
It is my firm belief that when you are sitting in a chair in a doctor’s office waiting the interminable wait for them to come in; there should be someone there giving you a neck massage while you wait.  I think it would increase customer satisfaction exponentially.

All apartments should come with water filters built into the faucet.  Nobody drinks tap water anymore (well most people don’t) and now I’m in a quandary.  I was using the ZERO pitcher/water filter but I don’t know, I just don’t love it.  But do I want to go back to a Brita filter?  Or maybe I should just buy one of those faucet mounts and install myself. 

I have anxiety over the amount of plastic used by humanity.  I recently moved to a product of laundry detergent sheets (see Earth Breeze) and actually ordered a whole years’ worth to cut back on carbon emissions of monthly deliveries.  But now I’m going through 1-3 large gallon bottles of water a week – in plastic of course – because I can’t decide what kind of water filter I want to use.  It’s a conundrum I tell you. I get very anxious when I go shopping with my son and he buys cases of bottled water.  It makes me hyperventilate. He likes to tell me his shirt is made from recycled plastic bottles to make me feel better.  I’m not buying it (the shirt or the argument).

I had drops in my eyes today for an eye appointment (see above neck massage suggestion) – keeping my eyes open hurts.  Looking at this screen hurts.  The sunlight coming through my very large windows hurts. It is VERY bright today. I can’t watch TV – that will hurt.  However, this is not like a concussion (like a friend has) as there is no headache or brain mush to accompany it.  Well, the brain mush is questionable. Maybe a podcast is the way to go.

Feeling the need to share and just say no to plastic.


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7 thoughts on “Random”

  1. I have a Dupont filter attached to my faucet that I really like. At the time I bought it, it filtered out more impurities than anything else I could find, especially Brita. I ended up buying mine on eBay because I found a better deal on a new one, so shop around.

      1. I liked it enough to buy a the same one again when my first one broke! xoxoxoxo

  2. I love, really love my Berkey. They’re an investment up front and I do not love that the fluoride filters are plastic and not recycled but you can skip the fluoride filter and still have great tasting water. The other filters last a really long time! Even though I live near the source (Rocky Mountains) our water has lots of minerals. https://www.berkeyfilters.com.

    I also hate the plastic and it’s insidious (which I think means – everywhere and almost impossible to avoid). I reuse and refill as much as I can. In Edwards, we even have a shop called Fill and Refill where you can do just that for detergent, soap, skin care, shampoo, cleaning products… https://www.fillandrefill.com. Maybe there’s one in Pitt, you’ll want to ride your bike there:)
    Thank you for caring! Let’s work together to make a change!

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