I woke up, (thankfully) looked outside the window and thought “how cool is it that I live here”. I then continued with my now daily routine of turning on the hot water for my tea, brushing my teeth, pouring the tea and then sat in my chair and proceeded to write my morning pages. Morning Pages is an exercise suggested in the book I’m reading, the Artists Way, suggested 5 years ago by my old blogging pal/teacher Amy. Amy is now (and maybe was then) a world-renowned wedding photographer. I have never seen better wedding photos (she posts on Instagram. I am a huge fan). She may even travel the “world” to photograph a wedding. Here’s her site. Amy Sampson Photography. ANYWAY, I picked up the book when I first bought it 5 years ago and life just got in the way and it’s been sitting. Recently, while listening to a webinar it was suggested that we purchase the book How to think like Leonardo DaVinci. Being a sucker for these types of books, I bought it. When I got it I realized this is the same concept as Artists Way. Why don’t I just use what I already have? (and I’ll gift the Leonardo book – I have the perfect candidate) Soooo, 5 years later I am now committed to this process. IF I become a world renowned photographer we will know, without a doubt, that the process works.
Anyway, back to my original story. I sat on my chair and I wrote my three pages. I shared with myself how great it is to wake up and just love your life, love where you live and just have this positive outlook. Yay for me. By 8:15am it all went downhill, and continued downhill throughout the day. I did attempt to make it better and took myself out for a lunch break to complete another Artist Way assignment, which is to take myself out on an Artist Date once a week, by myself, so I went to the free Serbian Women artist exhibit on Liberty Avenue. I was the only one in there and really took my time and used up my whole hour. I read every plaque and looked at every exhibit. One of the exhibits was very cool – an embroidered tapestry kind of thing that depicted scenes from their town. Very rudimentary stitching. It really told a good story about their town. The rest of the exhibits just wanted to make me kill myself. I shouldn’t really joke about that kind of thing, but my goodness, these exhibits just make you glad you don’t live in Serbia, or at least that you’re not an anguished, tortured soul taking it out in your art. Very disturbing and depressing for the most part. And I really did feel grateful for where I live and how I live. Sometimes, I believe, we lose site of how great we really do have it, most of us. And like Diane always says, “there’s always someone better than you and always someone worse.” Although they say, grief and heartache do make for good songs. Look at Adele. Hello, it’s me…
Well, it’s the end of my workday, and I REFUSE to stay in a down mood now that the aggravating computer can be shut off. I shall remember that I am thankful for that stupid job that pays the bills.
And then hope for the best after looking out onto this scene just now. Winter is settling in and my view, in one day, went from blue sky to this:

Your typical grey Pittsburgh sky. I certainly hope this isn’t going to be it until March. That’s what happens around here. I checked flights and can go roundtrip to Florida for $120. I should book for once a month until April. Stephie get my room ready!
I also need to make a note not to go to a depressing art exhibit on a depressing day. The attendant at the exhibit gave me a couple other galleries to try. He assured me they are more uplifting. Still it’s good to broaden my horizons and think about what kind of artist I want to be. I don’t want to be someone that brings people down. I want to be the “up” artist. UP. Rise UP….hmm, perhaps that is the first line of my first paragraph of my next first novel. Grey skies are gonna clear up, put on a happy face….
Oh, that’s already taken.
I’ll keep working on it.
Love this! You DO have a great home with a great view…and so many other blessings! Yes, book a once a month trip!
Thank you!!!