Here’s a ridiculous storage war story – I had tried to sell some items and posted everything on Facebook – two women fought over the folding table for $10 – a third person posted to not buy from me because I’m rude and so I took all the contents off-line and gave it all away. Except I made $25 on TV trays. Treated myself to breakfast last Saturday. I also made some money on 2 sets of china. I didn’t shed a tear when all the dishes were gone. I’m ready for new stuff,,, some day.
I almost sold the couch but this consignment place was really struggling trying to decide so I just gave that away too.
I was able to find Max’s (my dogs) ashes and spread his ashes in the Gulf. First I went to Ozona to a spot I used to ride my bike to but it was too rocky, so then I went to this park where I used to go all the time. I sprinkled his ashes in some water, a little trees nearby and sand. It’s been an emotional day. Having to move out had nothing to do with spreading his ashes, well it did sort of. I didn’t want them to accidentally end up in some resale shop. It’s been an emotional day.

I also was able to save my Terrible Towel signed by Rocky Blier and my yoga toes. Life is good!
Well enough of that – time to move on, seriously.
Speaking of moving on my “plan” is to head back to Virginia in a few days, unless Stephanie needs me here 🙂
Now that the storage issue is over and I have no job I don’t have a reason to stay. I had an interview last Friday and even though I thought “this” was it, it seemed like it went really well, as they all do, I did not get the job so I have told the head hunter to quit looking for jobs for me and I’m just going to head back north. There are no hurricanes predicted so at least I can make the trip without peril. I can’t imagine what would prevent me from going to Virginia this time but if I’ve learned anything it’s to not be surprised when my plans are thwarted. Stay tuned.
I want to start talking about the weather again. I miss my mundane mindless rants. Today is a perfect time to start back with them. There is talk of a cool down here in sunny FLA but the high’s over the weekend are showing 80°. I’m not sure where the “cool down” is. 80° is beautiful. I don’t think I’ll leave before I get to enjoy a little bit of that. I met a friend at the beach last Sunday and we actually went in the water and floated. The water temp is cold, maybe even in the 70’s now, but it was still very enjoyable. A lovely day with a lovely friend. AND I got to float. Ya know? Loved it. Maybe I’ll go to Virginia until it’s time to float again. It COULD happen that way. It’s time to start living in my head again. It’s a really nice place.
I’m looking forward to buying my next couch. I’m going to get a dog and let her (or him) sleep on it. I can’t wait.
Nothing quite so liberating as a clean slate. Best of luck with all that lies ahead…including getting your book published. Safe travels!
Thank you!! I’m looking forward to what comes next… and my new puppy 😉
Can’t wait to meet Mallie
Good memory Di!!
Puppy!!!! I like that idea! 🙂