I’m not going to go on ad nauseam about my new “happy” place; although I’m not sure why not. I mean I did go on a while about how “unhappy” I was didn’t I? Doesn’t it seem like people are almost more interested in hearing bad stuff? Well I guess it makes sense. Lots of people are miserable so it’s easier to relate. I still have things that are causing me misery. Take Amazon for example. I bought a new Firestick – an upgrade from my first one that I’ve had for several years – well anyway I got it on Prime Day – only $20 – so hook it up and there’s no sound. None.. Ended up calling Amazon and they said to return it and they’d send me a replacement – must be something wrong with it. So they sent a replacement – it doesn’t work either (no sound) – 2 hours on the phone and 2 days later a very snarky tech guy tells me that it’s not compatible with my TV. So I return it – write a 1 star review cause you know they could have saved me hours on the phone if they told me upfront it wasn’t compatible with a Sony TV. Welll…don’t you know the next day another agent calls and said that the other agent gave me wrong information and it certainly is compatible with my TV and if I wanted to try again he promised he would be able to fix it. So wait, I get it back out of the mail the next day – had mailed from work but they didn’t pick it up yet. Had to make an appointment for his call at 7 pm and all he did was tell me he was going to file a ticket and then call AGAIN on Monday. Ya know? Is it really worth $20? Nooooooo…so there’s that misery story.
Let’s see what else, my forehead is peeling from the sunburn…that’s a little miserable.
I think I might have just gotten bit by a bug..
My under-the-counter light that I bought for my last apartment and moved it here will not stay up. It keeps falling. Damn thing. Pissing me off.
That’s it. My friend Kathy, at work, she has these great cards…you know, like angel cards. Anyway, we have been tasked, by the angels, to not talk about negative stuff any more, only talk about positive things and then more positive things start coming into your life. So….
Tonight, Friday night, when for the last year I’ve been going home, sitting in front of the TV and basically doing nothing, well…tonight I did this:
That’s right – another walk on what seems like a deserted and private beach. It is so peacefulLong evening shadowLots of these popping up – These are sea turtle nests. I need my sea turtle friend to remind me if this means they found it 7/30 and how long before hatching? I’m thinking October?
And then I stopped to see this on my way home. Just when I thought my sunset days were over, well all I had to do was look left and there it was, setting. What is this called? A lagoon? A bay? Anyway, as it was setting, the ocean started turning pink. It was beautiful. It just keeps getting better and better in my happy place.
Tomorrow my plan is to stay away from the beach just for my skin’s sake but I plan on sitting on my peaceful screened-in porch with a big cup of tea in the morning, then finishing my book by the pool. I might go and find the mall too. It’s right at the intersection where I get on I95 to go to work – that’s one mile away. I have lots of coupons and I need lots of stuff for my new apartment. There’s also a movie theater over there – maybe I’ll even go to a movie. It’s like I’ve come back to life!
NEXT Friday my couch comes. There are no words for how happy I’ll be to lay on a couch and watch TV. I do love walking on the beach but, but, laying on a couch? I don’t know, I have a lot of couch-laying catching up to do. It’s going to be a Friday night toss-up.
Great blog!! Awesome sunset!!! 🙂
Thanks Janel.❤️