Don’t worry, I know where I am. Geographically anyway. I am in anything-but-sunny San Francisco. Yes, I experienced the national grounding of airplanes yesterday and my flight was delayed for 4 hours. BUT I will say everyone was calm. When the flight at the gate next to mine cancelled, no one seemed upset. Everyone just got in line to reschedule. The gate attendant got on the announcer thingy and said it was a good day and appreciated everyone’s patience and that not one person yelled at her. Even though many people had connections to catch they just went with the flow. The gate people (customer service I guess) also seemed so pleased that it wasn’t their fault. But it was an awfully long morning. Up at 3:30 a.m. expecting a 7 am flight to be in the air and not leaving until 10:30…well, it was a long day for everyone. But but but at least we were not cancelled. I did not want to have to pay for another taxi ride and lug that luggage around. So the taxi driver was on time, as they usually are, and he hoisted my bag into the trunk, which I knew was under 50 lbs, I made sure of that, and at the airport I left him a big big tip because of his sad story he shared and did the jerk get out of the car and help me with the bag, getting it out of the trunk? Noooo, he did not. It threw my whole morning off. He knew how heavy that bag was, he was bigger than me, plus that’s like his job isn’t it? Or maybe it isn’t. Well, ruined my morning. But here I am in San Francisco, once again.
I was thinking last night about how “used” to things we get. Last time I was here everything seemed so new, and it was. The architecture, the stores, the streets, and I just looked all over constantly. Couldn’t get enough of the differences. This time, granted it was pouring down rain, I don’t think I looked at anything. I knew what the architecture looked like, I remembered the stores, the streets, nothing was awe inspiring and we just came home. Like that quick I am used to SF. BUT tonight, we are going to a very cool restaurant, at least we think it’s going to be cool, and it hasn’t rained all day, and I was appreciating the sunshine, and sitting outside in a tank top and loving every minute of being here. Plus, I now I have my own room to stay in which was different than the last time I was here when I was on the very comfortable couch. I mean soon enough I’ll be staying for weekS (plural)…maybe…I mean I don’t want to really bother them. But I love being here.
What else can I share, as I have time to waste between now and dinner? It’s a little too overcast to sit outside now. Not as warm as it was earlier and the dog, who refuses to leave my side just can’t get comfortable when sitting outside. He tries to sit in my lap but he’s a little too big and he can’t figure out what to do with his head. I tried setting up chairs for him next to me but he wasn’t going for it, so we came inside. He’s happily sleeping on my bed. That’s all he wanted. A nice soft bed. I love my grandpups.

Other than reporting my geographical whereabouts, in other news, my book release, or announcement that it’s available on paperback, went over pretty good. Lots of great comments on Facebook and I think I even sold about 10 of them. How about that! It’s not easy being an artist and putting your creativity out there. I don’t even share this blog on Facebook. Mostly because it was just started as a way to communicate with friends when I moved to Florida in 2014 and so everyone that read it already knows me, and can be very forgiving when I say stupid things, cause, well, they know me. I did pick up some people that didn’t know me but then they seemed to be forgiving too. But I never thought I would open myself up on Facebook. I’m too nervous about being criticized. My brother and sister-in-law – well they are so talented. My brother is stoopid talented musically, but really talented creatively overall. Him and his wife now play music in bars around their Palm Springs neighborhood and having the time of their lives. No more world tours (as they both have done separately in the past) but just having fun. They play cover songs. I asked my brother why he doesn’t play any of the songs he’s written. I’m telling you he’s stoopid talented and his songs are good. And he said “nobody wants to hear those, they like the songs they already know.” See what I mean? Stooopid. Maybe he’s right, as I am not his manager, although I should be, but I think the issue for creative people is the fear of not being liked. People don’t want to hear or people don’t want to read or people won’t buy that. Whatever that is that you do. You don’t want someone taking your hard-earned very personal work and saying “this sucks” – and that’s what an artist has to face anytime they put something out there. Did anyone watch 60 minutes last week with Hans Zimmer? I mean does it get any better than Hans Zimmer? And even he is afraid of sucking. Well, anyway, that’s why I was not planning on putting my Finally Florida on Facebook. But then my talented artist sister-in-law put my book out there on her feed and I thought to myself, well, if you want to be a writer and have anyone know you are a writer then you better put your writing out there. And I did. And I am very pleased at the responses on Facebook. Now granted this is before anyone has read it, but I did get a quick email from a very old (as in long time acquaintance, since first grade) who said she was almost late for work as she kept reading it…I mean that’s a GREAT compliment. So I’m pleased. I am even having some thoughts about marketing and doing more stuff with it. And there is a lot to do. But, I like how I’m thinking. Long term thoughts. So that’s fun. And all because I got brave and took a chance and put myself out there. It’s like I’ve opened up a whole new ballgame in my head, which is good timing since I am retired, don’t you know.
Doesn’t mean I don’t fear the criticism. I guess that’s just part of the game of life.