Anyway, work…so work is, in my opinion, going well. I have so much to do and such a variety. Like today I made a bookmark that we will pass out at the Resource Fair that I am planning (the Resource Fair) – I’m thinking about this mini “Taste of DeLand” to have at New Faculty Orientation, that I am planning, that the Resource Fair is part of that I’m thinking we will have the Taste of DeLand there for lunch, where we will pass out bookmarks. See? How it all ties together? And then there’s the budget stuff I have to figure out, although I am not overly confident that I’m gonna get a system down this year. I had web content training last week so I’m ready to start updating the website content. Then I have to make all the changes/updates on the blog – check all the links and update content. Oh and get this 90+ surveys on Survey Monkey that I have to either transfer to a different program (Qualtrics) or delete and I have to learn Qualtrics first. So I’m busy. I go to work early and leave late although I’m getting a little tired of all the hours so this week I’m working a more reasonable work week. I mean I guess I could blog about all the little projects I work on everyday but really, really, do you want to hear about Qualtrics? Maybe you do. Maybe I should consider it.
Other things, life in general….I got nuthin. Here, in my life area, there is no comparison to what is going on at work – like it’s the opposite. Like I’m over busy at work and I’m so not busy at home or in my personal life. I tried to find a horseback riding place but I may have reported on how that didn’t work out – it’s summer anyway so I may revisit that in the Fall. I had an invite to a Bunko group but then got uninvited. I know it sounds harsh but she had enough people (I was a sub) so I get it. After 10 years of Bunko – I get it. I haven’t been walking because it rains – like really hard – every day. ALTHOUGH, I might just start walking with an umbrella and get some steps in anyway – if I can stand the heat. Seriously this heat is something, so I might renege on this idea. Don’t judge me until you experience this. I. Have. Never. I have compared walking out into this heat like walking into a steam room or sauna – It’s just unbearably hot. BUT it rains a lot and when the sun is behind those clouds it’s quite bearable. I think at the moment it’s only in the 70’s. Just like winter.
I went home to Pittsburgh this past weekend to see my kids and drag them to the Arts Festival with me. We went on Saturday which is so crowded and unenjoyable anyway – I had an outing in the morning so we got a late start – and then we wanted to go to the 3:50 movie so we could meet Rachel for dinner before it got too late – so that left 2:00 – 3:00 for the Arts Festival. You know, it takes 25 minutes just to park and get there. So we walked through quickly – got a piece of pizza and sat at the Point listening to a bluegrass band. I do love the music there during the Arts Festival. And I did love the movie and I do love Rachel and so there was love all the way around. We saw Wonder Woman. I have decided when I recreate myself, after retirement, I want to be an Amazon Woman and train on horseback with arrows. Krystal, my friend at work, thinks I’m too short. Pshaw I say.
I saw friends at Point Park University (but not enough of them), I saw babies, and went on walks with my son and grandpup, Julius. And I saw some old high school friends. Anyway, all in all it was a lovely lovely weekend. I got my Pittsburgh kid fix and didn’t even cry when I left them and came back home to Florida….to nuthin. I don’t mind nuthin. Just not good for blogging
Here’s what I did on my summer vacation:

Views from Zach and Rachel’s
Baby Day
Dog walking
A day in the city with the boys:

Birthday dinner:
That’s it – that’s all the pictures and blogging for now. I’m going to make a conscious effort to blog again. I can do it, and walk to work, and find a yoga class. I’ve got this!
Nothin is better than trauma. Or sadness, or anger or impending danger. I’ll take nothin’ any day over those! Onward and upward, birthday girl! xoxo