I was very teary leading up to the return flight back home here to Pittsburgh. I did not want to leave SF. The whole trip couldn’t have been nicer. I’m looking for houses in Yountville 😉 One here in Pittsburgh and one there. Plenty of people do that, why can’t I? If only I was a successful author.
I did not have a favorite part of this trip as it was all so wonderful, but I will say going to Yountville, again, was kinda special. The last time I was there was 2 weeks before the 9/11 event (in 2001) with a group from Federated Investors. I was there as their meeting planner with a lovely night at the Ritz in San Francisco and then bussed to the Napa area, Yountville specifically, and when Jimmy was driving us through that area (and we had lunch there) it brought back all those wonderful memories. There is something about Yountville that speaks to me (and probably millions of others). Florida was like that too at one point. Well, anyway, I loved it all. All of it.
Turns out there is one thing (and only one) that could have been better. Like someone to wrangle the suitcase. Because of the room I was staying in I had to lift the thing onto the bed each day, then open and get our stuff out, put the stuff back in, zip it and back on the floor. Because the dog also shared our room it was a lot of lugging that thing to keep the dog out. One night I looked down to see the cat sleeping in it, but she (the cat) was sleeping on John’s side of the suitcase so I just went back to sleep. But I’m strong right? I lug things all the time. Except…
We came home Tuesday night, more lugging of suitcase at the airport. Those luggage turnstile thingies are not user friendly. But I did it, I lugged it off the carousel and wheeled to the car, lugged it into John’s house, unpacked his stuff, lugged it back to my car, lugged it back up to my apartment, lugged it onto the bed, unpacked my stuff, and put it away. That is just an example of one days worth of lugging. Kinda did that everyday out there. Anyway, next day, Wednesday I got up like any other day and started getting ready for my day (i.e. work) when I started having back contractions. Had I been pregnant it would have been a clear sign for me to go to the hospital to deliver. It’s kinda funny (but not) when something new like this happens. In my mind I’m like “what the fu** is this?” I’ve had cramps before and you know overworked muscles but this, this is like nothing I’ve experienced. I called 911. I was sure it was my kidneys. It did not feel remotely like a muscle or pulled back. Ambulance guys were funny because I was standing when they got here. They’re like “we’re here for YOU?” LOL. I said yes, and I’m standing but that’s because I can’t sit or move and I don’t know what’s happening. Again, sure I’m in kidney failure. I started to get dizzy, my BP dropped to 90/50 I’m passing out and so they took me to the ER. I can not tell you how bad those spasms were. And they literally came and went like a contraction.
I was in the ER all day, from 9 to 4. They checked pee and gave me a ton of pain meds and since the pain meds didn’t seem to work they did a CT scan but in the end they didn’t find anything to keep me. The pain meds helped me sleep and by the time Zach came for me I was able to walk. So, moral of the story, what everyone attributes this after-shock to is the suitcase lugging.
Ya know, about a month ago, I stopped doing yoga which I had been doing faithfully, daily, for over a year and then I just stopped. I wonder why. But I will tell you now that I will take that sh*t seriously and not stop again. I am already doing a little cat/cow and a child’s pose helps. I’m supposed to take it slow so no downdog I think. It’s been a couple days now, cause it’s Friday and I’m already doing better. I am planning on going to my craft fair tomorrow. I reached out to them and they said the table is all set up and they can help me with boxes. However, I popped a pill today and loaded the boxes in the car by myself so I think I’m going to be okay. The boxes are light. Just probably don’t want to pop a pill before driving there. I was thinking of asking my 10 year old niece for her assistance but I don’t want anyone else in the car incase I kill myself. I don’t need to take anyone else out with me.
So there you have it. A not so great ending to a perfect vacation. I promised my body (we had words) that I will get back to yoga. When talking to the doctor, still sure it was kidneys, she said “not kidneys” and I just need to strengthen my core. I wanted to reach through the phone and punch her in the face. What a stupid thing to say. Plenty of people have weak cores and don’t end up in the ER for Christmas sake. But she sent me some exercises and I’ve started them. I mean ok. I’m old. I guess I can’t lug the suitcase like I once could. Honestly I don’t think I ever could lug it like I was doing on this trip. I just thought I was getting away with it and so just do it. The only thing I was expecting was maybe a sore back or a couple days of my body sleeping but to out and out knock me down was uncalled for. (this is the conversation I had with my body) – So we’re coming to an agreement (me and myself). I’ll exercise and it’ll back off (get it?) and we will work together going forward. Next California trip is scheduled for January and that’s winter clothes. They’re even heavier. Perhaps a personal trainer is in my future.

Omg, Lynn, you are an angel for helping John. I’m glad you had a great visit. I had the same back issue. I was told it is my SI joint (sacral iliac) I did a month if physical therapy and have been doing yoga 3 times a week and 2 functional weight workouts at my gym. Doc is correct about core. I’ll never stop exercising now. That pain was horrible.
I am sure it was the wake-up call I needed. Although I trust John will heal enough to take his own suitcase next time I don’t ever want to go through this again! (Like you said!)
Omg. Lynn. Crazy. Glad you’re feeling better. Also glad it was a fun trip. I have that stem machine if you need it. Xoxo.
Oooh I do love that thing.! Thanks for reminding me.
As Anna says “Don’t let the old in!!”
That’s horrible. I watch Dan with back issues everyday. Not pleasant. Happy you’re doing better. Take it easy until it heals a bit then definitely a small workout to start. It was great to hear your trip went well. A change of scenery always is good for the soul.
I need to change scenery more often !!