I’ve been listening to a lot of online Live Broadcasts. I guess that’s what they call these things “Live Broadcasts.” There are many in the evenings which is slowly replacing my TV watching and I can also listen during the days while I do the rote tasks involved with my daily work. It shouldn’t surprise anyone that I’m not listening to how to improve my Excel spreadsheet skills or improve Calendar management. Although I will always like an Excel spreadsheet, I am hoping to one day, very soon, never look at another Outlook Calendar again. Well at least anyone else’s calendar. My own calendar is okay. Anyway,,,,the Live Broadcasts that I listen to have mostly to do with self-discovery kind of stuff. You know, I guess the all encompassing term is “spiritual.” And how weird is it that we are afraid of using that word still, in 2021, because it’s like a word reserved only for those that are in the woo-woo category? Well, I’m going to be bold and just throw it out there and come out of the closet to proudly admit I watch a lot of Live Broadcasts that have a spiritual bent to them. Unfriend me if you must.
Why bring this up? Other than this is a blog and that’s what bloggers do, share stuff, it’s just to share some of the stuff I’m trying to do. I find the pursuit of things related to this subject more interesting than politics or anything related to career growth.
So first thing I’m supposed to take note of are synchronicities every week. I am failing badly. I see nothing. I’ve been consciously looking for 5 weeks (along with this Artist Way series I’m working on) and I get nothing when I review my week. So there’s that. Not a good start.
I’ve been working on trying to listen to my intuition better, i.e., don’t buy that car, don’t move in with that man, don’t take that job, DO take that job. It was referred to as “choiceless” in last night’s Broadcast. So when you need to make a decision about something don’t make the decision until it’s choiceless. I recently explained this to a friend who is looking for a couch. It is a grueling experience as many of my friends can attest to when I have looked. Anyway, when you hit that “buy” button without thinking, that’s choiceless. It’s like when you just know it.
At lunch today I listened to which way to turn on my walk. First of all I listened to the prompt (in my head) to go out at lunch for a walk. So I passed step one. Oh and also during my day I’m supposed to be checking all the blessings/gifts/cool shit I see and take note. One suggestion is keeping a little book and writing them all down. I have yet to start the practice of writing them down, but I am trying to notice. So I went to the Point (Point State Park) at lunch. I went left, I went straight, I did loops, whatever jumped into my head. Nothing great happened. Nothing happened at all. I just did it. BUT, there is beautiful sunshine, the rivers are like glass today, so still like no current, I made it around 2.5 miles, it felt so good to be outside, I saw a feather (admittedly they are everywhere, but everytime I see one I say “thank you”) and what else, oh I saw this rose blooming, in November. The greatest gift of all. So I stopped and took a photo. I mean November and these bushes are blooming. A very lovely nice woman smiled at me in acknowledgement that we both thought this rose blooming business is not exactly a miracle but certainly a little pick me up. Mostly I just enjoyed being outside in the sun even though it’s only 48⁰

One of the conversations that came up in the Broadcast last night was about thinking about your perfect day. I feel like I’ve written about this before. I don’t know that I have a perfect day but when I was in the Point at lunchtime I thought this was kind of a close-to-perfect day, even with that j.o.b. that I am tied to blessed to have 😉. I love getting up and not having to rush out of the house to work. It’ll be even better when I don’t have to turn on the computer by a certain time, but that aside I love my quiet mornings. And I love watching the city light up. I haven’t turned into David DiCello but I am appreciating the morning light. Check these out:
I am able to work quietly in the mornings and get stuff done. I am able to eat healthy because I’m right there working in the kitchen and can take the time to whip something up (tonight is Winter vegetable Farro stew) – I can listen to podcasts or blast music while working if I want, I can go for a walk/run at lunch when it’s sunny and when it’s really slow on a Friday afternoon I can even attempt a blog to entertain myself.
Well anyway, it’s just something I’m consciously doing. You know, trying to appreciate this life of mine. I imagine this will get old after awhile and I’ll start bitching again, but until that time I’m going to keep going in this vein. You know, maybe it’ll stick. It’s worth a try.
The photos of the flowers on the table are DICELLO worthy! What’s your favorite live broadcast? I have no spirituality but you never know😘
Everyone has spirituality! Mike Dooley is a fun guy to follow. http://www.tut.com