Much ado about nothing

I can’t normally blog on demand. Like when someone emails me and says “I’ve waited two weeks for your next” – and then I laugh and then I think eff, what will I say? But that is pretty much on par for me not knowing what to say and so I say a bunch of nothing.  That’s my thing!  My niche.  Just like Jerry Seinfeld. He did years of comedy on a bunch of nothing.  Same/Same.

Speaking of nothing, I am really acclimatized to this new role of being retired and doing nothing. Although I have yet to have a whole day with nothing to do.  I mean being at the beach last week (I was at the beach last week) was relaxing but still each day there were to-dos. Have breakfast, walk on the beach, decide beach or pool, breakfast or dinner out, what to wear, what to eat.  Decisions. Now that I’m home I have something to do every day on my calendar.  This weekend I’ll have free days but I’ll be dog sitting at their house.  I’ve asked them to leave me projects to keep me and the pooch entertained but they don’t.  Dam kids. Doesn’t feel like a free day because I’m not home doing nothing. I’m there doing nothing. June is looking like I might have a couple do-nothing days.

I decided after week 3 to quit counting the weeks because then it felt I would be counting it away.  So I’m not doing that anymore.  I do know roughly that it’s not yet been a whole month of this retired business. I can’t tell if it feels longer or less.  I think it just feels like it is what it is.  I have NO pangs of missing work.  None. 

Here’s a pondering question.  After one is retired, does the term “vacation” change to “travel”?? Most everyone asked me if I was going to “travel” after retiring?  I went to Florida last week. Is that considered traveling?  I did travel. Does the word “vacation” change when you aren’t taking PTO from work? Or taking Vacation Days?  And how about that?  I can vacation and travel whenever I want. Oh that’s right, in June I’m going to Virginia for a couple days.  I knew there was something I was forgetting and then I am staying with my mother in June while my sister goes away. Maybe July will be more relaxing.

Anyway, travel or vacation?  What’s the diff? OR does Travel only refer to out of the country. Well, irregardless (irregardless is not a word) I travel almost everyday out of this apartment and go somewhere.  So I would say I am traveling a lot.  A lot more than when I worked and the car stayed in the garage sometimes for an entire week. This is not the time to travel more with these gas prices.  Good thing I’m rich and don’t care.

On that note, I hope this suffices for a blog.  It tells you nothing, is about nothing and has no value.  True to my style.


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2 thoughts on “Much ado about nothing”

  1. I always enjoy your blogs! No pressure, though. 😀

    Is irregardless a word? Yes. It may not be a word that you like, or a word that you would use in a term paper, but irregardless certainly is a word. It has been in use for well over 200 years, employed by a large number of people across a wide geographic range and with a consistent meaning. › …
    Irregardless Definition & Meaning – Merriam-Webster

    1. I was thinking this:

      Does irregardless mean the same thing as regardless?
      Yes. We define irregardless as “regardless.” Many people find irregardless to be a nonsensical word, as the ir- prefix usually functions to indicate negation; however, in this case it appears to function as an intensifier.

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