Day 1 in Port Orange

Here I am!  I’m exhausted and hot – it is mid July in Florida, it’s hot.  I’m not complaining.  I loaded up my car last night and this morning to make the first trip over after work.  It was a quick 30 minute commute.  Really easy. The place is cute.  Just the right size when starting over…again.  The possibilities are exciting.
Future home of a sectional couch – will fit nicely in that corner (a small one)
nice little screened in porch – a county sheriff lives across the lot. Feeling kinda good about that.
I didn’t move any food on this first trip and was starving – pulled into a sushi place. A little bit of heaven.
Rainbow on my first day – maybe a good sign?

I’m looking forward to getting settled.  I’ll have more of a personality when the move is all over.  🙂


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8 thoughts on “Day 1 in Port Orange”

  1. Lynn: you deserve many rainbows, I wish you nothing but the best 👍😎

  2. Positive sign. Lots of luck and happiness in the new place. Can’t wait to see your progress.

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