A new day dawns

That is actually the title of my THIRD book…A new day dawns. I gotta get through book two first.

Every time the leaf blowers come I am amazed at the transformation of this yard. Just take a look:



And look at this….the daffodils are already coming up.

Wait until you see the pictures of the daffodils here.  Just beautiful!!  You’ll have to wait for it though.  I am extra excited to see it in it’s full splendor this year as I have typically not been here to enjoy it – always getting here after the blooms are gone.  But you will have to wait, as will I, for those pictures.  It will be worth it.  Believe me.  Just the thought, the anticipation of them coming up is worthy of “a new day dawns” title.

Really that’s all I wanted to share.  Well, that and that I’m “not” marching tomorrow?  Have we already talked about this? Because of the check engine light coming on I am not comfortable driving up. Although I just now found out there are trains that go from Richmond to DC, I doubt that I will pull it together in time to go but just knowing there are trains that I could hop on to go to DC for lunch or something, I mean how metropolitan is that?  Just the thought of going to a city for something/anything gives me hope.  I believe I will be looking forward to some lunches with Jennifer, but unfortunately not marching with Jennifer, this time.

Do you wonder why I was marching?  Oh good then I’ll tell you.  I think I heard someone say “yes Lynn, what is your issue?” I have had a couple of comments about reasons to march that I was definitely not participating in, it’s not about “anti-Trump” for me, but then again it’s really all related I guess.

Here’s my issue…in my opinion, there is not a one of us women in the world that has not been bullied by some male, or male system, in our life, i.e., brothers, boyfriends, husbands, fathers of our children, the justice system (when it comes to custody, child support, abortion rights, PFAs, rape, divorce) our bosses, our employers to name a few.  In my life I have always felt that I was fighting for my own rights, and fighting just to be equal to normal. The “normal” is now what I’d like to fight to overcome.  I was always expected to accept whatever the issue was, that’s just the way it is.  Whether it’s been about my weight, my education, my marital status, when I was going through divorce, when I was a single parent fighting for child support or bullied into certain custody rights, when I knew I wasn’t getting equal pay or promoted at work for the same job done by a male, I have always felt like I’ve been short-changed.  I would have to say it mostly boils down to being a woman, primarily a single woman, trying to fight for a place in the world. We are judged and bullied way too often on things in life that just don’t matter in the bigger picture. That is why I wanted to march.  In solidarity with others that have had some of the same experiences.  I have often thought about those suffragette who fought so hard for us women just so we could vote.  Other “women” were the suffragette’s main obstacles, at least this is what I learned in my women’s studies education at Carlow, and I don’t believe that is fake news. We women have historically fought against each other and so anything that would bring us women together I am all for.

That is why I wanted to march and that is why I am very sad to miss it.  I have been a women’s liberer (like that word?) all my life. It’s like my thing.  I like having doors opened for me, I like walking first through a doorway, those things don’t make us unequal. Those are courtesies. I can hold the door for a man too. It’s just nice. And I know plenty of men that have been slanted against especially in parental rights as well…Actually I did a paper on “father’s rights” in Carlow – I am “pro” father’s rights.  It’s not a perfect system, but in any case, tomorrow is about women and women’s issues. I’m excited to see this happening.  I’m excited to see all the upheaval and attention brought to issues.  I think to say I’m optimistic is a stretch but I will be thinking of my “sisters” marching around the world tomorrow.

And lastly I think Melania Trump looked absolutely stunning today.  That blue dress and gloves were beautiful.  She is a beautiful woman.  I like her “issue” that last I heard she was going to champion, cyber bullying.  If anyone is an insider in that arena it would be her.  I don’t know much about her past but I don’t think there’s a one-of-us that can throw stones, or should throw stones.  As a woman I plan to support her and wish her well on this adventure that I’m sure she is not excited about.  The last thing she needs is for any of us to condemn her.  Sorry didn’t mean to get so preachy there. Just wanted to say she looked nice and then I got carried away.

That is all.  Enjoy your weekend.


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12 thoughts on “A new day dawns”

  1. Janis will be marching tomorrow…and thanks to your blog I understand why. A good cause even if I tortured you as a brat sister…it was and is my job. Now stop using my water. Signed, brother

  2. The yard is amazing and I will be looking out for the daffodils…it’s my favorite flower! 🙂

  3. “We women have historically fought against each other and so anything that would bring us women together I am all for.” AMEN, SISTER!

      1. There is no update other than he’s established a pattern of being a flake… coming on strong, vanishing, repeat, repeat. I have finally reached a point in my life where I have too much respect for myself to be a part of that game. Old me would be pulling attention seeking stunts to lure him back into my orbit. New me is doing absolutely freaking nothing. I’m proud of myself for just letting go. 🙂 There will be other men. 😁

  4. “I’m a feminist.
    I’ve been female a long time now. I’d be stupid not to be on my own side.”
    Maya Angelou

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