The other thing I decided I have to do is change my Gravatar picture. And why is it called a Gravatar? I think that’s the name of the company that manages avatars. Avatar is the actual picture (see? learning something all the time) In computing, an avatar is the graphical representation of the user or the user’s alter ego or character – From Wikipedia – please send them $3.
It saddens me to take off the beach picture with my Steeler shirt and I wish I could keep that Avatar on the finallyflorida site…which might be a project for another day – but today I’ve added the following selfie as my new pic:

However, if you want to vote on it ( 🙂 you know how I like playing with these buttons) – Here are some other choices. I am going with the unplugged look (they are all unplugged) – and while I still have just a little color left before I turn pasty white like the rest of the northerners.

Now we need to talk about the layout. So when I add these new posts I get this nice computer view – on the left hand side is the menu with a background picture and then at the top of the page about the text is my “feature image”.. Like this:
But I have become aware that if you view this page on a mobile or an IPAD or similar tablet that it looks quite different.
Well I’m just not sure if I love the “mobile” look. I’m not going to have you vote on it or anything. One interaction is enough for the day. But I just want you to know that I am aware of this discrepancy and perhaps one day I shall play with that visual. That is actually called a “theme”. Aren’t you excited about all this? I feel like I’m sharing knowledge.
So for these reasons I ventured out of the house today and came to the library to work on my blog. Here is the rest of my list for the day:
- Look up hunting rules in Goochland County
- Call Progressive Insurance to change address
- Call Jean (while I have a signal) – done
- change info on site – eh maybe next time
- Look up another agent to send out my book
- Stop at Goochland Historical Society for gifts for mom to give
- Go to the dump (the garbage site) to drop off garbage
- pay credit card
- do Mercedes survey
- Look up info on Jimmy’s neck injury
- Get a yoga video from library – maybe a movie
- Go to Food Lion for cheese and Epsom Salts
- Stop at the Dollar Store for twinkle lights
- Look up a place to meet Lori for lunch tomorrow (I know.. FRIEND day!!)
I know you’re all jealous and you wish too that you could have my life. And I will tell you that I pretty much am happy with this life of mine. I am digging this nature and the weather. I am not freezing…yet. I know I want to be out of here by May – you know in my perfect world I want to be back floating by the summer but now I’m loving this. I really am.
Gotta get to my list and hopefully home before dark.
PS – Today’s feature image is the view from the back of the library. I could actually sit out there and blog (plugs available for computers) but not today. Isn’t it beautiful?