Is there a law that says earrings have to match? I have two lone earrings who have lost their mates. Not unlike the lone sock that comes out of the dryer problem. Do we just discard these lone items? Is there any reason I can’t wear each lone but different sock or earring at the same time? Do our socks need to match? Shouldn’t we save the lone socks to wear with other lone socks?
I don’t think I’m a trendsetter in this area – I have seen it done. I believe there is a store that sells nothing but mismatched socks. And I know there are some fashionistas, mostly in the boho category, that wear one or different earrings. When I’ve tried one earring people usually say “oh you lost an earring” – lol – I guess I just can’t pull that look off. My “look” has historically been Florida-beach look. Linen, flowing, summer. However, when I was actually in Florida it was much more relaxed. MUCH more. Looking back over the years. I would have to say my favorite look was when in Malibu visiting my brother and sister-in-law. We were headed out somewhere and always stumped at what to wear, Janis told me the “in” look was wearing layers in Malibu. As a joke, I put on all these tops, thinking she would laugh. It had no flow, no thread of matching. It was chaos. She said it was perfect.
I think that’s the look I’m going for now. Perfect chaos.
I’m just trying to catch the wave of this “new normal” they keep making reference to. I have yet to see what this new normal is exactly. If it’s just working at home, sometimes, how is that new? It’s still “them” calling the shots, letting us work from home (or not). It’s still the same, just in a different location. What I want the new normal to be is a total shift of power. Total. I want to tell my employer when I’m coming in (or not) – I have to confess I am allowed to do that already – but the majority of everyone I know left in the working world does not have that luxury. Here’s some other shifts I’d like to see:
When I do go in – I want to just throw on clothes – I will shower – but makeup, “work” clothes – no. Since I live within walking distance of my office there are times when I could just pop in and go through mail or whatever, but the getting ready, the clothes, the makeup, the matching earrings. Why? Why do we have to do that? Especially when no one else is in the office. And we don’t deal with the public. This work dress rule is out dated, and made by men, and it needs to go. However, that said, I do draw the line at sweats and slippers. I mean I have standards.
There are other transitions in life that I would put more in the “new normal” category than what we are going through now. I think this is a transition period and we might get to a new normal. But these times don’t even compare to the new normal we have already gone through.
For instance, telephones. From party lines, to rotary/desk phones, I remember when the kitchen wall phone was new, then pushbutton phones, then walk around phones (portable) and I mean just look where we are now with cell phones. Just look at it. THAT’s what I call a new normal.
What about social media and our attachment to “likes” and “comments.” Actually I don’t have a lot to say about that (as I write a public blog and put this out there for people to react to. i.e, like and comment) but the younger generations – it’s big time. And the photos on social media? My friend’s daughter – we were on vacation sending beach photos, sunsets and the like and what did this 20 something want us to send her? Photos of food. FOOD. That’s just crazy. But it’s the new normal.
Know what else is new? TV watching. How many times does anyone watch one show a week anymore? I miss those days. 30 minutes or an hour, turn it off and go to bed. And wait a week. Now I can’t stop. I start a show and it is very very hard for me to stop because I don’t have to wait until next week now to see what happens. It’s the making of slugs. When we get together with friends and family what invariably comes up in conversation now? “What are you watching?” That is the new normal for all of us.
And lastly, what about these dogs. This is NOT normal. Daycare for dogs, with report cards, photo days and craft days. Daycare for dogs is genius and a god send but the report cards, photo days and CRAFT days? Hilarious. And I have grand pups. I love them like a true grandma would love a Grandchild. I hang out – I love them – I take them to Daycare and after a weekend I go home!! I am always relieved of my desire to own a pup after a weekend.

Anyway, I went to the farmers market today and wore what I think I would wear if I was back in Malibu. I wore two different earrings. No one commented and said “hey – do you know you put on the wrong earrings.” Also no one commented and said “cool look.”
I’m going to keep going with it. My new normal.

The new normal. Check out Facebook Horizon, virtual-reality community that’s invite- only, appears to be an offering into metaverse. Google CBS morning interview with Gale King and Zuckerberg. His answer to zoom calls, named infinite office, is crazy,
I am not sure how I feel about this. Other than NO to that face piece. It’s kinda cool kinda scary.
Your new norm sounds great! My granddaughter Quinn has been wearing 2 different socks anytime she wants. She’s 4 and a trendsetter 😉😂. The earrings are fashionable.
Your to funny. I love this blog.
You are so kind! AND I AM a trendsetter just a little bit behind so there’s gotta be a different term. A trendlagger maybe! I’ll catch up!