Foiled again

Well, I’m a bit disappointed.  I got my Covid Booster shot yesterday.  I work in healthcare and I’m 6 months past my first shot (like 9 months) and well here’s the bottom line on reasoning a vaccine for me, other than Covid.  My mother went blind because she didn’t want to go to the doctor to refill her prescription. Ya know?  So, I say learn from your mother’s mistakes and do everything possible not to go blind.  This is why I’ve changed from never having a flu shot and never wanting one to “sign me up.”  Although, my roots (mother), tells me that flu shots are a racket, which I also tend to believe, and I also believe the MMR shot can cause autism.  I know I am in the minority there, but I just think wait a while.  Get that shot right before you have to get that MMR for school.  Give your little body a chance to develop, ya know?  Does anyone die from not getting that shot as a baby (I don’t know, does anyone?) Get that whooping cough shot early but why not wait on the other? Just wait. Anyway, why am I disappointed?  With my first Covid booster shot I had no reaction other than a slightly sore arm.  With my second shot I had a full-blown reaction.  Fever, chills, like just achy flu like symptoms.  My temperature lasted about 8 hours and the rest of the day was just a jammies-kind-of-day.

So, in anticipation of another jammies-kind-of-day post Covid shot, I went to the Farmers market, stocked up on veggies, got some extra water (forgot the Green Tea) and today when I woke up, I put on clean jammies and kinda made myself ready for a jammie- kind- of- on- the- couch- day.  Much to my chagrin I feel fine.  Perfectly fine.  Maybe even a little better than fine. Of course, the slightly euphoric feeling could also be a side effect. My arm doesn’t even hurt.  Nothing. It’s kinda pissing me off. I mean I had some movies lined up and everything.  But no, nothing.

I am not a true fan of western health care.  I admit that.  Mostly because in my experience no one ever knows what they’re doing.  So so many stories of people who are sent home with “there’s nothing wrong with you, take an aspirin” and then wind-up dead, or with cancer.  I mean those stories are endless. ENDLESS.  I’ve shared my Jimmy story (not Jammie), didn’t I?  When he was a senior in highschool and fell on his head and I took him 3 times to the doctors because he kept complaining about his head.  Finally took him to Children’s Hospital in the middle of the night, which was like an hour drive, because I just assumed I would get the best care there.  I told every one of those doctors how he fell on his head.  And the Children’s Hospital doctor told me he thought he was on drugs and drug tested him.  Never even looked at his head or neck.  Drug tested negative by the way.  Finally, the 4th time I went to Dr. Hennessey and kinda yelled.  I said “GIVE HIM THE EFFING XRAY” – he went had the x-ray and then went off to basketball practice.

While he’s at practice for some reason the doctor calls Jimmy’s grandma.  Not his mom or his dad.  It was bizarre the phone calls made and the doctor was FRANTIC. Jimmy had broken his neck.  Seriously broken his neck.  And the doctor said get him IMMEDIATELY and don’t let him move. Well anyway, we all know (or for those of you that don’t) that he is fine now.  The C6 is not a paralyzing bone to break. (I think it was the C6 but whatever one it was not the paralyzing one) He did miss the rest of the basketball season in his senior year and he was on fire (as in doing really well) before this happened.  I mean “fire.”  It was very very sad.  Both for his neck, of course, LOL, but because you just can’t regroup those high school experiences. Anyway, health care.  Yea, so Children’s is giving him a drug test and his neck was broken.  Why didn’t they check the very first time when I took him in and told them he fell on his neck.  WHY?  Like just why. 

My story is not uncommon at all.  At all. And these are my issues with healthcare. If you don’t advocate for yourself, and end up screaming, no one listens to you. They just give you a drug test.  And here’s one more stupid story.  My 89-year-old mom (the blind one) was in the shower and one of those mega shampoo bottles fell onto her foot.  Well, it got really bruised and swollen and a surprise miracle my mom said yes to going to the hospital.  She got an x-ray and had to sit there for 10 hours before getting the results.  They told her it was soft tissue damage and when my niece (who was with her) asked if she could she get a prescription for like 800 mg Motrin for the pain they said they prefer not to give her that. Why? Cause Motrin is addictive? Why? Last week I go into the urgent care because I also stubbed my finger and it wouldn’t stop hurting (after a month).  They did an x-ray; it is slightly swollen – gave me a splint and prescription for 600 Motrin saying same thing, soft tissue damage although admittedly couldn’t find anything wrong with it.  But my poor mother whose foot looks black, made her sit 10 hours, that is not an exaggeration, and no prescription.  Unbelievable.  UNBELIEVABLE.

She’s getting better.

My finger still hurts – it just goes numb sometimes. And it’s still swollen. I really jammed it.

Anyway, who knows about these vaccines and what we put into our bodies.  Seriously who knows. But I don’t want to go blind.  One of the conspiracy theories is that all the people that have been vaccinated will die in 18 months.  That’s a pretty interesting one.  So, I’ll get my affairs in order, just to be of in case.

Except I have no affairs to get in order so that’s easy.

I’ve always promised my brother my pots and pans in the event of an untimely death.  This must have been at a time when he was single because I don’t think he wants my pots and pans now.  But I’ll show him, he’s getting them anyway.  Except he’ll be dead too because he got the vaccine.

I also saw on the weather channel this morning that bad storms and tornados are expected in this area today.  Look at this sky.

I just really wanted a jammie day.  On the couch with storms.  Just disappointment everywhere.


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8 thoughts on “Foiled again”

  1. I’m organized and ready to go but would prefer to spend more time with my family and friends. Should I leave my pots and pans to Scott? I’m sorry you are not sick. I was “sick as a dog” with all three.

    1. Well if we go because of the vaccine you’re ALL going too. I say let’s all leave our pans to Scott. Perhaps he can open a soup kitchen

    1. That’s what I was just thinking. I was still in my jammies all day but I worked a regular work day. No couch and no movies. But it’s now close enough to 5. I’m ready to start my first movie 🎥 where’s the popcorn??

  2. Lynn Lynn Lynn, glad you got your booster!! As a consultant to a vaccine producer I have to ask…when was the last time you had polio? When was the last time you had smallpox? For that matter…when was the last time you had the flu? Not a racket – a very inexpensive shot that saves a lot of linves 😘

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