Native Americans – they should live in the National Parks (if they want to) that’s where their reservations should be – but no casinos inside the parks.
Descendants of slaves – descendants should receive shares in the tobacco and cotton industry, the coal industry too- from what I read recently, in the aftermath of the civil war, free slaves were “arrested” for no reason and forced to work in coal mines.
Central American/Mexican illegal immigrants seeking refuge– Let them in. Let them all in. Really bad ones get sent back. Illegal children that have gone through the US school system K-12 (or 80%) are automatic citizens. But here’s a perplexing question, after watching Goliath on Amazon and having nightmares for 3 nights in a row, why are these drug cartels so horrible? What is that mindset? What is the psychology of that behavior? What is going on in those minds? Come to think of it, network television is filled with mysteries based on crimes of extreme horribleness. Why are they so popular? This is Us is MUCH better. Reruns of Friends is pretty good too.
I haven’t figure out climate rules yet -But Jerry Brown in California has some pretty good ideas according to 60 Minutes.
And Four day work weeks..
And the chef who comes up with the recipes for the Purple Carrot food boxes would be the White House chef during my tenure.
Well, chances are I’m not going to get voted for. But I have ideas popping into my head all the time these days. Too bad I don’t have an idea for another book instead.
Other than that, I’m just trying to fill up my 30 more days before I move to my new neighborhood of Port Orange. I drove over there today and hung out on the beach to read my book. Pretty soon I’ll be able to get there in 15 minutes – instead of 45. It’s so lovely to sit there and read – take a walk if I want. I just can’t tell you how fortunate I feel.

After the Painting with a Twist class in Pittsburgh and a little painting project we did at an all day retreat last week, I was inspired to paint a piece of furniture. I used to do that a lot back in the Fair Oaks days. I haven’t thought about doing that in a long time. Where I work there is all this furniture that no one wants, our warehouse is full (so they say, but never have anything I ask for). So this little table was going to be thrown out and I was inspired to bring it home and paint it. It was covered with some sort of textured, like sand, brown/black paint. I think it’s particle board. It’s not wood for sure. So look how good I did. I copied the idea from the Brylane Home catalog. They have a flower table I’ve been lusting after – an end table – that’s $300. Mine cost $25 in paint and brushes.
Now I have to get through these 30 days without the termites finding it. I had a bulletin board that my mother gave me years and years ago, I had it on the wall. When I came back from New York I noticed all this sawdust underneath it. End of the story, the termites found it. I’m so disgusted with this apartment and the termites. They could get into my furniture and there’s nothing I can do about it. I wonder if there is an executive order I can make about termites when I become President?
In the meantime, it’s on to Virginia this week to list the house. I am having unbelievable anxiety about it. But mom is ready. I have not heard any hesitation on her end. I guess when you’re ready you’re ready. I’M not ready – but she is.
And Leave It To Beaver and I Love Lucy and The Jeffersons and Mork & Mindy. Less violence. Most the cartoons have violence in them as well, so back to Looney Tunes and Muppets maybe?
I like your new credos! Good ideas! I’m voting for you.
Sorry about the termites, but I think they need a place to live too, so all wood products are game. Dust needs a place to live too. It lives at a my house, though it’s not welcome lately since we need to show the house, and dust has few friends and supporters.
Re your mom? It will be interesting to find out the differences between what VA and PA offer to the senior/disabled population. We went through this is my mom. The states are all kind of different. I looked up which are the best states for elder-law and care. Neither were on the list, and CA was missing too. Says we should all move to Arizona …. but that’s a red state. AAAGH!
Beautiful table! Good job, Mrs. President!
xoxo Janis
I’m pretty sure the best place to live as a senior is Denmark. Although there are quite a few here in Florida. Hopefully being around family is the most important.
Best wishes for success in your new abode in Port Orange, as well as with the details of arranging the sale of your mom’s house (sounds like a busy summer); and your table creation is all you—happy and filled with life!
Busy is right! Thanks for The wishes
I love that table. Now I can lust after yours!!!! Good luck with Mummy and the house.
It would be wonderful to see the internet plastered with photos of you smiling from ear while signing executive orders at your hand-painted floral desk in the Oval Office.
It would make a great blog!
LOVE the table! You are so creative and talented. I concur with all of your ideas, therefore, you have my vote. I ponder the human condition daily. The appetite for suffering and violence in plays, movies, video games, and the news baffles my mind. Good luck with Mom. I am always here for you. If she comes to Sewickley, I will help out. Home health is my calling, but real estate pays the bills.
Lori!! I think about you alot and this whole mother thing – both the real estate and the nursing! I appreciate your offer of help. We will see what transpires. Stay tuned! xoxoxo