Put the floss in an easy/memorable place so you can find it easily. Do not dig around in one of the containers with the bathroom stuff because undoubtedly there will be a nasty, rusty razor that has been in there for years and you will cut your finger and say to yourself…”what the hell?” as you bleed all over the keyboard.
Moving on…after work today I went to my DeLand home 🙂 to partake in this, my last Wash-Wednesday (if you remember I have been assigned to Wednesdays as we share the wash machine.) I’m so used to washing on Wednesdays that even when visiting others (like my mom) I will wait for a Wednesday to wash. So anyway, while washing I loaded up my car. I am a good packer. I use small boxes that fit inside other things and well here is half of what was in my car:

A great thing about piece-mealing this move and only using my car is that it’s easier to unpack a little at a time. I have had offers to use SUV’s and I’m thinking that would be ALOT to unpack at once. I’ll do it slow and put everything away as I go. That’s like a “sort of” lesson.
Speaking of putting everything away. Lesson #2 – wash everything that you think is clean in the dishwasher! So I haven’t had a dishwasher since May 2016. That’s a little over 2 years. I have been washing by hand. You think you are getting things clean. Especially when the apartment (and blind mother’s house) is dark to begin with. The lighting is low in both places. In my DeLand apartment I never realized just how dim it is. I mean I do realize it when I’m getting ready for work and I think “hey, not bad for an old broad” and then I get to work and look at that same old broad in the work bathroom mirror and scream aloud “WTF! Who is that?” So dim lights are good for some things as well as fooling yourself into believing your dishes are clean. I ran the first load through last night. Look how sparkly:

Some additional advice on the dishwasher lesson. #2A Remember as cute as those melamine plates are you have to put them on the top shelf of the dishwasher and in apartment living the top rack is not made for plates. Slows the process a bit when washing your entire kitchen contents but the results are welllllll worth it. I can’t believe I haven’t been sick all year. I must have the healthiest immune system from all the bacteria that has built up in my system.
So let’s move on to Lesson #3. When faced with having to line your kitchen cabinets cause they’re old or just because you like to do that kind of thing…never ever buy removable/adhesive contact paper. Spend the extra money and get the shelf paper. I mean who knew what a disaster that was going to be. I did an o.k. job on the drawers but these cupboards are ridiculously useless – they go way back into corners that I can’t even reach, let alone put contact paper down that’s sticking all over me. Not being well versed in the contact/shelf paper arena of knowledge I thought I was being a thrifty shopper. Well, this thrifty shopper is throwing the whole freaking roll out and going back for shelf paper. And what the hell am I going to put in the back corner of those cabinets that I can’t reach?
Let’s see have I learned anything else? Maybe this last thing. When your blind mother is thinking of getting rid of a chair and you decide to keep it because it folds and will fit in your car and you can’t decide if you like it or not…don’t. I mean I guess it’s cute. It is a cute chair and kinda beachy. Last night it was stabbing me, the bamboo is coming up, so tonight I put a cushion on it. I surprised myself by finding a cushion that I had bought for a chair when I lived at the beach the summer of 2016 and well I completely forgot I had it so I thought how fortuitous of me to hang onto something and then use it 2 years later; let’s give it a whirl:

I think that is going to have to be it for today’s wisdom. My next load of dishes are waiting to be put in the dishwasher before bed – I’m gonna ooh and awe over the clean ones that I have to put away and put in the next load and then I really have to get some sleep. This moving is a really great work out and soooo exhausting. If only I end up with killer biceps..
This was a great blog!!!
Been a bit preoccupied but LOVED the wise words! I needed a good YUK YUK from my Lynne. Had a great time with Stephie but made me realize how much I miss you. Funny how I like the three of us together. Happy big Move Day!