Come in – Come in! Thank you so much for coming to my blog housewarming party.
Come in – Sorry mom’s on the phone.
Here let me take your coat. It’s a little chilly here today isn’t it? But it’s chilly everywhere in the country so come on in and warm up. Soon I’ll be back in Florida.
After that entrance we have some more background party music here – click here before coming in – then keep going:
Well first come on in and see who’s here.

And No- no Amy, you don’t have to sneak around the garden to steal daffodils – I’m giving you some. Come back inside.Come on I’ll show you where the food is..
Wait who’s this? Helen Mirren? When did you sneak in?

Come on in the kitchen.
The table looks like it’s set for 3 but extra plates are behind you. Help yourself there is plenty of food and of course desserts.
In this room you can get some tea. You can probably get some harder beverages in the big back party room – it certainly looks like those guests are drinking something more than tea.
Yes there is a big back party room – only visible on the blog housewarming party page. Come on back and see who else is here:
There’s a slide show of the apartment going on in the party room. Not many pictures on it – well here you can see them here:
Here’s the gift table: Look at all these gifts. If you brought one you can leave it here:
I’m about to open some presents. Have a seat. Someone let Steph know that I’m opening if she wants to come in from the porch.

What are these???? (not to be confused with what are THOSE?) A Bed AND A sleeper love seat?
WHAT?????? Beautiful. Thank YOU!!
Thank you soooo much. I can’t believe it!! I can’t believe what nice things you can get at a Blog party (in your head)
Wow. I am overwhelmed with gratitude.
Speech Speech…
Well, like I said, I’m overwhelmed. Seven years ago, in 2010, I sold my house with a dream to pick up and move to Florida to start over. Everyone was supporting me even to the extent that Suzanne let me live with her for the summer because why get an apartment when I was moving? Right? But then I didn’t move to Florida because I couldn’t get a job in Florida; although so many said to try anyway I played it safe and chose security over reckless abandon. At least that time I did. Well as you know, I ended up in the apartment in Moon Township – spent alllll the proceeds of the sale of my house in getting reestablished – and that was without buying a new bed even! Things are expensive. I dragged everyone around with me to get that couch, the buffet, the chair, I got pictures framed, curtains, curtain rods, a new bedroom for visitors. And then nobody came – okay I take that back…plenty of people came to visit. Although after Jimmy took his bed to college there was only the broken bed for people to sleep on…Okay well anyway, then the internet dating came – then I ended up in Florida anyway, in a completely different manner than I had expected. I KNEW it was a gamble but very true to my nature I wanted to give it a go, and give it a go I did…I gave it all I had…and I lost all I had. Literally.
But, here I am, back at the beginning. And no it is noone’s responsibility to help me rebuild. This was totally my doing. Of course I should have known better. Maybe. But it was an adventure, and well I don’t regret it, I don’t regret the experience anyway.
My niece called me today and congratulated me on the job. Everyone is being so nice. She has this way of putting it in perspective, which I’m sure the rest of you can do, but sometimes when you’re “in” it it’s hard. But thank you Evan for pointing out the obvious. It didn’t take that long to get the job and in the meantime I got to spend some time with Grandma (that would be my mom)- – when waiting it seems like it’s forever. But really it’s only been about 6 months. And I do love it here in the woods. On my bucket list has always been to be here when the daffodils are in full bloom and, this year I achieved that goal. I am here and they are here in full bloom.
Yes I’ve made it harder on myself by not having those house sale proceeds and not having one thing to show for that anymore…except my TV and a broken buffet – IF I get the buffet back – BUT it’s also an exciting time. I’m going to rebuild. I’m starting over. I’m getting NEW stuff and only a little bit at a time because my newplace is sooo tiny and I am sooo poor starting out. BUT can’t you see the possibilities? I do. I’m excited. I’m excited to get back to life, to working, to contributing to society and one of these days that damn book is going to sell. I just know it. And then I’ll have a party for real – no presents required.
Don’t worry if you didn’t bring a present. No presents required this time either. I just wanted to share my good news and hopeful future with all of you that have been following along.
I have these daffodils here as your party favor. Please take one.
I’m sending bulbs to anyone that wants them, just let me know. I know Amy wants one (or two). If I don’t have your address send it to me using the contact form/page and I’ll send you one/some. Mom wants them thinned out anyway. We have enough to share.
Thank you all again for coming. Please help yourself to some more food, enjoy the music and I hope you’ll stop by and see me when you come to Florida.
Incase you forgot where the gift table was (click on the picture):

Parting music:
Haha! I never would have imagined that I’d end up at a party in your neck of the woods, or that I’d see Helen Mirren there! It’s a lovely party! The food is fantastic! I’m excited for you and your next chapter. 😁 As for the daffodils… I’m not sure you can legally ship the bulbs across the boarder, so, I’ll save you the trouble and expense of (attempted) shipping by smuggling them across myself on the way home. 😁
lol… but didn’t you just receive seeds from Norway? Maybe seeds are different than bulbs
Yes. Bulbs are different. They have been in the ground. More risk of introducing pests and disease to the country. I’m pretty sure you would need some sort of certification to ship them.
Well alright. I do not want to be responsible for introducing pests and disease. You’ll just have to sneak them like you said. You and Helen.
Helen will distract the customs agent. 😂