Where were we?

It’s been so long I don’t know if I remember how to blog. What is it I do again? It was much easier when I just sat down and wrote what came to mind. I guess that’s what I’m doing now. What is coming to mind is that, now that I’m an author, I need to do author-like stuff, and I am fumbling through this. Like a ship lost at sea, looking to the horizon for any sign of land. That’s kinda poetic isn’t it? Maybe I’ll start writing poetry.

Cutting to the chase, as they say, I need to post my 5 star review on this blog site. I haven’t done that yet have I? I put it on Linked-In but I think I need to put it on this site as well. You know, self promotion and all. Self promotion is what self-publishers must do. And if I understand it correctly so do people who are published by actual publishers so, you know, I don’t feel that bad about it. Anyway, at the bottom of this page will be a copy of my review that I received through Readers Favorite. I think most people have seen this on my Linked-In or Facebook so I apologize for listing it again here. I’ve recently sent out for another review. You have to pay for these reviews you know. Well you probably didn’t know that, but I’m telling you, that’s what you have to do. Which isn’t always true, you can also get some free ones. Like this one I have listed below, I could have gotten a review for free, but it takes longer so I paid for an expedited one. I figured I’d see what a professional thinks about my book and if it was going to be bad I probably would not be self promoting it. I’d move on to another profession, like decorating mason jars (I’m actually doing that too). Anyway, I’m so excited that I got this great review that now I’m not embarrassed to ask a local bookstore, Portkey Books, in Safety Harbor (which is next to Palm Harbor, which is where Finally Florida takes place) to carry the book. (phew, long sentence) And how cool would that be if they carry the book that took place where I (I mean Victoria) lived at the time. I would buy it there at Portkey. I do like an independent bookstore. In Sewickley I buy at Penguin Bookstore. (I haven’t asked them to sell my book yet. Just haven’t gotten there.) I am a supporter of independent bookstores. The problem is, though, when you want a book you just get it where you can get it. Now, if I lived IN Sewickley, or if I was doing some afternoon lunch and shopping there, I would definitely buy a book in the Penguin, but if I’m sitting in my apartment and I have to have a book, well I’ll buy on Amazon which apparently independent bookstores hate. I mean who knew? I have so much to learn. I also went in Barnes and Noble last week and bought some books in there. They’re a big store. Is that a bad thing? I say not. I love a bookstore. Big or small. And now I have at least 5 books by my bed that I need to read. Literally 5 books. Usually I only have one or two backed up. But I’ve gone on a shopping spree. Also, I’ve discovered this stupid game on my IPAD and it’s keeping me up at night and keeping me from reading those books that I need to read. I am rambling aren’t I? I feel like myself again. 🙂

Okay so other than the book business consuming me, I had a girls weekend with Ellen and Jennifer in DC. Last year we were at Ellen’s beautiful mini-farm (farmette?) This year Jennifer’s in Bethesda and guess who should host next year? I’ve already called my brother in Palm Springs and said I thought maybe I could host at HIS house. He didn’t say no. Otherwise I have an L-shaped couch in Pittsburgh. One person could sleep left, the other sleep right, and one in the bed. We had alot of fun site seeing and even remembered our alma mater which we sang together, in key, at Jennifer’s neighborhood party. We weren’t even embarrassed about that (joined by fellow classmate Lucy.) The Cherry Blossoms were stunning. Here we are:

After the girl time I drove to Virginia to visit my mom’s house, you know the one I lived at in the woods, the beautiful house that we sold. It was emotional. The last time I was there was when I was moving back from Florida to Pittsburgh and I stopped there with my Penske truck. At that time, I ran into the then almost empty house and loaded up the kitchen table to bring up to my sisters since I was there with a moving truck. I made a cup of tea, with the pan still there, and sat on the porch. That was the last day anyone of us Monahans were there. I can not explain how heart wrenching it is to not still have that house in our family.

First, when I got to the area I went and visited my grandparents graves. They look good, although next time I’ll take a rake and rake the leaves out. They are buried behind the Salem Baptist Church that one of my relatives (Uncle Abner, I believe) founded. My grandfather was in the choir there. My aunt played the organ. As kids we went to that church every Sunday, when we were visiting there, and we were related to everyone. NOW, the church is still there and it is an Arabic Baptist church. I can’t even wrap my head around that. In Goochland County, Virginia, very backwoods (very affluent county but like in the middle of nowhere) and there is an Arabic Baptist church. There is also an arabic man buried in the cemetery. The cemetery is only about 30 graves, mostly all relatives, and now this newest member. I am proud of the county but also just like amazed.

After the graves I went to the house. The new owner, Scott (not to be confused with my brother Scott), was out of town, but his mom was there to greet me. I was crying as I pulled in and as I got out of the car she said, first words out of her mouth, “are you crying” – and I couldn’t answer because I was indeed crying. So she gave me a big hug and I bawled to this stranger, in a big bear hug, who now lives in my house (well she doesn’t live there, but close enough). It was surreal, the whole thing. From the Arabic Baptist church to these strangers living in our house. It was hard to process. BUT, I will say that after my initial crying jag I smiled the entire time. She was/is so lovely, showed me every inch of that house. It’s all new furniture (except they do have a couple pieces of ours we left there that they saved!) but it still looks like the house. He has a dog and a cat and to me the animals are welcome additions. I haven’t met the owner but he is such a nice person that if I was 20 years younger I would try and marry him. He is so kind, and he loves the house. He’s made paths all through the woods that we walked on, but didn’t go too far into the woods because there is a bear. I think there’s always been a bear there but my blind mother never saw the bear so I think they just co-existed nicely, as they were not a threat to each other. Well, anyway, it was a wonderful visit. I also visited a neighbor (who claims to be reading my book!) and then spent the night at our friend Norie’s. Norie has been my mom’s friends since the early 1950’s. My dad and Norie’s husband were roommates at some point. That’s how long my mom and Norie have been friends. Isn’t that something? about 70 years. Here’s a story about Norie’s home where she gives tours and lectures on moss gardening: Eden Woods

I forgot how beautiful the Richmond area is. And I was so happy to be reminded of it again. I was also reminded of my friend Lori, who I was close with while I lived there with my mom. Lori died shortly after I moved away from Richmond (from cancer.) I pulled up to a store only to remember the last time I was at this particular store was with Lori and teared up again. There were alot of tears this weekend.

In the end though, through all the tears, it was such a wonderful visit. I’m elated that the person who bought “our” home loves it so much and so open to our visits. I sat on the porch all afternoon with his mom. I didn’t have to clean any windows or screens, or set mousetraps, or make dinner, or do any work. I just sat there and enjoyed the beautiful weather and the trees that I have literally grown up with my entire life. I felt rejuvenated afterwards. I felt like I was “home” – I felt like I could leave there and come back “home” to Pittsburgh and I can go back there again when ever I want. I feel like “home” is a very big thing in my life. Always trying to figure out where that is.

This has turned out to be a long blog. Just like the old days. Just like when I would report on what I’m doing in Finally Florida. I mean just like that, isn’t it? Although really there is so much more that I didn’t touch on. But maybe that will be something for me to blog about later. I really should be doing this more often. I could blog about my jars, my day as an extra (although I can’t talk about that yet), next week I’m going to work at the Pirate games, I mean lots of goings on. And I think I sold 20 books this month. Now if only we can get that up to 2000 or more a month, I’ll be able to pay my rent!


Book review of Finally Florida – Readers’ Favorite: Book Reviews and Award Contest (readersfavorite.com)

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6 thoughts on “Where were we?”

  1. There’s no crying on Saturday! Damn you! Tears last week finishing Finally Florida and now this. Stop it! It’s funny you blogged and posted a picture of the house. When I was reading your book I was trying to remember if I ever saw a picture of it ….. and now here it is! So charming. Similar to how I pictured it but I pictured stairs up to the front with a big front porch. Love this circular story and that you can always go back and visit. Keep blogging Lynnie…..

      1. Ooooh I like it! I’d keep turning the pages to see what happens next….

  2. So happy to have played a supporting role in this action-filled blog. ‘‘Twas a sentimental journey for me as well returning to DC along with my old friends. Next year, Palm Springs? You ready for us Scott and Janis? We clean up well after ourselves.

  3. So emotional it made me tear up! I can relate to wanting to go back “home”, something I still would love to do.
    Great review. Still not finished with the book yet but in my defense, I crochet more than I read, however I’m halfway there.
    Looked like a wonderful trip to get the juices flowing. Keep it up and book number two will follow soon. ♥️

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