Picture Day

I was thinking that maybe you’d want some pictures.  Did I hear you say that?  I am sitting in this cozy room in the library so I can send this update and it is sooo cold that I can’t think so I’m just going to make it picture day.. I guess they don’t turn the heat on in here. Not so cozy afterall.
When I lay in my bed this is what I see in the morning.

These are views I see from my windows in my room.  I have TWO windows.

This area in the front there is what we weed – it’s her moss/fern garden
more from the front

These two are from the side window

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Let’s see, what else…Friday and Saturday the temps were in the 70’s, well maybe upper 60’s. In any event it was beautiful weather and perfect for weeding.  Here’s some pictures from our weeding days.

yes that is the little blind mother out there working while I am sloughing off taking pictures
what’s left of a pine cone.

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On Sunday it was supposed to be in the 40’s and cloudy.  I was very excited to stay in the house all day and wanted to sleep by the fire.  It turned out to be 50 and sunny so not really an all day fire day but I did stay inside.

I made mom biscuits and oatmeal cookies on my inside day. She loves me.

This is pretty cool – Today I picked up my food stamps. YAY – first non-rejection notice I’ve had in years – I think I mentioned that the Social Services office is in the old Goochland High School.  So I wandered the halls a bit and looked at all the old photographs that they have decorated the halls with and found this one.  This is my family!

This is the picture of the Knibbs (my family) from 1923. My grandfather is sitting on the ground – 3rd one in from the right. He has some little person sitting on his lap – I’m thinking it’s a brother or sister. My mom wasn’t born yet. His mother is sitting behind him. She looks a little like my niece Evan doesn’t she? (for those of you that know Evan)

You should be able to click on and zoom in on these pictures to see better.  I hope it works.  I’m taking my cold self now out of this library and heading to the grocery store to use my food stamps.  Life could be better but today I’m not complaining (except about the cold library room).


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5 thoughts on “Picture Day”

  1. I was out in my garden picking veggies while wearing flip flops and a tank top today. Can’t remember it being this warm in late November ever before!

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