What? Does that mean I’m staying here? It means NOTHING. It just seems like something natural to say. I still have no idea what is going on with me on a day to day basis, but….BUT…I’m even calmer about that. I am not only talking about taking one day at a time, I’m actually doing it and feeling it. Each morning I wonder what’s going to happen. Is today the day that it all falls apart even more? OR is today the day when it will all start to come together again. OR am I still in-between. There are a lot of in-between days apparently.
I went to a writing workshop this weekend. Those workshops are very motivational for me to keep working on my book. The girls were fun last night coming up with names for themselves in the book. Stephanie has been helping reading and encouraging me to keep going. These in-between days are good for editing. It’s a lot of work. I’m in such a rush to get it done and then I meet people who work on a book for years…..years. However, I think it’s basically done and I’m just working on edits so it’s okay to feel like I’m on the home stretch. Right?
I also went to the beach a couple times over the weekend. I am successfully getting my bronze color back. I left one month ago, okay a month and a half. When I left here I was floating, the water temp was in the 90’s. So I leave for just a short period of time, right? The air temps are still hot but that water is freezing! Maybe not actually Pacific coast freezing but there will be no floating going on. We did manage to dip our heads in one day but it’s one of those things that you have to work up the courage to go under. It’s cold. How did that happen? I am very very sad about that. Yesterday I came up with a temporary solution of putting my beach chair “in” the water on the shore so I was successfully cooled off, reading a book, in the water. So it might be the “fall” (i.e. autumn) method of floating. I don’t understand how the air is still hot but the water is cooled off. These are the perplexing quandaries that fill my days…how to successfully hang on the beach.
I must get ready for a job interview. Yes I have one. I’ll fill you all in later.
I’m probably too late for this, but, good luck with the job interview!
Never too late!! Thank you!
Love this..I’ll have to follow. A book..how cool! What’s it about, if you can say?
Thanks Pam!
Pam – the book is about living in Florida.