As you may or may not know, I can’t remember what I say on this crazy blog, one of my jobs is to make the fire nightly. The fires are for me, or so my mom says, but I can’t believe she doesn’t benefit from them as well. Anyhoo, as the chief fire creator it is also my job to collect fire wood from the premises to use as kindling. So today, I bundled up slightly – temps were in the 50’s but sunny – I took my wheelbarrow and my little saw and off I went into the wilds, (i.e. the driveway) and tackled my assignment with abandon. (am I using that right?) Anyway, I went nuts. It’s very easy to find wood here in the woods but I went a step further. I dragged this little cedar tree out of the woods (already down) – I’m talking small tree here – and I broke off the branches and then cut the stem (trunk?) for larger firewood. My arm’s are going to be looking so good here soon. Perhaps I will start a new exercise craze here in the woods and women from all around will come and cut wood with me.
I filled up my wheelbarrow with the sticks, logs, and pinecones. Did a little tour of the driveway and made note of where some more great tree branches are down and made piles of kindling along the driveway for me to pick up another day. I also checked the premises for anything else I might find interesting (pictures below) and then returned to the house to unload my wares into their respective containers.

THEN, I decorated. Mom suggested putting some berries and such in the container on the stump that holds the begonias in the summer and so I did, like the obedient daughter I am. Then I decorated a little on the porch and at the bottom of the porch. Now that those flower pots that held beautiful plants in the summer are empty, having successfully transplanted the frostbitten plants to the dead zone, I was able to make some country style arrangements. I believe Southern Living will be knocking on our door soon.

Oh and the depressing part? I got rejected from both Barnes & Noble and Target yesterday. I had applied for seasonal work. And then today my battery died. Okay, not really died but it’s been hard starting and I ran over to the mechanics, who I absolutely love, and even though they were closed they checked my battery and said get one ASAP. Which is both good that it’s only a battery, and bad because you know anything Mercedes is going to cost more and of course nobody carries this particular battery so tomorrow I have an appointment with the dealer. Just shoot me. Seriously,
But that aside, it was such a beautiful day. All that fresh air just perks me up. I don’t want to get carried away and say I LOVE living here but I really am having a good time in the woods, at least today.
Tomorrow we need to discuss footwear. I’ve been noticing a lot of tight jeans and boots here in my area. Not in the woods, but when I venture to the stores that’s what I’m seeing. I forget and still dress as if I’m in the woods. I can’t decide if I’m going to care about this or not.
And now I must make dinner, another one of my jobs here, which I might add I’m also pretty good at.
Like I said, I’m coming to live with you…… 🙂 You are in my kinda place!