So today I’m up and about. The babies and I Facetimed. Mom was playing the drum for them and they loved it. She wants to do a drum circle with them next time. The babies are 6, 4 and 2. They got out the pots and pans but my sister (their grandma) said enough of that and hung up. So we’ll just have to have a drum circle another time. That call sure did perk up my mom though. The kids wanted to see the house so I walked around with the phone and showed them all the rooms. When we got to my room Mya (the 4-year-old) said “I hate your room” – dam kids – she got real quiet after that and wouldn’t say why. I mean it’s a little messy, laundry day and Saturday and all – but not that bad. She’s seen worse, but she’s funny. Who knows why she hates it. She misses her Aunt Lynn and gets very confused that I’m not in Florida and wants to know where the pool is. :-/
So after that phone call I was looking out of the kitchen window and what did I see? Well I wasn’t sure, at first I thought it was a dog. Rather big, a little bigger than Max (my old dog) very fluffy and the same coloring as Max, tan and white, and in a split second I realized it was a fox!! I know right!! So I grabbed my phone (camera) and opened the back door and off it ran. I couldn’t even get a picture of the tail as I couldn’t get around the tree in time. Sooooo, I came upstairs on the upstairs porch and thought maybe I’d wait around and be quiet and see if it might come back and then get the picture. Sure enough I open the door and it was already into the middle of the yard and ran off again…dammit…when it heard me. Then I heard some walking around in the woods in front of me (the fox was to the side of the porch) and well anyway with all the leaves in the woods we often hear squirrels and birds and anything you can imagine walking around – so I assumed it was a squirrel that I was hearing BUT BUT it was NOT! It was another fox!! This one was smaller and redder and it took it’s time meandering around the woods working “her” way back over to find her mate. I tried to get a picture but the screen on the porch got in the way. It was so very cool though and now we know what was going on in the woods last night. They were hooking up. I feel better knowing that my neighbors weren’t screaming for help but still I think I will always call just to be sure.

After the fox siting I put on my work clothes and gathered some wood. We are out of our split wood that I buy but I wasn’t in the mood to go over there and fill up the car and buy it. I want to see how long our own wood will last. Probably a day or two. I should probably head over to the wood guy tomorrow since who knows what next week will bring. Well anyway, I cut some of the smaller stuff by hand. Wayne had cut some of the bigger pieces with his chain saw. I am always wondering if I should put a “small” chain saw on my wish list (vision board) I like the exercise of the pruning saw I use and I do believe my arm fat is disappearing…not by a lot but enough – and if I got a chain saw would I get fat arms again and then maybe lose a leg at the same time? I’d like to think that I wouldn’t hurt myself but I don’t know that I want to tempt fate. But anyway, if I did have a chain saw there are a lot of little trees I could cut just to clear out the woods. I could see myself getting carried away with cleaning up the undergrowth. But I also like my arms and legs so I’ll keep mulling it over.

So I did my yard chores, cleaned up some leaves and pruned some of the dead branches off of some of the shrubs. At some point I put on the Fitbit (yes Amy I charged it!) Since 3:00 pm I have walked 5118 steps. Just since 3:00. (it’s now 6:00) I also walked to the creek when I had it on and it counted 183 steps to the creek. A little further than my 150 steps to the beach. Walking back up from the creek back into the house it counted 600 steps though. Guess I went in a circuitous route. Well anyway, I did not spy any foxes during the rest of the day. Nothing around the house and nothing at the creek. However tonight, when I hear screams I will give them some privacy. I wonder how long it will be until we see some baby foxes roaming the woods.
I’ve been loving the outside air. Only 49 ish degrees but there is something about this fresh air that I just can’t get enough of. And all I had on today was a tshirt and sweatshirt, well in addition to pants, but you get the point. It’s this sunshine that keeps me going. I’m doing okay!
Ta Ta for now,
That’s a lot of steps for 3 hours! I’m only at 1888 (it’s 2:15pm). You’re making me want to get my arse out of this chair (but I won’t). It’s Sunday. As the Bangles once said, “It’s my I don’t have to run day”. I showered, put on clean pyjamas and now I’m catching up on relaxing. I will get my 10,000 steps in, but that won’t happen until after 6pm.
Today was only about 3500 all day. Very very slug day. Tomorrow will be better.
I just crawled in bed, so I’m done for the day. My step count is 17,035.
Show off 😏