I went out to do a couple errands over lunch and saw “ashes to go” in Market Square. There were at least 3 priests giving out ashes (for Ash Wednesday) in Market Square. It helps that it’s a beautiful sunny, albeit chilly, day. And then I thought to myself, “this world is just so great – I mean look at this – humanity making do” – Honestly sometimes I’m so overwhelmed with the human spirit it’s embarrassing.
And then I thought how can I share how great humanity is when stupid Putin is doing his stupid thing to Ukraine. But even there, I am hearing overwhelming heart breaking and heart enhancing stories. I mean who doesn’t LOVE Zelensky. And the Ukrainians are some of the bravest people on the planet. (I imagine there are many other atrocities in other countries with brave people that don’t make it to the news for us to know about but this is front and center now.) Additionally, there are REALLY great stories surfacing of Russian soldiers surrendering because they don’t want to fight either. I heard a clip on something where a Russian soldier said they had no idea what was going on and were told it was a military practice. They don’t want to fight. I can’t imagine anyone in Russia wanting this fight. But that’s the same with all wars isn’t it? Except in this case where the Ukrainians are saving themselves. This is a Putin war, not a Russian war.
I worry about all the sanctions we’re doing to Russia and how this is going to affect the common person there. I’m not saying we shouldn’t do these sanctions, or they shouldn’t be done, but I would bet my life on it that not one person in Russia agrees with what Putin is doing. Not one. There is some kind of humanity lesson in here when someone has this much power and can just do whatever the hell he wants. I almost laughed out loud when I read today that the UN General Assembly condemns the invasion and calls for immediate withdrawal. Yea, like Putin cares. Ya gotta wonder how long has he been planning this? The Crimea annexation in 2014. The attempt to withhold funds for weapons from Ukraine in 2016. I mean WTF. This world needs to wake the “eff” up and put some better watchdog measures in place or we’re all going to be annihilated because of one (or two) idiots. And I mean idiots. Because anyone that wants to destroy humanity is not thinking straight. I mean the only reason to live on earth for our short lives is to “live on earth” – know what I mean? Like why would you want to destroy that? Why do you want to OWN it? You’re here for what 80-100 years at the most? And you want to destroy thousands of people because you need another bathroom? Or a bigger swimming pool? What the hell is wrong with people?
Well, sorry I do go off on a tangent, don’t I? I really just wanted to share the outside “ashes to go” thing and I just started down this rabbit hole. I’ll tell you what though, my thoughts and my hope is that it’s going to be the “people” of Russia who end this war. Who say “Fuck You Putin” because certain people in our country weren’t able to do that when maybe it would have made a difference. And other people in the world in other countries aren’t able to do that when it makes a difference (I’m looking at you China who decided Hong Kong belonged to you) – It’s going to take the people that they make fight these wars to say “fuck you.” Why are we such sheep to these oligarch’s and do what they say? Cause they kill our families I suppose. But seriously, just think about it, who has the power here? There’s many more of the common man than there is of the one or two idiots running the show. Just say no. You’re going to die for your country one way or the other. Either fighting in a war you don’t want, or standing up for what you know is right. (written by someone sitting in their living room not threatened by war… at the moment.)
In the meantime, I will join in the movements to send love, cause they say that’s a thing to do, and other than $20 to various charities it’s all I can do. I will not only send love to all the Ukrainians but I will send love to Putin. If sending love is a thing that works, and enough people send love to Putin and get him to crack that heart open just a little bit, maybe he will see what an ass he’s being. I am certainly willing to do whatever I can. Go ahead and roll your eyes if you want but in my opinion it’s better than doing nothing. Loving Putin is a hard ask, but for the Ukrainians I am willing to give it a try.
Peace, for real

I agree with all you say. And yes, I agree with the “love” part regarding Putin. BUT, I’m going to have to muster up a lot to do it.
❤️ we can do it!!