In preparation of the snow storm I gathered my wood which I do about twice a week – well I’m in the yard gathering kindling a couple of times a week – this log run I try not to do very often:

So see? Now we’re good to go in the event of a power outage for heat – if we stay in front of the fire – for a couple of days anyway.
We have enough water stored to flush toilets for a year – not a lot of drinking water but I’m pretty sure with temps up in to the 60’s by Wednesday we’re going to be okay.

I am loving this snow. First of all it’s my first snowfall in 3 years and it’s just beautiful. Second I’m prepared and third it’s the weekend and I’ve nowhere to go – which is a good thing as I don’t know how I’d get out of this driveway. I do have someplace to be on Monday so I’m hoping it melts by tomorrow???
Also the brightness of the snow makes the whole house brighter. You would not believe how dark it is inside a wood/log house. So today it’s brighter, it’s beautiful looking outside and it’s about to get even cozier when I light that fire and sit in the chair with a book. Just like Christmas 🙂
And then back up to 67 next Friday. I am liking this climate for sure!
Love the pictures!!
Thanks Ira!
Just sayin…. I love your house!!!
It’s very lovely for sure
My favorite part of the snow is that it is the “great equalizer” – no one can see the various weeds growing in my yard!! Haha. It all looks so pretty 😛