I know, it’s a Thursday and it’s not Halloween. But last week I didn’t post and tomorrow I thought I’d hang with my mother and today I’m feeling quite useless in the grand scheme of things so I thought perhaps I would blog. I actually did write a blog earlier this week but ended up not posting and here’s the thing about this, if I don’t post when I write it, well, then I think it’s stupid and I don’t like it and then I don’t post it. So I have to publish right away or I will overthink it. However, since I had these Halloween photos ready to share I thought at least I’d do that. And just a quick recap – my neighbor (who is actually no longer my neighbor and hasn’t been my neighbor since I moved from Mt. Washington) has these elaborate Halloween parties. This year she had this gigantic witch in her foyer (see featured photo) and our entertainment was a group of 4 ukulele players. These four musicians entertained us and then they brought ukuleles for everyone and taught us a song. It was so fun. Our host (my neighbor) makes about 8 courses of food, everyone gives each other a gift (guess what I gave everyone..) and we end up staying for hours and hours and lugging bags of food and gifts home. I mean it, and she, is/are something. I struck gold when I befriended that neighbor (all my friends are gold but just happy to have found this one too)

Here’s something I’m doing. I started making a PowerPoint presentation from a book. I mean, what is wrong with me? I sat here this morning designing a graph. Does this mean I miss work? What does it mean? I bet it means I am a frustrated jar maker who has put all her jars in boxes and in the closet and has sworn off craft shows. Will they end up at Goodwill? I’ll wait a year before I decide that. My part time job asked me to create an Excel file and I am having fun with that. This office, where I am working, was founded in the 50’s and the office processes are pretty much still there, in the 50’s. Maybe the processes are more like the 70’s because at least there are computers but honestly…The guy (a boss) came out of his office yesterday and said he was going to dictate a letter to me. I gave him this look and said “you’re really testing me…” I mean, come on. Just type the dam thing out. Right? That’s what I ended up telling him in the end. Since I have forgotten all my shorthand (although I would love to learn it again) I said next time I’ll just type out as he talks as I can type much faster than handwrite. I thought at one point I should be a court stenographer because I type so fast…maybe I could still do that. Hmmmm. Wouldn’t that be interesting? Except I’d probably make too many noises with my reactions like saying “yea, right…you’re a liar” out loud. Then I’d have to keep typing “strike that.”
In other news, well I don’t have other news, which is a problem for a blogger. But here are today’s thoughts:
- Do I give up on having Thanksgiving decorations and just surrender to the early Christmas décor?
- Will I get my Christmas tree up in the window by the official lightup night (Nov. 18)
- If Christmas day festivities are moving to my son’s new house, do I even bother with Christmas décor? (other than the one in my window)
- Should I give up on moving OUT of the city and embrace city living even more by selling my car and becoming a real city person and using my free senior citizen bus pass to travel. The only place I couldn’t travel to would be the North Hills (sorry Jean – you’d have to meet me at a Park and Ride!)
- Thankful for Aldi’s Instacart if I go this route
- Or do I want to buy (living in my head) a 5-bedroom house and join this Facebook group called Host a Sister and then open my house up to weary sister travelers. Then I could cook for these “sisters” and use all my dishes instead of boxing them up and donating them to Goodwill?
- Do I get off this chair and do yoga for 20 minutes?
- Should I shower today or tomorrow?
- Do I need to clean before my Medicare home health visit later today?
- This may be the answer as well to shower today or tomorrow.
- Do I have anything to eat?
- How bad is it really to live on brownies?
- If I sat here long enough and looked at my computer would a new book idea pop into my head?
- Conversely could I continue with one of my many other book ideas I’ve already started.
The answer is to start with 20 minutes of yoga and then shower and then decide on the cleaning up idea. Do I really care what a home health nurse would say to my throw blankets that are not folded properly and put aside?
And I will continue on the Paint By Number. I think I can maybe even get it done by this weekend. If I get off this chair and away from the computer…