San Francisco, or as I’m told to refer to it as SF. I’m told if you say San Fran you will be dubbed an outsider, behind the times, or heaven forbid a tourist. As I may or may not have mentioned, who can remember, my youngest son and Emily (his significant other) have moved to SF. I am now here visiting and dog sitting. I was their primary dog sitter when they lived in Pittsburgh. I don’t see any reason that has to change, am I right? At least this time I got to spend a few days with them before they left town and then I’ll get one more night with them when they return before I head back to the heat. That’s right, the heat of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. I am finding the weather in this area fascinating. The rest of the country is in a heat wave and where they live it doesn’t get out of the 60’s, like ever. Okay maybe not “ever” as it is predicted to go all the way into the 70’s this weekend. But just look at this forecast:

They live on the Pacific ocean coast, which when the fog clears you can actually see from the end of their street:

The big blue expanse on the horizon is the Pacific. Jimmy says the sunsets are beautiful however the first night when we went over to see the sunset the fog came in at that time.

The second night here would have been perfect for sunset viewing but we went to Sausalito for dinner instead. Drove across the Golden Gate bridge, which I imagine for them, in time, will become a “whatever” but this was their first time driving across on their own. Jimmy seems to have a good idea of where he’s going already and it’s so fun to feel their excitement that they live here. They keep saying to each other “we live here” and they just love it. And I just love it.

The fog is an interesting and constant companion. Some days it starts clearing up around 10 am but today it is already 11:11 (make a wish) and there doesn’t appear to be any sign of it clearing up. It also just waters everything. So their deck looked like it rained this morning, which is just from the fog. While walking the dog this morning we walked under some trees that were dripping rain from the fog. Is it called Dew? It must have a more significant name. Although I have a sweatshirt type thing on I’m not particularly cold and the sun, when it is out, is fierce. My feet got really sunburned yesterday. I was at Jean’s pool last week, in Pittsburgh, no sunscreen, all day, and I didn’t get any sun. Here, burnt in 5 minutes. And if you move to the shade it’s chilly. It’s pretty crazy.
The architecture fascinates me. I mean whose idea was it to build connecting houses? There are, of course, houses that do not connect, but so so so many that do. Is that to fit more people? What was the thought here? Some of the “rows” look identical in structure and then on other streets there are vast differences in design. But still connect.

I still haven’t figured out how these kids have a back yard since you have to walk up to the second floor to get into their house. And their yard borders three other yards. Like how is that possible? I need drone footage.

Parking is a lot like Mt. Washington in that if you don’t have a garage you’re pretty screwed finding something close. And every other block has a different street cleaning schedule. These kids don’t mind that though. I think cause it’s just so new to them. Their house (they are renting) looks like it had a garage at one time but they turned it into a one bedroom efficiency type unit that they Airbnb. Could be me for a winter month. OR I could find another place on another street, for a winter month. It looks like its cheaper to Airbnb here than in Florida, at least in January. And the weather supposedly goes from the 60’s to the high 50’s in the winter. Not too much different. Maybe the wind gets colder though. They will find out. Oh and this is a cool little fact, no AC. I mean who would need it here. At least “here” on the coast. Obviously not all of San Francisco is this temperate.
Okay what else. Trees. They’re big. I want to see more. I told them next time I want to go for a walk in Muir Woods so there’s that. But even around town they just look so big to me.

And how about this option…Emily went to Napa for the day last week. On a Sunday, her and a couple friends drove up to Napa, hit a couple wineries, and then home in the evening. Isn’t that just the coolest option for a Sunday afternoon you ever heard of?
Here’s some photos from a walk I took on day one. I told Emily I needed to be a tourist and check out my surroundings (without the dog). Here are some photos of particular interest (at least to me):

So this dog, adorable as dogs are, is impossible to walk. Okay not impossible but he’s a handful. He goes from pulling you to abrupt stopping and sniffing and then you can’t get him to stop sniffing. I decided there is no big rush here so I can let him sniff, but then you have to watch out what exactly he is sniffing and then eating. For the most environmentally friendly state there sure is a lot of litter around here. I don’t really think it’s people littering. I feel like it’s garbage trucks not picking it all up. It’s just a guess and me trying to give people the benefit of the doubt but my goodness the litter is everywhere. So you have to watch the dog.
Also common in SF are the stories of the homeless people. However, where they live there are no homeless people, at least not up here in their neighborhood. And when I walked down street (like literally DOWN) I didn’t come across any.
I had my day all planned out today. I have a monthly call with a group of woman and was all set to make sure I got up in time, since the call is East Coast time. Put all my notebooks and things out. Got up today ready to go, checked my emails and for some reason it said it’s Friday. My call is on Saturday. So now I have a whole day to figure out what to do. There is a park I thought I’d try to find (in the car) with the dog but it’s still foggy and then there’s the parking issue. If I take the car will I ever find a place to park when I come back? I brought my computer thinking I’d work on that next novel, you know, and as usual I’m procrastinating. This dog is used to them working at home and will calm himself while they are at work so I thought I’d follow suit and work and be productive. But because it’s supposed to be Saturday (in my head) and it’s Friday do I work on the book? Do I go to the park? Do I put the pup in the crate and head down to Trader Joe’s for some dark chocolate covered graham crackers? A reminder popped up on my phone saying “it’s time to blog” – I have one set for Fridays. Notice how often I pay attention. But today, while in SF, I mean why not? I’m getting up earlier (my goal to be a morning person could be attained here on the west coast) – I’m walking these hills, and I mean HILLS with the pooch, why not be diligent and write a stupid blog. LOL. And why do I call my blog a “stupid blog” – is it cause it’s stupid? Well, no matter. I at least entertain myself when I write them so there’s that.
Okay, by the time I get this uploaded with the pictures it will probably be time for lunch. Still no sun. What’s up with that today? So much weather to learn about here in SF, and you know how I’m the weather girl.
And now the dog is barking in my face. Clearly I am missing something he thinks I should know.