I have been very successful at keeping that TV off. It’s been the easiest thing so far in my life to give up, at least cut back on. I haven’t been writing as I had hoped (until this moment) but I have been editing. I remember my brother telling me one time about how as a musician, writer of music, you get so sick of your own songs from playing them over and over. Well..I get that now. I am editing my book which is me reading and re-reading my Finally Florida blog. When I first put it together I would always cry while reading it…now it’s like “this is ridiculous, who is going to read this?” But, I will persevere. Zachary told me to read my things out loud. I admit I find myself thinking I’m reading out loud but I’m not. I’ll try harder as it is really helpful to do as an editor/proofreader kind of thing. A friend at work wants to read my book. She’s not the first person to ask. A lot of people ask. But I get very nervous about that. I don’t mind getting turned down by publishers but getting the rolled-eye review from a friend is scary. It’s a very vulnerable position. You always read in the acknowledgements sections in the back of books all the thanks to friends by the author for reading their work. Maybe it’s time I take up these friends offers and drag in some helpers. I’ll let her read 30 pages and see how it goes. 30 pages is all that the agents want to see..and that’s only a few of them..most of them only want 5 or 10 pages. I’m like come on!! I read the other day that James Patterson (writer of 60+ books) was turned down by 70 publishers. I’m not even up to 50 submissions yet. I have a ways to go. Researching agents and publishers is a lot of work. For now I feel like I need to edit…again.
Diary’s (and my Finally Florida blog) are a really cool way to transport you back in time. Photo albums try to do the same thing but there is nothing like a diary, it captures so much more. When I re-read something I wrote, not only do I remember the time I remember the feeling. And if you have a picture to go along (like I do on the blog) well it’s the whole package. Mrs. Williams will pull out her journals every once in a while and remind me of sleep overs at her house when I was 12. What a great memory tool to have.
I’ve come a long way. Rereading while editing and being transported back in time, well I don’t cry..at all.. It seems like such a long time ago. And with the exception of my last diary-style blog I have come a long way since reporting on my dinner menus and errands!! I can’t wait until my next adventure to blog about – my next book. I wonder what it’ll be about. It feels close.
I would love to read your book. Keep on going. You’ve got this. It was wonderful to read it back then but putting it into a page turner will be awesome.
You’ve always been my biggest fan… at least the most to comment!! Thanks I’m in groove now. We shall see how it shakes out!! And how long it takes