Let’s see, other than new bras, I have a couple of other new things:
a new little kitchen table:
Isn’t it kinda cute? It’s actually a patio set so when/if I ever get a real place it’ll go right out on the porch. I already had my first dinner guest. Julia came for dinner last week. I made my white chicken chili (most of you have had it at some Bunko or other gathering) anyway, it was a hit. The downside is there no other place to sit so we couldn’t like retire to the sitting room, smoking lounge or lanai. It’s plastic chairs for the duration. But how cute right?
a new dresser

I settled on another antique. This is cherry wood – in near perfect shape (I found a crack in one of the drawers last night). It actually kinda matches the dining piece (remember broken marble piece?) but anyway I love it. I really vacillated between this and those painted shabby chic dressers and well this is what I chose. I think I might need to buff the thing though. The owner told me he put some paste on it because he didn’t have a chance to do that when it was in the shop, he told me this as he was moving it into my apt.. But when I sort of yelled, incredulously, “I have to buff it now?” he said no no…and then mumbled something. I didn’t really yell. I don’t yell, but I know sometimes my voice is a little firmer than other times. Well anyway, I’ll check with Lisa Devlin, she’s the expert on this stuff and if I have to buy a Walmart buffer well then so be it. It’ll be a nice little project for me and then it’ll be beautiful. It is a little dark in there though.
new curtains.
and new glasses
I just got them today. Basically I need to take them off to see up close. Why did I get them though? Because I needed an updated prescription to help me see up close. Do they work the way they are supposed to? NO! Am I happy? NO! Did I raise my voice? Well, maybe a little. What I said was “why am I paying $300 if I can’t see out of them?” – she told me to give them a week. I can see really good at a distance. They are great but what I really wanted was something to help me see closer. My work friend, Kathy, thinks my eyes will adjust. I will admit I was adjusting a little already at the end of the day. But at this particular moment they are off of my face so I can see this computer screen. But cute aren’t they? I have had my other glasses I swear 10 years. It is amazing how much better the distance vision is. Like a whole new world.
OH and my car is back to being a Florida car. I think it’s happy about it. Virginia plates are very pretty, especially the cardinal one that I have, but I feel much more like a resident again. I should have gotten a new plate instead of reusing my old one – you know like starting ALL over – but I think I saved $300 by using the old one. I’ll suffer through the memories 🙂
Let’s see what else….I’m assimilating. The new furniture makes me feel a little more settled – still am sleeping with all my boxes as I have a little PTSD about parting with them (and never seeing them again) but my plan is to “hobo” decorate. Find a piece of wood to level out the tops, throw a cute piece of some kind of material over it and voilà – a table or three. (I have a few bins yet) – well anyway, it’s a process and I’m doing great. I really love having my own place again. I was visiting over at the beach this past weekend (St. Pete, Treasure Island, Pass-a-Grille area) and I thought I’d be sad about returning but as I got off that exit I had a big smile looking forward to coming home to my little place. I may have also been smiling because I survived that crazy drive. It was really easy until it started pouring down rain and was the worst right where the construction on I-4 is the worst. It was like a freakin free-for-all. I couldn’t see the lane changes – I really don’t think there were any markings – it was pouring – I just pretty much shut my eyes and hoped for the best…only figuratively shut my eyes of course – but probably would have done just as well. It’s a crazy stretch of road. Anyway, I feel very happy here in my little apt. I move my boxes around a lot and feel like I’m redecorating. And now I have that new dresser. And I talked to the antique man about getting me a piece of marble to replace the broken top. He suggested going to the marble store which I guess I should just do. Julia had a great idea to make it an artsy piece and cement the pieces back together and put stones/gems/glitter stuff in the cracks which is a cool idea. Zachary suggested breaking it even more to do that so the look would be overall, which is also an excellent idea – except I’m not doing that. For now I’ll just leave it.
So I’m good with my furniture buys (for now) – next I’ll focus on my social life. Joining the Y is on the list – I have used it when I’ve paid for it in the past so I believe in myself – I’m also confirmed for Bunko for next Wednesday. CONFIRMED! Ha! Well anyway, I’m looking forward to it but worried about missing laundry day. I’ll figure something out. I go back to Stephanie’s after that – maybe I’ll drag it to her house.
Here’s some pics from my 4th of July weekend.
There really are no words for how much I miss it there – but it’s an easy drive. I still live in Florida. Two weeks ago I was at the Ocean and then last week an easy drive to the Gulf. I mean, how many people can say that? (probably a lot that live here but that’s beside the point)