I also don’t understand this wash machine. If I put it on regular it shows that it takes 1 hour and 33 minutes to wash. That’s a really long time isn’t it? But if I put it on quick wash it’ll wash for like 26 minutes. That’s a big difference isn’t it? I mean which do you choose? Should everything be quick wash? What about sheets and towels? Don’t you think those should go longer? Is that regular wash only for farmers and muddy jeans? I don’t have a lot to wash but still and hour and a half is a long time for a wash. I don’t know how these new-fangled machines work. But anyway, Wednesday wash day It’s who I am.
So work, which is going fine thanks, they kicked us out of our building/house because they are exterminating termites. I am assuming they are going to tent the whole house. If you have never seen a whole house with a tent on it, it is an amazing sight to see. They have tented several of the buildings on campus earlier this summer. I took pictures to put on the blog but of course can’t find them now. The house across the street from me right now is being tented. See?
Well anyway, we had to remove all food items and just normal stuff you don’t want to get pesticides on or in. In my office I had to pack up the Keurig, all the coffee pods, creamers, etc., emptied out food items from desk drawers and packed up a big garbage full of Tupperware bowls. I do not know why we have those Tupperware bowls so I can only assume that they will be used for food at some point and I don’t want to poison the faculty….not yet anyway. Here’s the kicker though. We had to pack all this stuff up ourselves, which is fine, but then move it ourselves. Ya know? Where is Maintenance I say? Do they not know the workers comp nightmare they are exposing themselves to? I am not a mover!!! Apparently they are clueless as to my Baroness self and I found myself dragging bins down two flights of stairs. And, AND we are supposed to figure out where to store them. So poor Joan (President’s secretary) is loading up some truck – personal truck with like a whole hallway full of stuff. And as we all know I can not fit bins in my car. So what happens in this circumstance? Do I get written up in HR cause I don’t have the proper vehicle for storage? Luckily, a colleague who has an SUV offered to keep them in her car for the weekend. I put the garbage bag full of Tupperware in my back seat. Who knew that I had to buy a vehicle for this type of activity as part of my job. The job posting should include: must be willing to haul. Maintenance did come and gather some of the $50,000 oil paintings we have on display…it is the President’s office…but did they help carry a bin? No. One time when I first started at Stetson I called Maintenance to move a bookshelf. It was April I think. They said they were done with moves for the year. LOL. I laughed out loud. They were serious.
I asked Krystal to drive me to the office building (I walked to meet her for lunch) so I could take a picture of it being tented to put on the blog but they don’t have the tent up. Here’s some pictures anyway.


Oh and get this, I was telling Krystal today how I need to plan a trip to my mom’s to get some of my winter stuff and she said, yea it doesn’t get too cold, maybe like high 20’s and 30’s, and you have to scrape your windshield once in a while. WHAT? I say, WHAT? WHAT? This is not why I live in Florida. One more reason not to get tooo comfortable living here in DeLand. I thought Tampa was too cold and that was in the 40’s. I kept saying when I lived there that I had to move south. I’m in trouble. More reason to work on that book and keep shopping it out there. Perhaps I will make it back to south Florida one day like I always imagined.
Other than that I’m getting a little more used to living here, not feeling totally committed yet but not minding the adventure at all. I finally found, and went to, a yoga class, one block from my house and I loved it. So if I can get myself there every week that will be a good thing. I’ve gone swimming twice at the Y. Laps before work. Trying to see if that’s something I can keep up. I just have to get there before 8 am otherwise it gets very crowded (oh and I’m late for work.) I’m on a free trial right now so we’ll see if I feel inspired to continue that.
I think it’s been sunny for about 3 days now. That’s a welcome break from these Florida rains.
What else…well I guess that’s about it then. It’s almost time to go get the laundry. Has it really been an hour already? That can’t be right. I’ll go back and check it I guess.

The maintenance staff at Stetson must not be unionized. That’s why we’re not allowed to move stuff like that at Point Park. We’re taking work from union employees when we do that. Plus, it’s not in our job descriptions and could result in an unemployment claim if we get hurt.
Exactly!! I almost wish I would get hurt… I’m kidding I don’t wish that but you know what are they there for? I don’t think unions are a thing in Florida.
Lucky. I wish they weren’t a thing here.
And ….. by the look of that hand I am 95!