I woke up in a miserable mood today. The weather was dreary, rainy, grey grey grey and I had to go “in” to the office and then “in” to Oakland and I was hating life. I didn’t know where I was going in Oakland. I was taking the bus from the office. And it was raining sideways. Most days I wake up loving life (see previous blogs) so being miserable is no longer my normal. But today started out rough.
Then, after whining and texting my son Zach for directions (he used to work in the building where I had to take the bus to) I ventured out into the big city with my big girl (work) clothes on. It was drizzling but no longer raining sideways. So that was a plus. I walked up towards the Steel building, my usual work stop. I stopped along the way to check my PAT bus card (the one you use to pay bus fare) Added $10 onto it and went on my way. I went into my place of work building and completed a few work tasks. Then decided I would meet a friend in Oakland for lunch before my afternoon meeting.
I boldly and confidently left the Steel Building, walked over to the PAT bus stop. Got on the first bus that came and in 15 minutes met my friend at one of our offices in Oakland. Not only was it great to see her I got to see one of the buildings where I regularly book meetings. We then walked into Oakland, had a great fattening lunch and a great visit. I then walked over to the building where I was having my meeting. Walked into the wrong building BUT it wasn’t the end of the world. I then walked into the right building. I got up to the right floor, in the right conference room and had an excellent meeting. We had a presentation by the Office of Disability Environment and was very eye opening to hear the challenges people in wheelchairs face every every day. It is eye opening to say the least.
After the meeting, I bussed it back to the city. Got off near my home and discovered this new store called Ensemble on Fifth, so of course I had to stop in. I believe it is all local artisans. I smiled the entire time I was in the store. These are not “crafts” – not that there’s anything wrong with “crafts” but these are high end clothes, purses, shoes, soaps, candles. I mean beautiful beautiful stuff. I just smiled the whole time in there and saw clothes that some day I hope to have somewhere to wear something like they have. I mean just so cool.
Then I came home and I realized, this was one of the best days ever. The air is crisp (but also rainy) – the city is jumping, getting ready for light up night and I just love it. I love the energy. I love all the lights. I love these stores being open. I even love the cold (for a little while).
I am feeling a little like a newbie in the city dweller department however. Saturday (it’s usually Friday) but Saturday is Light Up Night in the city. It’s the official start of the Christmas/Holiday Season. It’s when they’ll light the trees and all the stores will be open and all the lights in the all the buildings on and they’re supposed to have rooftop fireworks. But my dilemma, as a newbie, is I’m still decorated for Thanksgiving. Jimmy’s dad had a rule that no Christmas anything until Dec. 1. He didn’t have many rules so I was always like “ok”. Zachary’s dad is Orthodox so I always keep my tree up until Jan 7th for him. I mean they are doable requests. However, now I’m just not in sync with the city. Do you see my dilemma? I feel like an outsider.
It’s not like I ever see John (Jimmy’s father). So I’m guessing he won’t know if I put up my Christmas decorations early next year. Maybe I’ll just put up one tree in the window. Like my across the way neighbors. Maybe I’ll even do that Saturday, day. Before light up night. Then I’ll feel like I fit in. I mean this is so so fun.

I have so much to learn about this city living. Just have to get in sync.
And that is all for today. Just a little lesson for me that the next time I’m feeling miserable the answer is not to stay indoors, the answer is to go out and walk around and get that fresh air and be in the city. I could probably do without the bus ride. BUT I know how to do it. And that’s not nuthin.

Your tree is beautiful! Industrial and rustic all at the same time! Love it!
I LOVE my industrial tree. Can’t wait to decorate for Christmas
My turkeys are up! Christmas trees and turkeys do not match. I am with John but any day after Thanksgiving is fair game.
Love your tree. My Christmas tree goes up the weekend after Thanksgiving. I want to enjoy the wonderful decorations of the season. It just makes me smile. So if it makes you happy, put it up and enjoy the festive time of year. 🎄
I put one up. No decorations just lights. After thanksgiving I’ll get the rest out of storage. But at least I had something on light up night!