So in my late 20’s people thought I was late teens, late thirties, late 20’s and so on. Remember the post where I said I could get a rich man because I had a young face? Well those types of statements are based on my past experience with comments received throughout the years. Soooo many comments about how old my son is and how young I look (he’s 35 next month! Yikes!) One time he was so pissed because someone thought we were a couple. He was highly incensed! He was probably like 22 at the time. Great compliment for me though. I don’t think much about how old I look because I’ve always assumed/taken for granted that I look younger. I mean I look like I look but I’ve just thought other people think I look younger.
There’s this program through our health insurance where you can earn points (and cash and prizes) for doing particularly healthy things. Who doesn’t like cash and prizes ya know? So I sat down and signed up for it last night. It takes you through a whole bunch of questions about how healthy (or unhealthy) you are. Then you can sign up for missions (i.e. goals) and get points etc. I sat lazily on my chair and lied about how active I am. HA! Not really, I was pretty honest. Honest enough to get an age estimate based on whatever I entered of 65. SIXTY FIVE! An outrage.
This morning when I got to work a few of my floor mates were in the conference room happily chatting around a fresh loaf of Irish Soda bread, still warm, that Carol made and brought in. Somehow that Rally thing came up – perhaps because I was showing how many steps I walked today as I walked to work, showing off my steps that my phone actually logs (not my broken fitbit) Anyway, I then shared the story about signing up and how the age came back I was 65.
Dead silence. Everyone nervously looked at each other or in Sidney’s case eyes to the floor. I scanned the room and realized nobody knew how old I was but no one was saying “you don’t look that old” – NO ONE. So I had to say “I’m not that old!! Come on…!!! Sidney said he knew better than to say anything or ask. Carol just said her age came up as one year younger. That’s it. Even after I said I’m not that old still noone said “you don’t look that old” 65? Really? Do I look 65? WTF?
It’s not that 65 looks bad – at least not now that I’m only 6 years away. Someone 65 is my age but doesn’t it just give you/me a stomach ache? I was sharing my story with Robin who works downstairs who I know is close to my age – I asked her to be honest and tell me if she knew how old I was. Stupid question and you know she was never going to be honest. She guessed 55. So in reality probably thinking low 60’s. But then she told me not to worry, she just got test results back that said she has the metabolism of a 99 year old. HA!
Resche, another floor mate, recently said he liked my new glasses. Said they made me look young and hip. I said 35? He said ehhh no. 45? He just walked away.
Well I guess the past few years of stress and lack of sunscreen has taken it’s toll. I mean I am excited about retiring…which is not that far away…but looking like retirement age? I just thought I’d still get that “you don’t look like you’re old enough to retire” thing.
Some say you should wear your age proudly. Having never that experience of looking older than I am it is a new experience. I am not sure it’s going to be one I’m going to embrace. But I’ll give it a go…

You have beautiful skin! Just start wearing sunscreen on your face or a HAT! You don’t want the old Florida leather look!
But will the hat help the double chin?
I hear you Lynn. I no longer get the “you look younger” comments. I blame it on “bravely” going gray rather than wrinkles and a double chin 😍
Well we might as well go through it together