Moving right along

Now today I’m really feeling like myself again.  I walked on the beach this morning (I counted 200 steps to the beach from here) – Doing some laundry – have some chores to do and on my to-do list is to work on my book for the writing workshop for tomorrow.  So what am I doing? Watching Price is Right, drinking coffee and eating cookies.  I upgraded my phone though to IOS 10.0.2. That should count for something, right?  It did change the appearance on the phone. This is something really important in life, right?  The way my cell phone display looks?

Since I’m procrastinating I thought “why not blog?” and so here I am.

My doctors appointments are all completed. Tooth is in, skin is good, I even got some of those nasty skin tags removed although at the moment they look even nastier BUT I believe the beauty part will come soon and then the last appointment was the blood work yesterday which I survived.  I’ll get a phone call with those results.  So that’s all done and that’s all good.  I’m also here to settle the storage unit issues and I’m moving right along there so I really do think my time here has been productive. I’m feeling good.

I got a call yesterday from a temp agency in Richmond.  I have a Skype interview with them on Monday which means I will still be here in Florida then. I am taking full advantage of the time I have being on-line. I had to complete those Prove-it tests…again…the ones that test your competencies in data entry, Word, Excel, and typing – I got 100% on all of them.  HOWEVER, my typing speed at 1 minute was only 69 words a minute – no errors, but still.  That’s pretty low for me. Mrs. Besong is definitely ahead of me.  Oh well.  So now watch I’ll get a job in Richmond, repack the car and head north.  If there is a hurricane again I’m not moving.  I’m not!

I really thought I had something else to say but apparently today is a blank-mind day.  Maybe I’ll go clean out the refrigerator for something to do.  OR maybe I’ll take my book over to the beach.  Hmmm, wonder which it’ll be.




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