Poor Diane

When I moved to Florida everything was brand new. I had a boyfriend, I had all these new kids to interact with, I had a new home, a new weather pattern, a pool, a beach! and because I’m a chatty thing – with this need to communicate – okay maybe it’s just a need to get things out of my head – well that’s when the blog started.  And it was fun because it was all so new.

But now?  It’s just seems like the same ole – same ole – (although really it’s all new again) but I find myself not thinking of anything that seems blog worthy.  I get up, go to work, go home, go to bed. But I still have this need to brain dump daily.  And who is the lucky recipient of these dumps?  Diane.  Poor Diane.  I’m pretty sure after 40 years she just skims them for catch words like “effer” or “bi*ch” or “WTF” – I’m mean she’s busy at her job and doesn’t really have time for my nonsense.  I pretty much have to accept that these dumps are one sided when I send them.  That said she always replies! And I swear she reads them!  Anyway, it’s like these blogs – they are one sided and I have to accept does anyone read them?  It doesn’t really matter, it’s all about the writing.

You might be asking yourself…if you ask yourself anything…what are you saying to Diane that you can’t say in a blog?  And well that answer would be “all kinds of things.” Mostly things you don’t talk about out loud – like how the new girl is not very nice (see I said it anyway) – honestly I’m sitting here knowing I sent a 2-pager email to her last night and at this very second I can’t remember one thing that was in there.

Oh wait, I know – the TV shows I’m watching and what I’ve had for dinner this week.  LOL.  See what I mean?  Poor Diane.

I had the TV on the other night when Love Island came on – I hate those kinds of shows (i.e. Big Brother) so was quickly going to change the channel, but then I thought let’s just wait a minute…and next thing you know I’m glued.  It’s terrible.  But last night I turned it off because after Kyra chose Cashell and broke up Cashell and Caro well it broke my heart and then, then…Cashell was happy that Kyra picked him. I hate him. Diane says I get too invested. She’s not wrong. You should have seen me when Ross cheated on Demelza on Poldark. I changed the channel and watched the last episode of Chernobyl.  This is why I don’t blog now.  Who cares what I’m watching?  Although that said there are many texts to Stephanie that start with “what are you watching now?” And it comes up in conversation a lot with my kids – “what are you guys watching?”

Of course weather is a hot topic here in the Steel Building, especially today. It is absolutely fascinating to see the weather from the 60th floor.  It does not escape me that I am very very fortunate to have this vantage point – especially since I have been known as the weather girl from way back.  In Florida I loved seeing the sky – the cloud formations, the sunsets – but this view from the 60th floor never ever disappoints.  Well, okay maybe there are too many gray days but you know what I mean – it’s really something.  God really came through for me and this return-to-the-north transition by giving me this daily weather gift. Here’s some pictures just from today…


It was a really rainy day. Like flooding everywhere rain. One of these days I am expecting when the fog lifts from up here on 60 there’s going to be a huge spaceship visible – like in the movie Independence Day.  This is how my mind works. It could happen.

Have I talked about my new place? I’ve posted pictures haven’t I?  I do love it. There’s just so much about it that’s working for me.  Like it’s a house –I don’t have neighbors above or below me – although you can really hear the neighbors on either side.  The other night I thought someone was banging at my door and it was the neighbor doing something inside their house.  That house is also a rental and the landlord is in there doing something major – apparently taking down a wall?  Anyway, I also love my couch, my other new furniture – my old furniture – my deck – my neighbors.  Well, the deck… I had this possum living under it – oh right I’ve already talked about this in my last blog.  So, the landlord had a pest control company come in – caught two things in 5 days but she said she can’t keep the cage up indefinitely because it cost $100 each time they catch something.  Oh well.  But I think they caught my possum. I’ll find out on Saturday when I’m sitting out there.  If not my neighbor, Rich, said he’ll set some traps and the city will come for free and get them.  Crazy city living.

Well this isn’t the first blog that I’ve written during the day, but they don’t get published because as soon as it’s out of my head I think “well that’s stupid” – but if I publish quickly, right after it’s written I don’t bother to think about how stupid it is.  And I just send it out into the ethers.  Just another writing assignment/practice completed.  If I don’t think about this one too much maybe I’ll actually hit send.

The real assignment, if I want to get the writing gene reactivated is to figure out how to make “get up – go to work – come home – go to bed” sound more exciting. Maybe I’ll write about my commute observations and questions. Like the P1 bus. It’s always at the bus stop and it’s always full and there’s always a line. I just don’t understand. Whereever it is going they should put the subway out there.

Riveting isn’t it?


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6 thoughts on “Poor Diane”

  1. 1. Diane is a keeper!!!
    2. I read, religiously!!! Keep blogging, keep blogging!!
    3. I’m jealous of your view!!!

    Janelly 🙂

  2. The views of the ever changing weather are fantastic. Great pics. I always read your blog. I don’t read books but your blog is my novel.
    So I’m thinking the 4th of July fireworks were seen from your house. Well, maybe walking distance to the viewing anyway.
    It’s wonderful to have another persons ear to listen to our thoughts out loud.

    1. I remember you winning the “all time commenter” award for the finally florida blog! and no – you can’t see the fireworks from my house, I’m too far in – they’re really hard to see unless you’re right on the edge, ie. Grandview. Probably the better view is from the Northside! And it’s way too crowded. But there’s Fireworks night at a Pirate game. I heard thats alot calmer. I may walk over to Grandview for that!

      1. 😍 Oh yes! Pirate night. You should do that. It could be fun.

  3. Fun and funny, that’s what I enjoy about your blogs. Of course you venture off into seriousness every now and then, but you always return to what goes best with your magical smile—keep writing! 👍😎

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