49 days and counting

I think I’m going to make ham bbqs for moving day.  I found this delicious recipe on Allrecipes.com called Pittsburgh Ham Barbecues.  I asked Alexa (mom day present) to find me a recipe for Ham bbq and that’s what she came up with.  Must be Kismet don’t you think?  I asked her for some dinner ideas.  She didn’t come up with ham bbq on her own though.  I just happened to have ham in the fridge.  I’m not exactly sure WHY I had ham in the fridge because it is rare that I eat lunchmeat.  Well anyway I promised my moving helpers that I would feed them and I’ve been stressing about it ever since.  Believe it or not it’s been so long since I’ve entertained I have no idea what to make.  Until tonight.  The only diet restriction for my movers is no dairy so how does this sound: ham bbq’s, macaroni salad, potato chips, maybe deviled eggs (although that might be too much mayo), watermelon and chocolate chip cookies? I think I need a vegetable.  Maybe I should make a green salad too? or maybe a cold green bean salad? Something green. Does that sound delicious for a moving crew?  I guess I need beer.  I mean these people have volunteered to move me in the dead of summer, end of July, in Florida heat.  Maybe I’ll make them some chicken broth to go. I mean I really do make good chicken broth, even in the middle of summer.

So just to confirm, I’m moving at the end of July.  It seems like an eternity.  49 days according to Alexa. I haven’t told my landlord yet.  I’m going to tell him June 15.  I’m pretty sure he doesn’t read my blog.  I’d be in trouble.  I just don’t want to give him too much time and have him kick me out earlier than my place is available.  That happens you know.  I don’t trust the universe just yet.

Well anyway, I’m so excited, so very very excited about the move but I’m trying to maintain. 49 days is a long time.  To pass the time I’m going to be doing some traveling.  Pittsburgh this weekend, NYC next weekend, maybe St. Pete the next weekend and then Virginia.  It’ll help pass the time.

Lots of new stuff happening other than I’m moving. At work my office is also moving (just to another building).  My brother is moving and wait for it….mom is selling the house.  I know. It’s big. So lots of emotions going on.  I’m really happy and relieved that she’s taking this step.  It feels like a huge weight off.  So much easier on so many levels for her, really easier for all of us.  Her plan is to move into something small in Sewickley so if any of you know of a small, one story house, with a place to sit outside, laundry on same floor, call me.  In Sewickley she’ll be around my sister and Evan (granddaughter) and all the babies and it’ll be easier for me not to have to split all the vacation time and just go to Pittsburgh to see everyone in one swoop.  Well actually that won’t help me because I don’t have time to see everyone when I’m there as it is.  It actually won’t help at all.  But maybe I can take more vacation time in one place. I can’t imagine walking out of my mom’s house for the last time.  I can’t bear to think about selling that place, but there’s just no other solution. I spent the first 3 months of my life in that house.  I’ve been going to Goochland County my entire life  Well anyway, I am grateful for my 6 months there last year.  I had decided after that time that I really don’t want to live there.  I love visiting but I would never want to live there.  Not enough sunshine, too drafty,  alright fine…if I had it with the furniture I wanted in it I probably would love it.  I don’t know….but it’s her decision and it’s a very very smart decision.  All these changes.   Oh and the biggest change, I’m going to be 60 next week.  What is happening?????

It’s actually weird seeing all my school-mates on Facebook hitting the same 60 mark that I will be hitting next week.  I’ve gone from not caring at all to full-on freakout (about 6 months ago) complete with anxiety attack to just total acceptance but not really in a good way.  Basically I just don’t want to think about it. It’s just another birthday- I’m still going to celebrate the day for the rest of my life but I don’t think I’ll ever think about an number associated with it again.  The boys and I are going to the Arts Festival on Saturday and then we’re going to do a Painting with a Twist thing on Sunday.  It’ll be so much fun.  Plus I get to see Mya’s graduation from preschool and of course my girls late night at Eat N Park.  I mean we really know how to live. On my actual bday I am celebrating with a dentist appointment.  I’m also going to look at a house for my mom while I’m in Pittsburgh. Kerry already said it’s not a practical house but what the heck I’m looking anyway.  It looks really cute.  Maybe I should buy it for myself.  That would be fun to do.  (living in my head again..)

In the meantime, I’ve picked out a couch and a dog. Both have to wait 49 days minimum. The dog probably a bit longer.  I’m so excited to get another couch.  I’m going to spend an entire weekend stretched out on it. Soooo excited.




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9 thoughts on “49 days and counting”

  1. Yay!!! So glad to hear that you are making that move! How exciting! 🙂

  2. So many questions! I assume your just moving to a different area. Maybe closer to work or the beach. Scotts home is beautiful. I can’t imagine the emotion leaving that house. And your mom’s…wow. I hope she is going well. Thats a big change but understandable. So happy she will be back here closer to family. So much going on. The best of luck to everyone on this next adventure. Hugs and love ❤️

    1. Same job for me. I’m just trading a short commute to work for a short commute to the beach. I’m hoping it will mean less time in the office! Lots of changes for sure. Xoxox

      1. 😍🤗😘 I know you’ll spend more time at your happy place (the beach) for sure. Sending good vibes for the move and lots of fun and happiness in the new place.

  3. Eat N Park. I laugh when I hear this name. I remember my first trip to Sewickley. The kids wanted to eat breakfast at Eaton Park the following morning. I kept picturing this lovely little cottage style restaurant where they serve crepes, fancy french toast with almonds and fresh fruit, cappuccino’s, and sweet little servers who are proud of their jobs. Eaton Park. Sounded great to me, let’s go!

    Yes those are HUGE changes. It seems life is dumping huge changes on us. Little boulders on our shoulders. Atleast your mom is ready for the change, finally, and after going through this with my OWN mom, I understand how BIG that change actually is. HUGE. Stressful, sad, and resolving. I hope your mom can see it as a positive rather than the declining stage of aging and what it involves. So so so so difficult. I wanted my mom to do things that I wanted to do since I thought they would revive her, get her out of the house, keep us lively. Not the situation. At. All. Now I get it. We realize things too late.
    I wish you all … all of you … the best. Your mom is worth it!

    Happy upcoming 60th!
    Love you, my sister

  4. Wow! I am surprised to hear that your Mom is selling Opus 1; I figured she was going to tough it out there for the rest of her days,
    But, on the other hand, I probably shouldn’t be that surprised. There
    are two of us here at this house and a son living several hundred yards down the road but we are now realizing that it is fast becoming too much for us to keep up with. So, some sort of senior environment is starting to come into focus. One big factor for us is the long distances to doctor’s appointments and the poor condition of some of these back roads.
    An interesting co-incidence here: A friend of mine from back in the work days has just sold her house in Richmond and is moving to Goochland to a house she describes as sitting on a 7 acre wooded lot.
    I wonder???
    Anyhow, good luck to all of us in the up coming months!

    1. I thought about you reading this before hearing it from her. I think the last pipe burst was the final straw. Plus the three levels, snakes, bears, bugs…it all adds up…sadly. I’m sure someone will get in there and love it just as much. Just like Harwood selling Little Genito. It happens..time’s a bitch…as they say

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