I had my email up today with an email ready to send you and I never got around to it. One of the problems is there are all these emails that I have access to. One of my concerns is that I’m going to use the wrong address – like the blog address – and you’ll respond and it’ll go viral. That’s an exaggeration…slightly…but still. Mostly I’m so freakin busy that I haven’t had time to check in. Of course I could call you after work but you know how we are and I haven’t had a huge block of time in-between work and being a slug. Tonight my cell phone is shut off – I’ll turn it back on tomorrow. I don’t care too much. I don’t really get phone calls. Do you know that the text and every other function still works with wi-fi? Even if they shut you off? I have a home phone that I have to have in order to keep the cost of the cable down – maybe I should go back to just a home phone and wi-fi. I don’t have an actual “phone” to plug in or I’d call you. Right now it’s just a phone line. Someday I’ll get a phone. It’s not high on my priority list.
Speaking of priorities, I make list upon list of things I need like:
- AAA batteries
- Salt
- Candles
- Flashlight
- Spatter screens
- Oven mitts
- Cinnamon
- Spatula
- Mouse pad
- Lamp shade
- Side table
- Phone
- step stool (I have one but it’s not tall enough)
- Toaster
- microwave
- Picture hangars
And on and on…and dressers, and plant stands and outdoor furniture and brackets to put sound bar on the wall. It’s amazing the little things you pitch and then think to yourself “wtf? You couldn’t save the spatula?” And I don’t have one casserole dish of any size. Not one. And how many mouse pads have I thrown out over the years. Well anyway, it’s going to take me a year just to get this stuff done and then I’ll be ready to move again. I have all my storage bins stacked around the room.

And I think I’m just going to leave them there. I’m going to go through all of them a little bit at a time and see if I can consolidate or pitch but honestly I’m thinking of just stacking them in a way that it would be like a dresser size height, maybe put a board on top and then like some sort of table-cloth or something – that’s something else I threw out – so many tablecloths – well Walmart has fabric, but anyway, maybe just do that – put my jewelry and stuff on top of that and call it a dresser. I can live out of the baskets on the floor. I mean really I have the room in there so maybe I’ll just forget the dresser for now and do that. It’s not like I’ll be entertaining or even inviting anyone over. Except I did tell Julia, my boss, well one of my bosses, that I’ll ask her over when I get it a little more put together. It’s cute, I’m not necessarily unhappy with the smallness and actually the bedroom is a nice size but I certainly can’t invite anyone over to watch TV, unless we watch it in bed…and don’t even go there. I can’t even imagine meeting anyone. I know you have hope for me there but I. Just. Can’t.
Speaking of having hope for me there did I tell you the Wisteria Lane girls (and Maryann) FaceTimed me last Friday night? (they were also advising on a future BF) Apparently it was Fireball Friday. I was so happy to hear their voices and see some faces. Even a little teary remembering a time when I actually had a lot of friends. Speaking of friends I am sooo looking forward to our girls weekend at Siesta Key next month. I’m feeling a bit guilty taking the time off of work but we have had the weekend planned over a year so I have to. I mean you’re depending on me right? I can’t let the girls down. It’ll be nice to spend some quality time getting caught up with everyone.
Well Di so far it’s going pretty good. Real good at work. I really like everyone and am hoping that I’ll be helpful to them. I learned about a new spreadsheet program today, I think it’s called Money Manager – well whatever it’s called I was very excited – love that kind of stuff – so I’m in spreadsheet heaven if I can ever get past calendaring to work on it. This calendar business is impossible. I will figure it out but seriously I think I’d rather answer the phone again. And you know how much I like answering phones. But I like going to work. I like having something to do. I’d love to walk there but I don’t want to drag all my stuff with me. Although tonight after work I walked up and back just to see how long it would take me. I could get there in 15 minutes walking so if I could just take a light tote bag I could do it. The morning and after work are the best times to walk before it gets hot. The weather has been perfect – only up to about 80 or low 80’s. I haven’t even had the AC on this week – I’ve had to use the heater a little bit in the evening but it’ll heat up again soon. There’s actually fires around and we’re in some sort of state of fire hazard apparently. Someone at work brought this picture that was unbelievable with a fire (smoke) behind his neighborhood. Just like California. WTF?
Anyway, this weekend I’m going back to Stephanie’s for Easter – we have Good Friday off so I’ll head over Thursday night I guess. Jimmy’s birthday is Thursday and it’s killing me not to see him. I mean really really killing me.. this no kid part is soooo hard. When I first moved down here I think I saw them every 6 weeks or whenever I wanted – this work /days off restriction makes me want to throw up. If I could have taken Thursday off I would have been able to come up for $100 round trip on Allegiant. I LOVE Allegiant. But I just can’t ask for the day off already – not with taking May off too. Hopefully I’ll be up for my birthday in June. This is the hardest part this not seeing the boys. I HATE it. But that’s all I hate so far…the rest is not bad…not bad at all.
Alright I guess that’s it for now. I could go on and on but I think it’s time to veg and watch TV. I could start putting pictures up on the wall except I need the picture hangars or nails..it’s on the list. Oh did I tell you I’m watching Grace and Frankie? I am addicted to that show. I usually watch it when I get in bed but then I laugh out loud through most of them so not a real good show to fall asleep to. But that show is hilarious. Do you watch it?
Okay now that’s it. I promise I’ll call. Maybe I’ll call when I’m on my way to Stephanie’s. The 2 ½ hour trip that takes 5 hours. Damn Disney tourists.
A Di update on the blogosphere? Holy cow. I’ll keep my reply short. Good use of bins, for now. I did not know the wisteria gang called you. They gave me an open invite to join them during the bunko bus ride to Donna O’s. The one time I emailed about meeting them (to perhaps rally the troops), they weren’t meeting. I think Sally and Mary Ann were out of town. And no April bunko-so I might have to crash FBF soon. Glad work is going well. I knew it was the right move for you. And of course I’m depending on you coming to Siesta Key. I’m sorry that it’s cutting into your kid time, but it’s our yearly thing so we all have to show up. Plus you have to grocery shop with the Pallone girls while Kerry and I save chairs at the pool. Grace and Frankie is on my Netflix list (Janice loves it too), but I haven’t watched yet. I’m near the end of a West Wing rewatch. Sorry I missed your call last night-it was a John Sheline work night. Just one more. Tax season went fast. Looking forward to chatting on the way to Stephanie’s. And yes, Lester Holt told me about the state of ER in FL b/c of fires. Be careful! -D ❤
Thought I’d kill two birds with one update.. xoxox