Here are my random thoughts for this blog today …
- I’m too busy for work
- I love juicing, but not my juicer
- Did anyone miss me last week and my weekend with the girls.
I couldn’t decide on just one so bear with me while I do all three.
I’m too busy for work. Why? Because Life. I mean just life. Am I right? I have things that I need to do and I just can’t get to them because I have this job. I’m really not too busy to work. I’m too busy for my “job” – see the difference? It’s very slight, that difference, but once you get it, you get it. My life should be about my work. Not about my job. Now I’m just waxing philosophically. Like this blog I’m trying to write on Fridays and don’t have time for which brings me to:
Did anyone miss me last week? I was on my, what’s turning out to be, yearly fall trip with the Sewickley girls. Here we are in Deep Creek, Maryland:

You know what’s unique about this group? I mean other than we’re all a little crazy? Like everyone else? No, it’s how we’re all connected. So, there’s me and my sister. We’ve known each other about 63 years, give or take. Cause really, do you ever really know someone? Now Jerry and Janice are first cousins. Their dads were brothers. So they’ve been “like” sisters their whole life. Diane is a distant cousin to Jerry and Janice but I don’t know if she knew that until she was older. If I remember correctly Jerry and Janice’s grandfather and Diane’s grandmother were siblings. Something like that. Kerry (my sister) and Jerry were in the same class in high school and they were friends back then as well. Diane and I were in the same class in high school but didn’t know each other until 2 years after graduation when we met each other in secretary school. Janice was a year ahead of me and Diane in the same high school and although we were at the same parties sometimes, we didn’t really become “besties” until around 2013. I mean. Relationships. Am I right? Now Jerry’s husband Dickie I’ve known since 7th grade because I was BFF’s with his sister Susie. And he used to call me Fidget. I don’t remember why. I guess I was fidgety. Jerry and I had children within days of each other (Lucy and Jimmy) and we have photos of them in their car seats at 1 month old and throughout their school years. For awhile Lucy dated Jimmy’s best friend and then was best friend with his other best friend. See what I’m saying? Diane is Lucy’s Godmother. Are you still with me?
Are all small towns this way? So interconnected and weaved together? And isn’t it interesting that Diane and I weren’t friends in highschool but friends ever since. It used to really throw people at class reunions. Like we weren’t allowed to be friends now. Pretty funny these rationalizations we make in our lives.
And the third topic for today? Is really a lesson. Always, always, always, spend the extra money and get a good juicer. Years ago, like years ago, I was advised by a very wise friend, when I started juicing, to spend the extra money and get a good one. I listened then. I lost that particular Juicer in the last reorg (that’s what I’m going to start calling my life changes) – So you know that time, that I talk about ad nauseum where I lost everything, now called my last reorganization…bottom line I don’t have that juicer now. So, when my nutritionist said, “drink a green juice every day and you’ll be healthy as a horse” I decided to get another juicer. I started small – $40. Worked well enough, until I guess I put the lid on wrong and ground half the juice cup into my juice not realizing I must have been drinking plastic along with my Kale. Anyway, I ordered another one. Same brand so I could interchange parts if it happened again. This time it was only $30 on special (all on Amazon)…Well, it doesn’t quite fit the other juicer so my hopes to make the parts interchangeable did not come to fruition. And now this juicer leaks. Something is going on that the juice sometimes dribbles down the side and doesn’t go in the cup. A lot of it does make it into the cup but some of it dribbles. AND I’m finding that the pulp left over is kinda wet – which it should be totally dry because the juice should be sucked out of it. So although I am getting the juice, I am not getting all of it. I COULD send it back but then I wouldn’t have a juicer for a week or whatever until the next juicer came. And now I’m addicted to the juicing. Just one a day. I’d lose weight if I didn’t eat Junior Mints immediately following the kale juice. Anyway, had I just bought ONE good juicer again like my very good friend advised years ago I would not be having these problems now and therefore nothing to write about. Well, I would have something to write about and perhaps it would be more interesting that this. But there’s a lesson in here. SPEND THE EXTRA MONEY.
Am I right?