (on Ellen) and several other posts have said, please say something.  The silence is deafening.

I am the aunt of several black people – 2 boys and 2 girls.  They are raised with white people.  I don’t know what this means to them and so far it means nothing to me because I’m white and I treat them like my own children.  No different (although, you know nicer because I’m a grandma/great aunt now and they go back home!) But for the 3 that live around me I never forget that someday they might be mistreated simply because of the color of their skin. It makes me sick to think they could be mistreated and think about how they would have to process that. It is heartbreaking.  MY babies.  My son Zachary’s best friend in highschool, Micol, is black.  He was planning a trip to Ohio once when they were in high school and I said “be careful Micol, blah blah” and he said “mom, I can get shot going into a 7-11” – I’ve never forgotten that because it never crossed my mind that anyone I knew would have that fear.  That was about “other” people and “other black people” – not about anyone I know.

But this horrible prejudice, this horrible injustice, this horrible behavior that goes on in our country is unacceptable….obviously.  Yet for years, hundreds of years, we have, again obviously, accepted it. 

I wonder if we all have a first time that really sticks with us when we realized just exactly how horrible it is to be a black man in America. Mine was Jordan Miles (look him up – Pittsburgh PA Jordan Miles).  A high school kid walking home from his grandmother’s house, with a Mountain Dew in his pocket, in his own neighborhood, horribly beaten by two white men.  Two white men who later claimed to be undercover cops that thought he had a gun.  And they got off.  I am still horrified. Everyone knew those police were lying. EVERYONE.  But nothing happened – maybe a day or two of protests but who cares.  Nothing happened and Jordan was hospitalized for I don’t know how long.  A kid that was going to a performing arts school walking home from his grandmothers.  In his own neighborhood.  Those undercover white cops had no business in that neighborhood and no business attacking him. And there were no consequences for the officers.  I still have outrage over it.  NOTHING is done.  NOTHING is ever done.  And here’s a question – how do these men, these police officers, how do they live with themselves?  Seriously how do you wake up day after day knowing that you senselessly beat another human being for no reason, lie about it in a court of law, have OTHER people lie for you and this child, seriously “child” has consequences for this rest of his life.  How do you live with yourself.

But what did I do?


I had outrage, I have disbelief, I think these things are incredulous.  I just can’t believe it goes on so often. SOOO often. I mean I DO believe it, but I can’t believe that we, as Americans, as HUMANS, let it happen, over and over and over and over.  It’s horrifying.

I don’t know what it’s like to be black but I do know what it’s like to be human.  And apparently there are lots of different humans who think and feel lots of different things.  Human decency would be something you would HOPE we all have in common, as humans.  You know, just like it says “human” decency.  But we’re not all humane.  We’re just not.  We’re just not.

When there are disasters I am always thinking how I can help.   With Katrina I tried to sign up with the Red Cross to go to New Orleans to help in recovery efforts. Recently I tried to volunteer my time with Covid relief efforts.,,, if needed (not really needed around here but I didn’t know that at the time). When we had our little flood in Fair Oaks years ago I was at the Fire Hall helping.   This time too I want to help, I need to help. I just don’t know how and it weighs heavy on my heart.

Everyone thinks the answer is to Vote.  But I am afraid that’s not the end all/be all solution. Don’t get me wrong – we must vote.  We do Vote. I’m afraid elections are “rigged” – I’m gonna say it out loud – I think Trump’s win at the last election was tampered with. I refuse to believe that in America there are THAT many people that stupid.  I refuse to believe my fellow humans are that insensitive.  If you think about it there is only ONE Fox network.  So really, how popular can that line of thinking be?  The rest of the network channels at least support human decency.  If there really were 63 million people that liked Trump wouldn’t there be more than one Fox News channel promoting that bullshit?  Just sayin.

We all must vote – and we all need to vote every single Republican out of office.  I’m not opposed to electing other Republicans – I have nothing against Republicans – I just have EVERYTHING against every Republican in office currently.  Every last one of them…except maybe Mitt.  I used to believe in Marco Rubio.  I’m sad about what happened to him.  I told him don’t get dragged down with this asshole – but he didn’t listen to me.  No one ever does. I’m getting off track.  On point, change is needed everywhere – EVERYWHERE.  And change happens with who is in office.  I mean look at where we are now.  If you don’t think voting matters, just look at where we are now.

In addition to voting we need to understand. I read the book “On Earth We’re Briefly Gorgeous” – Don’t ever doubt that reading a book won’t help you understand another lifestyle or culture. This book really helped me understand a “gay man” – well as much as I can understand being a gay man. (I am a straight white woman) It has been suggested that to help understand what is going on with our fellowman we should read books. It is our white privilege that makes us think we understand what is happening, but we don’t. We really don’t. And in many ways us white people never will get it.  But we can try harder.  We can try to empathize more.   I ordered, Red at the Bone, by Jacqueline Woodson.  It’s been in my cart for awhile.  I also ordered White Fragility, why it’s so hard for white people to talk about racism, by Robin Diangelo.  Here’s very good news – the White Fragility is on backorder (hopefully that means alot of people are ordering it!)  I’m gonna try this one too “Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America by Ibram X Kendi. Every book club in America, in the WORLD, should be reading these kinds of books right now.  We need to understand what we don’t understand.  Anyone that wants to read along with me and discuss would be great!

I hope it’s okay some of us are not rushing to protest but thinking about what we can do in the long run, because this needs to last, we need to be in it for the long haul. I am hoping to take the second shift. We, as humans, can NOT let George Floyd’s death just be a blip, a “moment” in history. It needs to be THE defining moment in history.  We need to keep this momentum alive and make these less-than-human-beings accountable. We need to stop racism in the world. We do, we just do.

My neighbor said she didn’t think the protests will help.  So I asked her what she thinks will help and she said “social media” – the more we can show people what really happens in the world, like George Floyd, like the two men who got kicked out of Starbucks, the more awareness that is out there the more we have to confront it. I read it was a “white” women’s upload of the two black men kicked out of Starbucks that went viral.  That is a good thing. It would have been nice if she would have stepped in but at least we can start by all paying more attention, film it, spread it.  I also hope we will now be braver and confront it while it’s going on.  When we can witness it and see it with our own eyes can we speak up?  Can we be a “witness”?  When faced with the truth will be brave? We can confront our own disbelief and we can confront the liars. We can see on that video that there is no one resisting arrest.  WE SEE IT.  My neighbor thinks this witnessing will help.  I hope so.

I think kindness would help too. Maybe also some prayers for peace and understanding and kindness and above all, love for one another.


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The truth is learned, never told

And now our time has come, where the rubber meets the road.  We’ve stayed home, we’ve washed our hands, we haven’t spit on anyone in a long time.  We have long hair and unpainted nails and some of us have suntans from sitting on our deck while taking a lunch break. I don’t feel a need to leave this existence and venture out into the yellow phase world. I’m content.

I feel rested.  After the initial shock of being sent home, like ”go to your room” feeling I am settled. My job is busier than ever.  I have additional duties, a new boss in a new world. I am challenged, busy and often grumpy with work, but I’m fully relaxed as well.

I enjoy my home now.  I’ve invested in it. I’ve invested emotionally and financially. I’ve decided to stay, not move.  It’s also because of all the return address labels I have.  I don’t want the Vets, the disabled, St. John’s or Luke’s hospital, Easter Seals, the Shiners and the adorable Native American children to think I don’t appreciate the labels with my return address, cards and notepads. I do wonder though if their marketing people are familiar with the internet and paperless billing.  I only mail one bill a month now.  And the only reason I do that is to use the labels and keep up the practice of check writing.  Kids these days…. they don’t even know what checks are, let alone how to fill one out. So, I keep up the nostalgia. Maybe what I should do is start mailing the cards to random people.  That would be nice.  Everyone likes mail that’s not a bill or advertisement.  Now look at that, if my head wasn’t so clear, so relaxed, would I have come up with that solution?

I mentioned to mom the other day that I can understand words of songs now when I hear them on the radio or through Alexa (don’t say that out loud, she’s always listening). One of my favorite laughing memories is my college roommate Barb singing songs, always the wrong lyrics, but never in doubt. In the past I wouldn’t even try to pretend to know what the words were but lately, post Covid, I can hear better.  Don’t you wonder what that’s about?  I also think much clearer (or is it clearly?) I feel clear headed and calmer and much happier.  I’m restless like the rest of the world. I’m anxious and looking forward to going out to eat but I don’t mind waiting.  I think a year is good.  Let this thing run its course for one year.  Let’s see how it plays out.  Don’t you think?  No one wants to listen to me.  Even I don’t listen to me.

We all think we know better; apparently we need to live and learn.  We can no longer be satisfied with being told; we need to learn it for ourselves.  Is this thing bad or not?  Are we going to die or infect someone else and they die?  Personally, I’m not ready to get back out there.  I am sure to wander through a Ross Dress for Less sooner than later but for the most part I’m happy with just wait and see.  I have lived and learned plenty of lessons already. My life experience is saying stay home, continue to catch up on Outlander, let the others test their bravado. I’m ordering in. 


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The dreaded ping

PING – To send a quick, short message over a texting platform (SMS, Instant Messenger, Chat) used to check in, keep someone in the loop about something, or ask about something, with the expectation of a quick, short response from the receiving party.

I’m faced with another unusual scenario.  I’m allowed to go to work on site but we are also being encouraged to stay home.  Staying home is considered helping the cause.  Limiting exposure and thus limiting the stress to the health care system.  Not to mention anyone else we may or may come in contact with. I personally can’t even imagine riding the bus, or riding the T, or taking the elevator in a building that employs over 10,000 people on a daily basis.  Shortly before the end of the world (as we knew it) I was MFing that T ride where I would stuff myself onto a subway car, stepping on feet, someone breathing down my neck – someone else’s hair in my face – and look at that – my prayers have been answered. No more commute.

I have worked at home before, as I’m sure I’ve mentioned ad nauseum, but for some reason this time seems different.  I don’t know if it’s my age, the circumstances, the weather, or all of the above and then some.  It just feels all run together.  My work is now all mixed up in my life because it’s all in my house.  My quiet room is no longer my quiet room – it has my computer and monitors staring at me.  Every move I make there is a work related consideration. Since moving my computer upstairs I now have to go downstairs to get coffee, or go to the restroom (or do a load of laundry).  I also don’t have a TV in the new office room to stay on top of the news. When I was in the kitchen office space I was only keeping the TV on until 9 am but now I’ll turn it on in the other room and leave it on.  That is weird isn’t it?  I can’t hear it and I can’t see it but I leave it on. I hate a TV being on all the time. But when I was downstairs with it in my face I had more control.  More structure.  As soon as 9 am hit that TV was off.  Enough news for the day.

On days when it’s not snowing (in May) I do absolutely love the air and light that comes in the front room of where my computers are now set up.  But now, if I go to get a cup of coffee downstairs I wonder if someone is trying to “ping” me and I’m away too long. Or should I stay in the kitchen and look at the TV?  Am I missing an important news item?  Why doesn’t my music on my computer play on my Bluetooth speakers now. It played on my TV downstairs when I was using that as a extra computer monitor. Forget laundry. It was so close when I was downstairs I could take a swig of coffee and put a load in the dryer.  But now I’m nervous that I’ll be downstairs too long.  Away from the possible “ping”. 

A friend recently shared that they got an invitation to a meeting while they were in the bathroom and then got yelled at because they were 5 minutes late to the meeting they didn’t even know about – because they were in the bathroom.  Why is it now we feel guilty and get in trouble for going the bathroom?

Sometimes the ping never happens.  But I still feel like I have to sit here.  Is that an old outdated learned behavior that I can let go of now?  I got an email from a work colleague yesterday who said “it is a whole new world.  I hope we don’t try to manage it with old rules?” Kinda revelatory isn’t it?  Because that’s what we’re all doing.  All of us (new to this work at home thing, in this new world) – we don’t know the new rules. Even for those of us that worked at home before it’s like there’s some wild-west new frontier associated with it this time.  It’s willy-nilly and we don’t know how to manage.

At least that’s how I’m feeling.

There are positions that are made for work at home and always have been. There are guidelines, there are accommodations for these positions set up this way from the git-go. And there are positions that are ideally positions created for working in an office location. We are taking those latter positions (made for working in an office) and trying to remake them to work at home. Herein lies the conundrum, the challenge, the new world order. The transition seems easy, the transition is productive, but noone is taking charge. No one is leading the pack. No one is making decisions. Everyone is kinda just waiting and seeing what the Governor says…lol. Where is our years of indoctrination of bluecollar thinking from grade school? How do we incorporate our “yes sir, no sir, go to detention for being late after the bell” to this work at home without rules thing.

See what I’m saying?

Then there’s these home related issues:

I need to print something for work so I can review it. I’m out of ink. I’ve never kept a backup. I just run out and get one when needed. Or order from Amazon. This time, I ordered ink cartridges from Amazon.  I really miss the two-day shipping. My first ink cartridge order took at least a week and then it was 10 stops away and then it just disappeared.  The update said not in stock.  How is that possible if it was already out for delivery?  And so I ordered again and then it said expect in two weeks.  In the meantime, I went to Rite Aid and they were out and I asked if they were getting more and they said they weren’t allowed to tell me when the next shipment was.  They were afraid there would be a run on the store if they shared when the next delivery was.  For gawd’s sake.  So I just kept ordering ink cartridges online from different vendors.  They all came the same day 10 days later. 

Totally unrelated to work, I ordered a new Kitchen Island.   Well, I guess it was related to work because when my office was in that kitchen area I was seeing that I could fit an Island in there and I was seeing how nice it would be to get some of that overflowing stuff into some drawers or cupboard out of site.  Not to mention more counter space. The Kitchen Island/Wayfair said it would be delivered by end of day last Friday.  It wasn’t.  Everyday it’s a mystery where it is.  Just today I got notified that it is anticipated it will ship from California on 4/27 (that was last week)  I can see from the tracking it’s been in Pittsburgh since last Thursday (5 days ago)  Then on Sunday they just stopped updating.  My concern now is it will be damaged because who knows where it’s been. And then I’ll have this huge box, that I can’t lift or move, and it will also be in my quiet room, my office, a.k.a the room that collects cardboard boxes.

Recycling is every OTHER week.  Boxes take up a lot of space.

All of this activity goes on while I’m working. Kitchen Islands, missing ink cartridges, cell phone issues.  Calls from my niece, on my cell, while I’m supposed to be on a meeting call.  It’s not her fault that she is calling me on my personal cell.  She’s allowed to call me whenever she wants. It’s my phone! But I need it for Teams meetings because my laptop microphone doesn’t work. That would require a trip to Best Buy for them to fix it. Using more of my free time to fix something that is primarily to make working easier.

Let’s talk about this personal HP laptop that is only 1 year old with a broken microphone.  I’ll be typing along and all the sudden it’ll go into some visual basic macro command.  It is draining my brain. Sometimes it just deletes whatever I’m typing.  I’ve brought a wireless keyboard home to help alleviate this mystery of the random keyboard commands, of maybe hitting the wrong keys, or leaning on the keyboard, or whatever seems to be the issue, but this new set up in the upstairs room (with light and air and boxes) doesn’t have room for the wireless keyboard.  So I’ve ordered a new desk.  It’s a small desk.  And when it comes (in a box) I will have to do some serious rearranging.  I am hoping it will reduce clutter in the long run and save my mom’s antique secretary from the wear and tear from me actually using the antique desk as a desk.

This is all because I wanted light and air.  Maybe it’s better to go back downstairs to the kitchen dungeon.

Well the long and short of it, my entire life revolves around work now.  Instead of separation between church and state.  There is so much good about working from home, but my brain is turning to mush.  I feel like I’m never ever away from it. Every decision is tied somehow to work.  Even exercising?  Forget it.  It’s either too late for me in the morning and I might be late coming back from a walk.  Or lunch time?  Maybe someone will ping me.  After work?  After work is a possibility but I’m exhausted most days from sitting here waiting for the pings (not that I don’t actually do non ping related work).  The weather doesn’t help.  It’s May in Pittsburgh.  It is raining and 49 degrees with a chance of snow tonight.  In MAY.  All the flowers I bought last weekend are now in my kitchen.  In the dark.

I was supposed to be leaving for Florida this coming Friday.  For a week.  My body is sensing the disappointment and wants to curl up in a fetal position somewhere in this house. Away from pinging computers and boxes.


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