That would be a negative

My boy is Covid NEGATIVE.  It is a relief.  He’s just regular sick.  Which is not great news for him.  Being Covid Negative is good news, but he wishes he knew what was wrong with himself.  I told him to call Telemedicine again.  He said they’re so screwed up he had to pay for the appointment as they couldn’t find his insurance.  It’s always something with this dam healthcare.  There is nothing about our healthcare system that makes me feel confident.  I’m not referring to the individual doctors/nurses/care people – they are lovely – but the system is effed up.

I don’t know about you but I’m losing my mind a little bit with this work at home thing.  I mostly LOVE working from home but my day consists of walking briefly in the morning, briefly, then downstairs to my kitchen table in the dungeon (previously known as cozy) where I don’t see the light of day for the rest of the day.  When work is over, I go upstairs to my couch and sit and watch TV.  I am on my ass 15 hours a day, minus the 10 steps back and forth from the bathroom.  At my work-work office the bathroom was really far.  The coffee pot was far.  Lunch was at least a few steps on and off the elevator and down the escalator through the tunnel!

I plan on moving this operation upstairs, to where there is light, at some point next week.  But I am still considering that because at this point I can walk upstairs and this mess is out of sight.  I’ve been talking to friends who comment that their mess is always looking at them…thus drawing you back to just do “one more thing” – way past the normal time you’d be working if you left the office to go home…on the bus…not looking back.

And how about this…you’re in the bathroom and the phone rings/or email dings, and you feel like you have to justify why you weren’t at your desk.  Did we ever feel guilty going the bathroom at work?

I know people are not happy with this work at home dream.  BUT we are also not set up properly for it.  When I worked at home full time years ago, I had a proper desk, my desktop computer supplied by my company, I mean a full office set up. I was not winging it on my kitchen table trying to make my personal laptop computer fit the remote desktop options of my company, constantly looking for files in some one- drive lost in some cloud, dropping all my work calls because I have no cell service in this basement/kitchen/office space of mine.  The work at home dreams need to come with work at home conditions.  An office, a “work” computer, provided by your employer, supplies provided by your employer, and of course a cell signal (I’m looking at you Verizon)!  Not related to work but once I was charged a roaming fee for a call I took in my kitchen!!

I know what I have to do to be blissful, but I have not as yet done it (move upstairs, buy a desk, buy a chair, do yoga at lunch!!)

For today, I am happy that I can visit my boy without fear of Covid cooties. It is a good day!


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3 thoughts on “That would be a negative”

  1. Yes! Good news. Now take a deep breath and enjoy a visit with him. ❤️

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