No actually, here I am at Wegman’s. I have about 30 minutes before I need to get to the Chiropractor so I thought I’d blog. I should send out another book to another Agent but I’m not in the mood to add to the rejection. Plus it takes more than 30 minutes to figure out who to send to then to write the letter. Well anyway, still no one loves me in that category.
What else…Um I made this cabbage soup yesterday. It actually is a weight loss soup but I made it because mom said it sounded good and it has a ton of vegetables in it and well I thought why not. I’ve made enough for the Zombie apocalypse so there’s that. And it pretty much sat in my stomach all night churning. Either that or the 3 crescent rolls. They were small crescent rolls. Tonight I’ll try again, sans rolls.
One day it occurred to me I don’t even bother thinking about looking for someone I know because well I don’t (except then when I thought about that I don’t think about it 🙂 ). I don’t go anywhere to meet people so I just don’t bother. Remember that blog post from Finally Florida? No? you can refresh your memory here. So anyway, one day I did see my mom’s friend, Micky, at the DMV. But I was in my car on the phone so I didn’t get to say hi. But then yesterday I ran into our little Courthouse Pizza and Market place for a cup of coffee and there was a girl in there that I recognized and she recognized me and we said hi! How about that!?
Here’s a weird thing. I quit drinking coffee about 18 years ago and switched to tea. But when I work at an office job I drink coffee…all day. When I stayed at Stephanie’s I drank coffee alll the time. Like 3 cups a day. My mom drinks coffee but I don’t want it when I’m here. But lately when I’ve had morning appointments in Goochland I will run into that Goochland cafe (mentioned above) and get myself a coffee. I know, call me crazy. Otherwise it’s tea. I’m at Wegman’s – I should get a Chai Latte, but I’ll skip it today.
Our weather is beautiful. The past 2 or 3 days it’s been in the 70’s. The always say it’s 60 something but my car begs to differ.
And spring is coming.. Lookee here:

Oh the most important thing that is new, and why I’m out today, I met my first hospice patient. She’s great. Has a really great laugh. I enjoyed talking to her. As I always do. So happy to be back doing that. Just visiting, no Reiki for now. I “work” one other day this week and well then this weekend my sister comes and it’s mom’s birthday.
Oh get this, one more story,,,and then I really gotta go. So mom heard that the Estonian Choir was going to be in Richmond on her birthday way back around Christmas. Well anyway, it’s something she thought she’d like to go to. Well when we find out Kerry was coming for the weekend we thought let’s go!! Then she found out how much the tickets were and said forget it. Then Kathy (younger sister) said she’d treat us all to it for her birthday – how nice right? So then before I even told mom about Kathy’s offer I came home from somewhere and mom said she heard we could enter a drawing to win tickets so just do that and let Kathy off the hook. Not that Kathy even wanted off the hook, but you know moms. Anyway, so I entered just for the heck of it and told Kathy when we don’t win I’ll let her know. So anyway, they didn’t send us an announcement that we won on Monday I told Kathy that mom said to forget it anyway, and well Kathy was disappointed but said she’d get the TV tuner for us so we can watch TV again. So then as soon as I sent Kathy the forget it email I got an email saying we won the tickets!! I mean go figure! How fun though – right??? We won 2 tickets so Kathy still bought us the third AND got the TV for us. I mean isn’t that a fun story? Isn’t it a typical Lynn story? A bit rambling and I can see Sally sitting with her fingers in a point. Well, I’m nothing if not a rambler…
Now that’s it. My phone is telling me to get going so I shall.
Peace and stuff,
How crazy is that. As I’m reading, I’m thinking, “well come on. WIN the tickets????” And, well, you DID! Yes that is crazy. I guess the lottery is next! xoxo
Didn’t think of that. I’m getting one tonight!! It’s a sign 😉
Looks like your luck is changing!
Well I didn’t win the 200 million powerball but it certainly could be a better sign. That and the moon eclipse and I should be rolling into something new soon!
After I saw this, I entered a contest I’m going to win. A flight to Vancouver, and a train ride through the mountains to Calgary, and then a flight from there back home (with various hotel stays along the way). I’ve been having frequent dreams about that part of the country lately. I used to live in the Rockies, but haven’t been there since 1998. I think it’s time I go back.
A train ride through the Rockies sounds gorgeous! I think they must be calling you back. I look forward to reading your travel blog!
The trip isn’t until autum, but I’m going to win it next month.