On the apartment front, I moved in Saturday. The place was soooo dirty. But my landlord gave me money to make up for it. Pretty generous too I thought, until I got to the bathroom and then I thought NO amount of money is worth this – BUT I scrubbed, and scrubbed and it’s coming along rather nicely. It’s a very old place and there are a lot of holes and great big freaking gaps in doorways to the outside – you know big enough for an armadillo to walk in – so I just pray for the best after I turn the lights off – hoping the bugs and armadillos don’t want to come inside. The landlord is giving me a new stove and painting the bathroom AND he came over and helped me open a drawer that the movers were convinced got locked somehow but the landlord figured it out. He’s been great – his girlfriend has also been great helping him decide to give me that nice cleaning credit. We will get along just fine which is good since they live right next door. My apartment is small but not really – I have a nice enough kitchen although the cabinets are very high, like too high for me to reach without a step stool, which I have but the step stool is still not high enough – and it’s pretty much like a weird design, but I’m actually getting everything put away. Since I am down to no dishes it all fits pretty nicely. The bedroom is a very nice size and I already have the dining room buffet in there, that I got back and looks great, except for the broken top of course, and there is plenty of room for a couple of dressers. I did get a new bed – thank you to all that helped in that area! So the bedroom is a nice size with two closets – plenty of room for hanging clothes and the bathroom is pretty good size too with A LOT of storage space. The only small room is the sitting area – like not a living room space but I have a chair in there and a TV and for now I’m happy as can be. I will send pictures after I get it looking a little better. I’m still unpacking and I’m too tired tonight to clean up so maybe by the weekend it’ll be good enough for a couple inside pictures. Here are some outside pictures:

The neighborhood is what I would call really bad. HA! Except for the alley way that this house borders on – the neighbors to the right are the kind that you do not want to make eye contact with. I will definitely never walk after dark and probably not too much ever although tonight I did run to the corner store – like on foot – and walked back pretty bravely. Maybe I’ll make friends with them but I’m not kidding when I say I don’t make eye contact. They are scary. But all around to the left and behind the alley it’s nicer. The town is one block over so I’m considered right down town. This weekend they are having a DeLandapoalooza – I am told that it will be very noisy in my apartment. But check it out – 27 stages and over 100 bands playing all on Saturday. This is the town I live in now. Pretty crazy and I’m pretty excited. I have all kinds of things to learn and places to discover.
Another thing that is super wonderful is that I’m all plugged in again. I have internet, I have TV, I have wi-fi and so I think I’ll be back to blogging. New adventures, but I don’t plan on changing the title again.
But now I must veg out in anticipation of another day at work. Apparently I’m supposed to go in EVERY day. What’s up with that?
Glad that you’re loving your new job. Doing a little research on your new neighborhood. Looks like armadillos aren’t the only thing to fear around there, but I found this trailer to be positive. You’re just on the cutting edge! https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=vG0AEgNkB7Y
Yep that’s my landlord – it’s come a LONG way since then. He said he started here 16 years ago fixing it up. His house – that he lives in – was actually a structure made out of corrugated steel. It’s an adorable house now. We just need him to go right and buy up some more properties!!
I’m sooooo happy that you’re back in the saddle, and in FLORIDA at that! Woohoo!
Happy you are settling in! You never know about neighbors. My friend Liz bought an old, small, badly in need of fixing home near Venice Beach years ago in what was called “the hood” (can you imagine a hood in Venice ?!) as it was what she could afford. The neighborhood was questionable … she hadn’t realized it was becoming the drug central on her corner – where deals were made and derelicts gathered. She was a bit freaked. However, she made friends with all the neighbors, some very thug looking big guys, and they have protected her ever since – making sure her birds were ok, she wasn’t bothered and her property was unharmed. I’m not saying it will be the case, but you never know. I hope the same for you!!!
That’s what I’m talking about. I like a nice thug. I’m sure they like chocolate chips.