It has occurred to me that the reason I started to blog back in 2014 is no longer applicable…I started this blog because I left Pittsburgh to have a new adventure in Florida and let friends know how it was going..but now….now…I’m back in Pittsburgh. Interestingly I think other people now read it, besides the original friends, so do I keep going? For now I’ll report on my move back to the “burgh” …
Back in November, a few months ago, my friends Jean and Larry were visiting in the St. Pete Beach area. It was soon after my quitting Stetson. Anyway I will always remember the night, while sitting at the bar at Grace Restaurant in Pass-a-Grille (with my club soda) Larry said to me “Ang is now working at UPMC. Send her your resume and she’ll get you a job.” I was quiet. I didn’t say a word. Because I knew he was right. I knew that after I sent Ang (short for Angela) my resume she would find me a job, if I wanted her to. I also knew I needed a job. There was something about that moment that I realized it was over for me in Florida. I just knew it. I am so wrong about so many things in my life but there are certain things that you just know. And here I am. At the moment Larry said that, and for a few moments and days after that I will say there were feelings of acceptance, defeat and sadness, and I was pretty mad at Larry. However, those feelings are now over and I am very happy to be back. Really I am. Christine also offered that she thought this move would give me the energy boost I needed. I mean seriously, my recent days in Florida were filled with a leisure cup of tea, sitting on my porch in the warm weather, and walking on the beach. But now, although it’s only been a week I actually feel like I have a life again. It’s really been fun to think of all the possibilities I can do now that I’m here. Like today I went to my great nephew’s YBL game (YBL stands for Youth Basketball league) I used to go to them 20 years ago with Jimmy. It was so fun to watch these kids (ages 6-8) playing basketball again. One little girl kept sitting down to tie her shoes. Other kids would just pick up the ball and run with it. It was hilarious. And when it wasn’t hilarious I had to sit on my hands and keep my mouth shut to keep me from screaming things like “get the Ball” “D” “shoot Donevan” “Call the foul” – all the things you scream at high school games. It was just fun thinking about those days. And now I’ve volunteered to take Donevan to Monday night practices. I’m so used to just visiting that having all this time to participate is opening a whole new world…again.
I’ve also stopped by to see my mom almost every day at my sister’s. This week we accepted an offer on her house. It was a busy week. Another moment, like that night in the bar with Larry, that was met with quiet resolve. The realtors were congratulating us. No one said a word.
My new job is pretty cool. The first two days were orientation at an offsite location with another 134 people. They said 1/2 million people apply for jobs with UPMC every year. 1/2 million. Can you believe it? Every two weeks they have Orientation with about 134 people at each one. My first real work day, when I had to commute into the city, it was 8 degrees when I left the house (and dropped to a -2 by the end of the day). I drove into the city, parked in a lot, hopped on the subway and got off at the Steel building. Then it was like a maze. You go up an escalator to a landing with about 3 different exits. Found my USX tower exit which took me down another escalator, through a tunnel, into a hall where I remember Diane and I used to meet at a bar in that hall back in 1979-80. That bar is now a Kindercare. I just couldn’t stop smiling. Then back up two escalators to a landing where my new ID card worked to get me through the turnstiles, back to my bank of elevators, where I punch in a number and the key pad tells me what elevator to get on and then finally up to my floor where they are several doors to pick from. On Friday I took the bus in (instead of driving) due to the snow that fell the night before and was most proud of my foresight not to try and drive in. EVERYONE was late that day. I have been very proud of myself for figuring all this out. Although I have lived here all my life. I was only gone 5 years. It’s kinda like I never left.
So I work on the 60th floor and I have the most amazing views. I’ve been taking pictures every day. The view changes several times a day. I’ve exchanged my beach pictures for my city pictures. I need to stay for sunset this week and take a picture of that.
Between all the getting settled (I’m staying with Di) and then staying with Zach for two days and then back and forth with mom and then the house negotiating and the commute and the weather, who has time to think about how I got here. I just am here. And I’m very happy.
In sad news my cousin Ira (mom’s 1st cousin) who has often commented on this blog died last week, one day after his 91st birthday. There are alot of endings happening. I will miss him and his comments.

Condolences to you and your family as you grieve for Ira. 🙏. Welcome home, best wishes for more enjoyable days ahead.
Thank you Mike.
I wish you peace for cousin Ira, he had a pleasant face and smile! Please continue your blog BECAUSE YOU ARE TOO BUSY TO SHARE A MEAL OR EVEN A CUP OF TEA WITH AN OLD FRIEND! You know I jest! Do you believe we are 60?
The Gods threw you a weather test this week and you passed! You will be successful in the burg. Remember after you retire you can move back to Florida!
Florida is so yesterday. I think I’ll retire in the Canary Islands 😉 and I will see you soon!!
Oh, you MUST continue blogging. Your life is so much more interesting than mine, plus you write so well with such introspection! Yes, last week was a test, but your glass (or coffee mug) turned out to be half full!
Your life is so much more interesting. You’re living my dream (although not the cold part) AND you’re a writer !! But I will do it for you xoxoxo
I agree, continue the blog!!! I would would feel as though something was missing if you didn’t!!! 🙂
Well I don’t know what I’d do with the free time anyway 😁
Deepest sympathy on losing your cousin Ira. Always in your heart ❤️
Yes! I love reading your blog. Continue onward with new adventures in your home town. Enjoy your family and friends. Make new friends and have fun doing so. Love the view from your office as well. New journey , new blogging news.
Thanks Debbie!! Hope to see you soon!
Congrats on the new job, and sorry for your loss.
As for “to blog or not to blog”, do you still enjoy it? That’s all that really matters.
I do! When I get around to it 😁
I am happy you are back. Keep blogging. You write so well. I’d love for you to teach me how to write. It is something I never quite mastered and admire those who have such skill. Like you!
You have many skills Lori!! And thank you, I’m also happy to be back. See you soon!