I left my heart..

I am writing this on Wednesday but will do something fancy so it doesn’t post until Friday, striving to stay on schedule. By the time this is posted it will be day 2 of my SF (that’s San Francisco) visit with my son Jimmy and his fiancé Emily.  I’m going with Jimmy’s dad, John. Jimmy’s dad recently had a stroke, after we booked this trip, and to say I’m a nervous wreck about traveling with him in this condition is an understatement.  BUT he is wanting to go and so he’s going.  Jimmy assures me that he will do all the caretaking once there and I can lay in the hammock in their yard.  And that is exactly where I expect to be on Friday, at least before we go to dinner. Also, he really doesn’t need a lot of care as he is doing well with his rehab.  I’m just a born worrier.

John (the dad) is really putting the effort in his rehab/recovery so I’m confident everything will be fine.  It will be different traveling with all the accoutrements (walker, cane, etc.) but my friend Diane does it with BOTH her parents when they travel to Florida so if she can do it, I can do it. My hope is the airlines takes pity on us and put us in first class (there’s still 2 seats available) otherwise we are way back in row 31. But again, these plans were made before the “event” and neither of us want to pay the $1000 each to upgrade.  He’ll just walk slowly to get to his seat.

So that’s what’s on my agenda. When I get back next week I have a craft show the following weekend so I’ve been getting ready for it now so I don’t have any last minute worries.  Also those jars have to dry for at least a week so I can’t do any last-minute jars anyway.  So it’s all good there. I think my part time job is not crazy about my absence but I pretty much don’t care. I’m retired! (although who we kidding, I feel guilt)

Alright that’s it.  Short and sweet.  We have to be at the airport at the crack of dawn.  With any luck the plane will take off on time.  That’s the main concern now.  Will it even take off? Travel sure ain’t what it used to be. Why, in my day….


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One thought on “I left my heart..”

  1. I have confidence that you will handle any situation that may arise. Enjoy your time away.

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