As you may or may not remember today was travel day. I left Florida this morning, soon after sunrise, like before 8:00 am (that’s soon after right?) and took my good ole time and am staying over night in Savannah. Well not “in” Savannah, but near it.

Yesterday when I was in the Facebook black hole there was an advertisement for the top 10 small towns in Florida you should visit. I’m gonna say most of them I’ve already been to, but there was this town called Cassadaga that I had to make a point in visiting. Other than having the distinction of seeing more Trump signs than I’ve seen anywhere (not a political statement just an observation) it is especially known for having a large number of psychics and mediums, and has consequently been named the “Psychic Capital of the World”. So you see why I had to stop don’t you? Well, it was kinda cute. I had lunch. I went in one gift shop but when I started to walk into another I realized I had a drink – no drinks allowed – so I just left. Also my camera battery died so I didn’t get any good shots of all the Psychic signs but I did get these pictures:

Needless to say I don’t think I’ll need to stop there again, ever, but I have seen it. I can add it to my list of where I’ve been.
Traveling on, on a beautiful non-hurricane related day, I decided to stop in Savannah again. Some of you might remember that I was here in the Spring. I checked into my hotel around 4:00 pm (about 20 miles south of Savannah) – and then drove onto downtown Savannah so I could walk around before dark. I remembered where to park for free and where I wanted to be for dinner. I got my parking place right where I had planned and did my own walking tour, but not before putting on a sweatshirt. It’s shorts and sweatshirt weather. Warm enough for shorts but chilly enough for a sweatshirt. I had such a nice time just breathing in the cool air, seeing the sights, not spending any money in the shops, looking at the architecture, and then I treated myself to a delicious dinner at 700 Drayton. After dinner I walked around the lobby of Mansion on Forsythe Park which happens to be an art gallery. It’s a beautiful hotel and it was a lovely evening.
I’m back in my hotel room now – blogging, thinking about a bath and a book and believe it or not I have the heat on. My mom said they are expecting frost tonight.
I am far from crying about anything – even with the frost news. I say bring it on, but not before I stop at Old Navy on my way to mom’s tomorrow with my gift certificate to buy a new sweater or two – and then pick up some firewood for that cozy fireplace.
Who needs a boyfriend.
Now you’re talking!!! 🙂